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UofG Course Scheduler 🗓

React Web App + Flask API

Description 📚

React web application that provides a schedule-building tool for University of Guelph students.

Infrastructure 🏗️

The front-end of the application was built using React. The course data is fetched from a Flask API which loads its data from parsing the university's website HTML. Traffic to the API and client is managed through NGINX, which serves on HTTPS through a self-signed certificate. The application is hosted on a Microsoft Azure VM and accessible at

Testing for the application was done through Python's unittest library, React's @testing-library, and Cypress for E2E coverage of the application.

Related Concepts / Learnings 💭

  • Full Stack Development
  • React
  • Flask APIs
  • Python HTML Parser
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Cypress <- check out our web application using this link!


This next section describes the purpose of each subdirectory in this repo. For more specific information about a given service, please view each directory's README.

/api 📊

Contains code for our Flask API that provides course information. Accessible at{query}. Hosted through a reverse proxy that forwards all traffic to our gunicorn WSGI that is hosting the app on port 8080. This WSGI is kept running through the use of pm2. All code written in this directory is linted through pylint.

Is automatically deployed through GitLab CI/CD by copying over the latest api code to the server each time changes made to main, and then reloads the pm2 process with the new code.

/cli 🧑‍💻

Contains code for our Python HTML parser and CLI that extracts course information from a given webpage and allows the user to search through it via a CLI. The output from is the source of our data used in our API.

Contains unit tests to ensure our data remains parsed as expected. These unit tests are run each time changes are made to the code in this directory through GitLab CI/CD.

/client 🖥

Contains code for our React Web Application that provides an interface for a user to generate a course schedule. Fetches data from our Flask API and displays it in a calendar. Accessible at Statically served through NGINX by placing our compiled application in the /www directory. All code written in this directory is linted through eslint.

Contains unit tests that are automatically ran each time a commit is made that adjusts code in this directory. Also is automatically re-deployed whenever new changes are made to the main branch.

Contains an 'end-to-end' test suite built using the Cypress framework. Simulates common user flows and asserts that our production environment behaves as expected. Cypress has been integrated into our GitLab CI/CD and will perform a test run whenever the main branch is updated. Videos of the e2e testing are stored as artifacts and more detailed information about each run can be viewed on our Cypress dashboard here.

/nginx 📡

Contains our NGINX configuration files along with bash script to manage fresh installation and applying changes to the configuration.

Video Demo
