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Universal Acceptance Java Tutorial Code Examples

This is a project containing code examples for the UA Java tutorial authored and delivered by Viagenie to the ICANN Universal Acceptance community.

There are currently two projects in this repo:

  1. eai-validation which contains the UA tutorial full example of the correct way to validate and send an email with ICU & Jakarta Mail in Java
  2. obsolete-validation which contains the wrong and obsolete way (validation with a regex) shown at the beginning of the tutorial

Testing the Examples With Docker

If you just want to do some tests with the commandline, docker is the easiest route. To start a fake smtp server and examples ready to run:

$ docker-compose up -d

Then open your browser here: http://localhost:8025/# to see emails coming in.

Testing the eai-validation Project

Then, you can fire some internationalized emails by typing commands like:

$ docker container exec ua-tuto-java ./eai -e

You should see an email enter labelled " subscription" (the fake company used in the tutorial).

Testing the obsolete-validation Project

You can lookup what kind of errors internationalized emails will generate by typing commands like:

$ docker container exec ua-tuto-java ./obsolete -e

You should see something like:

java.lang.Exception: Invalid email address, please review it and submit again

If you want to know what would be the error on the old JavaMail 1.5.6, you can add the flag -n or --no-validation to try to send the email without the regex validation:

$ docker container exec ua-tuto-java ./obsolete --email --no-validation

You should get an error from javax.mail then:

javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Domain contains control or whitespace in string ``''

Testing on your host machine

To test on your machine, you need to install first java 11+:

and Gradle:

Then go in each project and enter

$ ./gradlew build
$ ./gradlew install

to build and create the executables here:




This work was done by Viagenie, under a contract by ICANN.


Universal Acceptance Java Tutorial Examples







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