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msubsup issue

Volker Sorge edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 9 revisions

Issue. Back to list of issues.

The Msubsup issue

Msubsup are broken up in the semantic tree into explicit subscripts and superscripts if advisable.

We will stick with alternative 2 and add a collapsed attribute. Example is now here:

  <msubsup type="subsup" role="latinletter" id="4" children="0,1,2" collapsed="(4 (3 0 1) 2)">
    <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="0" parent="4">a</mi>
    <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="1" parent="4">b</mi>
    <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="2" parent="4">c</mi>

Still to do: Look into prime, etc.

Original MathML:


Semantic Tree:

  <superscript role="latinletter" id="4">
      <subscript role="subsup" id="3">
          <identifier role="latinletter" font="italic" id="0">a</identifier>
          <identifier role="latinletter" font="italic" id="1">b</identifier>
      <identifier role="latinletter" font="italic" id="2">c</identifier>

Straightforward translation of the semantic tree into the MathML element, naturally ruins the msubsup element. Here's the semantically enriched MathML:

  <msubsup type="superscript" role="latinletter" id="4" children="3,2">
    <mrow type="subscript" role="subsup" id="3" children="0,1" parent="4">
      <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="0" parent="3">a</mi>
      <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="1" parent="3">b</mi>
    <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="2" parent="4">c</mi>

Alternative is this semantically enriched MathML:

<msubsup type="subsup" role="latinletter" id="4" children="0,1,2">
  <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="0" parent="4">a</mi>
  <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="1" parent="4">b</mi>
  <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="2" parent="4">c</mi>

Observe that this does not affect elements where msubsup has discernably been used as a layout element. See, for example the following sum expression:


Semantic Tree:

  <limboth role="sum" id="3">
      <largeop role="sum" id="0"></largeop>
      <identifier role="latinletter" font="italic" id="1">b</identifier>
      <identifier role="latinletter" font="italic" id="2">c</identifier>

Semantically enriched MathML:

  <msubsup type="limboth" role="sum" id="3" children="0,1,2">
    <mo type="largeop" role="sum" id="0" parent="3"></mo>
    <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="1" parent="3">b</mi>
    <mi type="identifier" role="latinletter" id="2" parent="3">c</mi>
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