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Contains all the Day-to-day projects created during TNSIF C2TC

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Contains all the Day-to-day projects created during TNSIF C2TC

📌 Make sure you ⚠️⚠️check the "Steps Eclipse Git Connection" for connecting ECLIPSE and GITHUB. ⚠️ I have also solved the ❌❌ " master -> master [rejected - non-fast-forward ] " ❌❌ ERROR which we get while uploading future files.

📌 You can see the programs in " src " folder

🎗️PROJECT -> DayOne

📌Discussed about " BASIC JAVA CONCEPTS "

This project contains the below class: All classes are " public static void main".

1.Varaiables and Datatypes 2.Arithmetic Operator 3.Assignment Operator 4.Boolean and Unicode 5.Ternary Operators 6.Primitive Datatype Float 7.Primitive Datatype Integer 8.Strings 9.Type-Casting

🎗️PROJECT -> DayTwo

📌Discussed about " LOOPING CONCEPTS "

This project contains the below class: All classes are " public static void main".

1.Decision Making With Operators 2.For Loops 3.If 4.Nested if-else 5.Switch Statements 6.Break and Continue 7.While 8.Do while 9.Switch Case char 10.Switch Case string 11.Switch Case int

🎗️PROJECT -> DayThree 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about " ENCAPSULATION "

This project contains the below class:

1.Customer 2.Person 3.Student 4.Encapsulation Demo (psvm) 5.Constructor Demo (psvm) 6.Scanner Demo (psvm) 7.Tax Calculation

🎗️PROJECT -> DayFour 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about " ACCESS MODIFIERS "

1.Here create 2 packages :--> , 2.Now inside --> create 2 classes --> TestOne (psvm) , TestTwo (psvm) 3.Now inside --> create 2 classes --> TestThree (psvm) , TestFour (psvm)

🎗️PROJECT -> DayFive 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "


1.Here create 4 packages :--> , , , 2.Now inside --> create 3 classes --> Citizen , Student , SingleInheritanceDemo (psvm) 3.Now inside --> create 1 class --> MultipleInheritanceDemo (psvm) ---> (⚠️ Because of ambiquity , we cannot have this type of inheritance in java) 4.Now inside --> create 4 classes --> Country , State , City , MultilevelInheritanceDemo (psvm) 5.Now inside --> create 4 classes --> Person , Student , Employee , HierarchicalInheritanceDemo (psvm)

🎗️PROJECT -> DaySix 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about " STATIC KEYWORD " --> includes static class , static method , static variable , static block

1.Create a package called --> keyword. 2.Inside this package create 4 classes as shown below: 1)--> Student 2)--> StaticVariableDemo (psvm) 3)--> StaticClassDemo (psvm) 4)--> StaticMethodDemo (psvm) ----> we have discussed about "STATIC BLOCK" inside this

🎗️PROJECT -> DaySeven 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about " POLYMORPHISM " --> includes Overloading , Overriding , Final Keyword

1.Create 3 packages: 1) --> 3 classes: -> Points , MethodOverloading , OverloadingDemo (psvm) 2) --> 5 classes: -> RBI , SBI , ICICI , HDFC , OverridingDemo (psvm) 3) --> 4 classes: -> FnalVariable (psvm) , FinalMethod , Demo , ClassDemo , Test

🎗️PROJECT -> DayEight 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about " ABSTRACTION and INTERFACE,implementable class and MULTIPLE INHERITANCE" --> includes abstarct keyword , Concrete class

1.Create 2 package ,

1)Inside 1st package 7 classes: -> Demo , Main (psvm) , Notes , Rectangle , Shape , Square , AbstractionDemo (psvm)

2)Inside 2nd package 8 classes: -> Bike , Inf1 , Inf2 , InfImpl , InterfaceExample (psvm), MultipleInheritanceDemo , Notes , RoyalEnfield

🎗️PROJECT -> DayNine 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about "WRAPPER CLASS(AutoBoxing , Unboxing) AND STRINGS (Operations , assignments , stringbuffer)"

Create 2 packages - > ,

1)Inside wrapper package create a class WrapperClassDemo 2) Inside String make 3 class StringBufferDemo , StringBufferExample, StringOperationsDemo

One more package named "assignment" has all the related works with more examples.

🎗️PROJECT -> DayTen 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about "ARRAYS -> Types, Jagged Arrays ,Operations on arrays"

Create a package : -> Inside this make 7 classes: -> ArrayClassDemo (psvm), ArrayOfObjects (psvm), JaggedArrayDemo (psvm), MLArray , MultiDimensionalArrayDemo (psvm), Notes , Student

🎗️PROJECT -> DayEleven 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about "EXCEPTION HANDLING -> try , catch , finally , throw , throws , user-defined exception and ERRORS"

Create 2 packages : ->

1)default : class-> CompileTimeException(psvm) , Demo(psvm) ,ExampleOne (psvm), ExampleTwo (psvm), Main(psvm) 2) : class -> Finally (psvm), ThrowExample (psvm), ThrowsExample (psvm), UserDefinedException (psvm)

🎗️PROJECT -> DayTwelve 📌 Here psvm means " use of public static void main "

📌Discussed about "COLLECTIONS -> Comparable , comparator , generics(class,constructor,method) , list-interface ,ARRAYLIST , LINKEDLIST"

Create 3 packages:

1) -> List (psvm) , Person < Student

2) ->GenericClass ,GenericClassDemo (psvm), GenericConstructor , GenericConstructorDemo (psvm), GenericMethod, GenericMethodDemo (psvm), Person

3) -> ArrayListDemo (psvm) , LinkedListDemo (psvm) , Notes , Person