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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

Install dependencies

npm install

First, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

For a complete set up you will need to create an .env.local in the root directory and fill with env variables.


To skip sending real user data to cognito, add the following env variable



Shared components are in the components folder. To see examples of available components or easily develop components outside of the app run npm run storybook Storybook.

Project Conventions

Since we have two sections of this app, for Creator's and User's (the marketplace). Creator app specific code is contained in an Creators folder, for example: Components/Creators or the file's prefixed with "Creator" for example: CreatorCollectionContext.js.

Deploy on Vercel

We are currently using Heroku for deployments due to pricing issues with vercel and github org accounts.

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Continuous Integration

All pull requests to the main branch will be automatically checked for build errors using .github/workflows/pull-request.yaml.

Styles and Component Libraries

This project used Tailwind to add styles using utility class names for example: bg-primary, h-full, font-lg.

You can find the project specific configuration for Tailwind in tailwind.config.js file in this repository. In addition to Tailwind, this project uses DaisyUI components wherever they closely match the designs. The custom configuration for DaisyUI is also found in tailwind.config.js.

Styles are generated with PostCSS.

Consider downloading Tailwind CSS IntelliSense if using VS Code.

Overrides for Daisy UI and aother component libraries can be found in globals.css.

Code Formatting & Linting

Prettier Eslint


Unit tests are written using React Testing Library and [Jest] (

To run all tests

npm run test

To run a specific test file, run:

npm run tests [fileName.test.js]

All tests can be found under the tests folder.

Managing Content

Content for some pages can be found under within '.json' files in the content/ folder to make content easy to update without having to know React. In there, there is a marketplace (NiftyTunes) and creator (BRIDG3 For Creators) folder for each section of the app. Each .json file corresponds to a single page within the app, edit the values of each key in the json object to change the text that appears on each page.

You can find references to these content files throughout the app by searching for content.[some key] for example content.title in the artist's home page (creator/index.js) corresponds to the "title:" in key in the home.json file.

If needed, you can double check the syntax of the json object after making changes by copy and pasting the contents of the .json file into a linter for example and checking that it is valid.