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MailBots API JS Client (Beta)

JavaScript client for interacting with the MailBots Email API. Works in the browser and node.js.

Note: MailBots is currently in private beta. Enter your email on the MailBots Home Page to request an invitation


Quick example:

npm install mailbots-sdk
const var MailBotsClient = require('mailbots-sdk');

// initialize
const mbClient = new MailBotsClient({clientId: 'YOUR_MAILBOT_CLIENT_ID'});

// create a task
const task = {
        task: {
          reference_email: {
            server_recipient: '',
            to: [''],
            subject: "Test1",
            html: "Test1",

// create a task with a callback
mbClient.createTask(task, function(err, res) { console.log(err || res)});

// promises work, too.
const res = mbClient.createTask(task)
	.then(function(res) {
	.catch(function(err) {

// along with async/await of course ✨
const res = await mbClient.createTask(task); //in async function
  • YOUR_MAILBOT_CLIENT_ID – Find this in the developer portal.
  • YOUR_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN - Authenticate your bot and copy your bot's access_token from webhook requests (it is sent with every request).

References and Examples


cp .env.example .env npm t

We use nock for mocking network requests. The mocked requests / responses match the values in .env.example.

To run against the live API, you'll need to setup a couple test MailBots, copy their values into .env and run "test:live"


Set the env variable DEBUG=mailbots-sdk to log debugging information.


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to send us an email or create a PR. A few notes:

  • npm t will watch for changes and re-run tests on save, letting you make rapid progress.
  • See package.json and mbTestUtils.js about mocking network requests.
  • Make sure to run npm run build to rebuild the lib.
  • Try to follow MailBot naming conventions
