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Releases: magefile/mage


11 May 15:40
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v1.14.0 - Faster Than Ever

16 Sep 18:27
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.13.0...v1.14.0

v1.13.0 - Magefiles Directory and more!

16 Mar 17:14
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.12.1...v1.13.0

v1.12.1 - Second Verse, Same as the First

17 Dec 16:13
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This is a copy of v1.12.0 ... nothing has changed. However, there was an initial v1.12.0 that was created accidentally, and then deleted, and it's causing some go proxies to complain. So hopefully this will fix that.


v1.12.0 - Small Fixes

16 Dec 14:19
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This is our first release in a while, and nothing major is added, but some small fixes have gone out, like making the mainfile deterministic and making sure we can use -h with imported targets.


v1.11.0 Arguments!

29 Dec 05:12
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07afc7d update release pipeline slightly (#327)
aba3950 I guess arguments work now (#326)
3730191 target: rework modtime comparison logic #323 (#324)
2ded30c Add -ldflags flag (#322)
50f568e get mage tests to pass on windows (#312)
707b7bd update the WorkDir (-w) flag to default to the Dir (-d) value as documented (#310)

Colors, working directory, some better errors

08 Jul 20:43
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9a10961 #285 add color output for mage list (#301)
310e198 update home page with a better example (#293)
cb825cb Ensure MAGEFILE_VERBOSE set in compiled magefile (#300)
7747d7c add copyright to license (#299)
8a5905f Improve error message for failed imports (#298)
fd985b9 update install docs on site for #229 (#292)
6076b08 Mage Code of Conduct (#284)
5d10b67 Set magefiles working directory (#277)
0c7e3de filter mageimport files (#281)
1e0dbb8 Set GOARCH to amd64 for TestListMagefilesIgnoresRespectsGOOSArg (#275)
e353334 Add missing dependency to example Magefile (#274)
9e2b3db Add RunVWith command (#261)
d6f8413 enable detail/stack printing for the Go 2 proposal for error values (#259)

Modules and go1.13 Fixes

13 Sep 18:29
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1c36bf7 swallow error on no non-magefiles (#265)
e1fda1a add MAGEFILE_HASHFAST that intentionally doesn't rerun go build (#258)
05f8c9d Improve error message on wrong type of mg.Deps argument (#240) (#241)
d30a2cf fix tests when running in module mode (#257)
9a6d7fe Fix Debug() documentation (#253)
5bc3a8a If GOBIN is set when installing, prefer that over GOPATH (#232)
8dce728 improve lowercasing of target names: YAMLGenerate -> yamlGenerate (#225)
8c9aa25 Add expansion of envvars and a Glob function to target package (#219)
00c8eff Pass MAGEFILE_GOCMD to compiled binary (#210)
158fd4c Typo seen when running mage (#230)
5dee1ad Close sh.Copy destination file descriptor (#223)
8c70a98 Fix git clone link for Go modules in README (#218)
85b33f7 Sort target list (#212)
4d83845 Fix documentation for GoCmdEnv (#207)
6b5776c Typo in sh.OutputWith documentation (#206)
64997ca update readme

v1.8.0 - Papercuts and Bug Fixes

12 Dec 03:34
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Several nice to have fixes that have been waiting for some TLC. The important ones:

  • Binaries compiled with -compile now have support for all the applicable flags from Mage itself, so for example you can do <your binary> -l to list the targets. see for full details.
  • Specifying GOOS and GOARCH now won't confuse mage. Previously if you attempted to use mage to run go build and specified a different GOOS or GOARCH in your environment variables, those environment variables would change the binary that mage builds out of your magefile, and generally made it not executable on your system. Now that won't happen. To run -compile and create a binary for a different platform, use the -goos and -goarch flags.


fix one line imports as mage:imports (#204)
refactor alias/default parsing to support imported packages and namespaces (#203)
GOOS and GOARCH fixes (#202)
Compiled flags (#201)


17 Oct 19:14
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Bug Fix

This fixes #188 - if you had mixed magefiles in with non-magefiles and then tried to import the magefiles... everything broke. This puts the behavior back to what it was previous to 1.7.0, where we did not set build the magefile itself with the mage build flag.


11d1591 dont use -tags=mage when doing mage:imports and compiling (#189)