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Base10 is a metrics abstractoin layer for linking multiple metrics source and stores. It also simplifies metric creation and proxying.


Base10's documentation can be found at

Installing Base10

Base10 can be installed from Pypi using pip:

pip install base10


This shows a simple metric generator that writes a JSON formatted metric, containing a random value, to RabbitMQ.

from random import random
from time import sleep

from base10 import MetricHelper, MetricHandler
from base10.dialects import JSONDialect
from base10.transports import RabbitMQWriter

if __name__ == '__main__':

    class MyMetric(MetricHelper):
        _name = 'metric'

        _fields = [

        _metadata = [

    class JSON(MetricHandler):
        _dialect = JSONDialect()
        _writer = RabbitMQWriter(
            broker='', exchange='amq.topic', topic='metrics.example')

    json = JSON()

    while True:
        json.write(MyMetric(value=random(), hostname='test'))

This shows a simple proxy that reads JSON formatted metrics from RabbitMQ and outputs them in InfluxDB format over a UDP socket.

from base10 import MetricHandler
from base10.dialects import JSONDialect, SplunkDialect  #InfluxDBDialect
from base10.transports import RabbitMQReader, UDPWriter

if __name__ == '__main__':

    class RabbitMQ(MetricHandler):
        _dialect = JSONDialect()
        _reader = RabbitMQReader(
            broker='', exchange='amq.topic', routing_key='metrics.#')

    class InfluxDB(MetricHandler):
        _dialect = SplunkDialect()  #InfluxDBDialect()
        _writer = UDPWriter(host='', port=10000)

    rabbitmq = RabbitMQ()
    influxdb = InfluxDB()

    for metric in


To contribute to base10, please make sure that any new features or changes to existing functionality include test coverage.

Pull requests that add or change code without coverage will most likely be rejected.

Additionally, please format your code using yapf with facebook style prior to issuing your pull request.

yapf --style=facebook -i -r base10