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GitHub Action

Steady Step


Steady Step


Steady Step

Enables the option for dry-run execution of a step, consequently facilitating integration testing of workflows


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Steady Step

uses: igwejk/action-steady-step@v0.0.3

Learn more about this action in igwejk/action-steady-step

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steady-step action

Enables the option for dry-run execution of a step, consequently facilitating integration testing of workflows.



Required The command line to be executed as the step. run command line will not be executed when STEADY_STEP_ACTION_MODE environment variable is set to dry-run.

It is assumed that the command is compatible with the parent job's platform.


required Provided that the STEADY_STEP_ACTION_MODE environment variable is set to dry-run, the stub command line will be executed to simulate the outcome of run execution. The stub provides an opportunity to control the output of the step, hence facilitating integration testing of workflows.


The output is dependent on the run or stub being executed, with respect to the execution environment.


This is reserved for action users to set arbitrary outputs.


The standard error stream of run or stub is collected in this output.


The standard output stream of run or stub is collected in this output.

Example usage

Example .1

id: a-strong-step-forwards
name: Sparkle Deployment
uses: actions/steady-step@v0.0.2
  run: >-
      --sparkle-level=${{ env.SPARKLE_LEVEL }}
  stub: >-
      --sparkle-level=${{ env.SPARKLE_LEVEL }}

Example .2

This shows how to set output.

- id: how-to-set-output
  name: Demonstration of how to set steady step output
  uses: actions/steady-step@v0.0.2
    run: >-
      echo 'result={ "actual": [ "json", "output" ] }' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    stub: >-
      echo 'result={ "fake": [ "json", "output" ] }' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- id: use-the-output
  name: Demonstration of how to use steady step output
  run: echo "steady step outcome: ${{ }}"