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Releases: marcus-crane/october


08 Jun 04:02
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v1.9.0-beta3 Pre-release

This release progresses the built-in CLI tool a little bit, changing from trying to magically detect a terminal to requiring the user to explicitly provide a subcommand.

There are many cases where terminal-like environments don't look like terminals and vice versa so we shouldn't try to guess too much.

As such, executing the CLI now looks like this:

Windows: C:\Program Files\utf9k\October\october.exe cli
macOS: /Applications/ cli
Linux: /usr/local/bin/october cli

I'm aiming to get this wrapped up later today but still need to test out Windows and Linux versions

Full Changelog: v1.9.0-beta2...v1.9.0-beta3


17 Jan 09:58
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v1.9.0-beta2 Pre-release

NOTE: This release hasn't been tested yet on Windows or macOS, particularly to exercise the terminal detection code.

This release moves the still-unreleased CLI tool inside of October itself.

If you try to invoke October from a terminal, it will act as a CLI tool and vice versa if you invoke it as a desktop application.

As a reminder, October can be found in the following locations.

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\utf9k\October\october.exe
  • macOS: /Applications/
  • Linux: /usr/local/bin/october

Packaging the CLI this way gives a few benefits:

  • The CLI tool is effectively free in terms of file size to include whereas packaging a second binary doubles the size despite the two codebases being almost identical
  • Having a different version of the CLI tool compared to the desktop app may be confused and/or lead to unexpected issues if incompatible versions are used together (ie; differing settings formats for example)
  • A much simpler distribution method. Trying to package a separate CLI with the desktop app was becoming very difficult and complex.

Full Changelog: v1.9.0-beta1...v1.9.0-beta2


30 Dec 10:34
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v1.9.0-beta1 Pre-release

This release introduces a very minimal CLI version of October for power users.

Currently, it is packaged with October but it may end up being distributed as a standalone program ie; a separate distribution attached to each release as some users may only ever want the GUI and vice versa.

You can find the CLI in the following places:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\utf9k\October\october-cli.exe
  • macOS: /Applications/
  • Linux: /usr/local/bin/october-cli

Invoking the CLI tool show the help menu with the only command currently being october-cli sync which will sync your highlights.

it uses the same process as the GUI but relies on your settings having been configured via the GUI as there is currently no ability to modify settings from the CLI.

This will be added shortly though.

Figuring out how to sign an extra binary and distribute it was the harder part of all this really.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0-beta1


18 Dec 04:55
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This release adds support for Linux machines running arm64 such as newer Raspberry Pi devices apparently.

It has been tested using an Ubuntu arm64 VM running on a macOS Silicon device via Parallels but any feedback from users with real Linux arm64 devices would be appreciated.

Some general improvements for the Linux .deb packages has been done too, mainly defining required dependencies that can cause October to not boot within certain distros, such as pop_OS! due to dev libraries not being installed out of the box.

Behind the scenes, a bunch of work has been done to slim down the release pipeline and generate build artifacts against pull requests, which should greatly speed up the feedback loop for development.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0


18 Dec 04:28
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v1.8.0-beta2 Pre-release


18 Dec 04:23
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v1.8.0-beta1 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.7.1-beta1...v1.8.0-beta1


05 Dec 07:15
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v1.7.1-beta1 Pre-release

This release contains some small improvements for Linux users:

  • Added an Appstream definition which should populate installer metadata
  • Fixed version not being properly included in .deb CONTROL files which may have made installers think that newer debs were not candidates for installation.
  • Added a depends clause which will enforce packages that are generally included by default in some distros but may be missing in others (such as pop_OS!)

Non-user facing:

  • Consolidated Linux asset templates to avoid one or the other being outdated in future. This has no purpose currently but templates will be shared between arm64 and amd64 versions shortly.


04 Dec 07:54
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This release mostly contains maintenance fixes that have cropped up since the last release as well as a new distribution method.

I'm looking to get back to some feature work during the quieter Christmas period but first I had to fix some breakages introduced by Apple changing how code signing works.

  • Removed dependency on CGO for database access which will make future maintenance much easier
  • Patched a race condition that can lead to an extra closing } being added to settings files
  • Added a small bit of logic that tries to repair settings files that may have been corrupted by the previously mentioned bug
  • Fixed up release pipelines which were affected by Apple code signing changes

Additionally, October is now available via Homebrew going forward for macOS users.

It can be installed by running brew update to get the latest Cask definition followed by brew install --cask october.

CleanShot 2023-12-05 at 10 17 50@2x

Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0


04 Dec 07:09
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v1.7.0-beta14 Pre-release

Yet another take


16 Nov 07:01
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v1.7.0-beta11 Pre-release
  • Removes CGO as a dependency for database access
  • Fix some race conditions that can corrupt settings file
  • Try to automatically repair settings file if it has been corrupted
  • Fix up release pipelines due to various changes such as how Apple does code signing etc etc

Full Changelog: v1.7.0-beta10...v1.7.0-beta11