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Tommy Flowers, MBE 1905-1998

Pure-fp Scala library for emulating WW2-era cipher machines.


flowers currently offers access to these machines:

Machine Picture Cipher Type Users
Enigma M3/M4 Enigma Substitution German (Nazi) Military, all branches
Lorenz Sz-40/42 Lorenz Rotor-stream (Vernam) German (Nazi) High Command OKH/W


Add the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.github.mattlianje" %% "flowers" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

Example use:

import flowers.machines.lorenz._

val input =
    | To OKH OP ABT and to OKH Foreign Armies East from Army Group South IA 01 No 411/43,
    | signed von Weich, General Feldsmarchall, dated 25/4:
    | Comprehensive appreciation of the enemy for Zitadelle
    | In the main the appreciation of the enemy remains the same as reported in 
    | Army Group South IIA, No. 0477/43 of 29/3and in the supplementary appreciation of 15/4
    | The main concentration, which was already then apparent on the north flank of the Army Group
    | in the general area Kursk-Ssudsha-Volchansk-Ostrogoshk, can now be clearly recognized

val result = for {
  machine <- LorenzMachine.getDefault()
  cipherText <- machine.encrypt(input)
} yield cipherText

result match {
  case Right(text) => println(text)
  case Left(error) => println(s"Oops: $error")


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「Deep-dive」: Lorenz Sz-40/42

Lorenz and "𝛥"-ing

  • Lorenz XOR's 5 plaintext impulses P{1...5}, with the corresponding cams of 𝝌, then 𝜓 to produce Z
  • Decryption is done as follows: Z ⊕ 𝜓 ⊕ 𝝌 = P
  • 𝝌{1...5} and 𝜇1 rotate after each input. 𝜇2 rotates ⟺ 𝜇1 = 1, and 𝜓{1...5} rotate ⟺ 𝜇1 ⊕ 𝜇2 = 1

Why "de-𝝌" attacks?

When 𝝌1 and 𝝌2 are in their correct starting positions and the pin settings have already been broken with some flavour of Turingismus the "de-𝝌" exploits:

  1. The properties of bitwise XOR ...
    • ∀ 5 bit 𝛼 and 𝛼' ⟺ 𝛼 = 𝛼' = 10010 ⟺ 𝛼 ⊕ 𝛼' = 00000
  2. The property of Lorenz where all 𝜓 wheels rotated in unison by increment 1 if at all
  3. A corollary of 2 ...
    • more than 50% of the time 𝛥𝜓 = 0 ... where 𝛥i = i ⊕ î (^ = succeeding character)
  4. The properties of the German language with frequent double graphemes (ff, ss, zz) and the bad habits of teleprinter operators repeating FigureShifts and LetterShifts and Spaces

The consequence of 1-4 for a given cipher-text Z:

  • Zi,j=jth impulse of ith cipher letter of Z
  • de-𝝌 = 𝛥Zi,1 ⊕ 𝛥Zi,2 ⊕ 𝛥𝝌1 ⊕ 𝛥𝝌2 ... ∀ Zi ∈ Z

de-𝝌 has ~50% 0's if the starting positions of 𝝌1 and 𝝌2 are incorrect and ~53% 0s if they are correct and the cipher-text is longer than ~4000 characters.