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Package `vald` encapsulates and drives validation logic for inputs like HTML form data.


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GoDoc Go Report Card License: BSD 3 Clause

Package vald encapsulates and drives validation logic for inputs like HTML form data.


Consider a web server with many HTML pages, each containing a form which is then POSTed back to the server. Validating each parameter of each form usually results in a number of functions with spaghetti code that is hard to maintain and modify. This package provides a framework for defining such code in a much more compact form, also taking care of all the low-level details of the validation process. Example:

// statically construct a validator function with a list of parameters to process
var validateForm1 = vald.Pack(
	// required parameter "id" with a value that must match the given regular expression
	vald.Req("id", vald.Regex(`^[0-9]{6}$`)),
	// optional parameter "name"
	vald.Opt("name", vald.Regex(`^[a-zA-Z]+$`)),
	// required parameter "amount"
	vald.Req("amount", vald.Regex(`^[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]{2}$`)),
	// optional parameter "currency" with the default value "GBP"
	vald.OptDef("currency", vald.OneOf("USD", "GBP", "EUR"), "GBP"),

This function can later be used in an HTTP POST handler:

func handleForm1(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	err := validateForm1(r.FormValue, func(k, v string) error {
		// process key "k" with validated value "v"
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		// some parameter is invalid or missing

	// ...

Alternatively, the validator can be used to build a Go map of validated parameters:

func handleForm2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	params, err := validateForm1.Map(r.FormValue)

	if err != nil {
		// some parameter is invalid or missing

	// here "params" is a map[string]string, filled with validated parameters

How it works

All data types used in this package are functions, and they can always be substituted with other user-provided functions with matching signature and suitable behaviour.

The main type is Validator, which is a function func(Getter, Consumer) error, and it is the one that does the actual validation of one or more parameters. The package provides a number of constructors for the functions of this type, in particular (see documetation for more details):

  • Pack takes a variable list of other validators and constructs a single validator that when called invokes its arguments one by one in the order of specification;
  • Req constructs a validator for a parameter with the given name and checker function that returns an error if the parameter is not present;
  • Opt constructs a validator for a parameter with the given name and checker function that does nothing if the parameter is not present;
  • OptDef constructs a validator for a parameter with the given name and checker function that supplies the given default value if the parameter is not present;
  • Cond constructs a validator for a parameter with the given name and checker function that acts like the one produced by Opt constructor, but also proceeds with the first given validator if the parameter is present, or with the second validator otherwise.

All the above constructors (except Pack) take at least two parameters: parameter name as a string, and a function of type Checker with the signature func(string) (string, error). The function receives a value of a parameter and returns the same (or overwritten) value, or an error. There is a number of Checker constructors provided, like Regex or OneOf, see documetation for more details.

Each Validator function takes two parameters. The first one is Getter of type func(string) string. This function is expected to return either the value associated with the given parameter name, or an empty string. A number of functions from standard library fit this pattern, for example:

  • http.Request.FormValue
  • http.Request.PostFormValue
  • url.Values.Get
  • os.Getenv

The package also provides a convenience constructor FromMap that makes a Getter from the given map[string]string.

The second parameter is a callback function Consumer of type func(string, string) error. It is typically provided by the user. The callback is invoked each time a parameter passes validation.

The validation process stops at the first error encountered.


The package has been tested on Linux Mint 20.3. Required Go version: 1.17


Package `vald` encapsulates and drives validation logic for inputs like HTML form data.






