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ezLiveStreaming is a highly scalable and efficient live transcoding system written in Go. ezLiveStreaming provides friendly and industry-standard API for users to create and manage their live streams via web requests. A user can create a new live stream by submitting a create_stream request to the API server and specify how she wants the live stream to be transcoded and streamed, for example, what transcoding video/audio codec (e.g., h.264, h.265, av1 for video, aac for audio) she wants to use, what resolutions/bitrate/frame rate to use for transcoding video streams, and what protocols (Apple-HLS or MPEG-DASH) to use for streaming to the viewers. ezLiveStreaming outputs and uploads stream media segments and manifests/playlists to cloud origin servers such as AWS S3. ezLiveStreaming includes a simple transcoding UI only for demo purposes. In practice, you may prefer to integrate ezLiveStreaming into your own systems through its live transcoding API. ezLiveStreaming uses FFmpeg for live video transcoding and uses Shaka packager for packaging and DRM protection.

If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Bo Zhang by email:

What can ezLiveStreaming do?

  • live Adaptative BitRate (ABR) transcoding,
  • HLS/DASH streaming,
  • live transcoding API,
  • live channel management API,
  • live HLS streaming with AV1 video codec,
  • clear key DRM protection,
  • uploading transcoder outputs to AWS S3,
  • standard-compliant media transcoding and formatting which potentially work with any video players.

Supported media codecs


  • h.264,
  • h.265,
  • av1


  • aac
  • mp3

High-level architecture

ezLiveStreaming consists of 5 microservices that can be independently scaled,

  • live API server
  • live job scheduler
  • live transcoding worker
  • a simple clear-key DRM key server called ezKey_server
  • Redis data store

Management workflow


The API server exposes API endpoints to users for submitting and managing their live streams. The API server receives job requests from users and sends them to the job scheduler via a job queue (AWS Simple Queue Service). The job scheduler receives a new job request from the job queue, picks a live worker from the worker cluster then assigns the job request to it. The selected live worker launches ffmpeg/shaka packager instances to run the live channel. For live jobs with DRM protection configured, the API server requests DRM encrypt/decrypt key from ezKey_server, pass it to Shaka packager along with other DRM configurations for stream encryption. The API server uses a stateless design which the server does not maintain any in-memory states of live jobs. Instead, all the states are kept in Redis data store.

Live stream data flow


The live stream data flow on a live worker server is shown in the above diagram. To run a live channel, the worker launches a ffmpeg transcoder and a Shaka packager. From left to right, the contribution encoder generates and sends a live RTMP stream (SRT to be added) to the ffmpeg transcoder. The ffmpeg transcoder outputs N number of output MPEG-TS streams, where N is the number of configured output renditions in the live job request. The MPEG-TS streams are sent to Shaka packager running on the same VM. Shaka packager outputs HLS/DASH streams as fragmented MP4 segments and playlist files and write to local disk. The worker runs a file watcher (fsnotify) which watches for new files written to the local stream output folders, then uploads any new files to the configured S3 bucket (i.e., S3_output.Bucket). The S3 buckets serves as the origin server which can deliver HLS/DASH streams to the viewers via CDN.


All the microservices in ezLiveStreaming run in docker and can be built, created and launched with docker-compose in a few steps as follows. Through out this document, you will see terms like live job, live channel and live stream which are used interchangeably.


  • Two physical or virtual servers: they can be your own PCs, or cloud virtual machines on AWS EC2 or Google Cloud Compute. In reality, all the ezLiveStreaming services can be packed on a single machine. This is what I have been doing for my own dev and test. However, for a more general demonstration, I'm using a two server setup.

  • You need to install docker, docker-compose, git and aws-cli. On some OSes such as Amazon Linux, docker-compose needs to installed separately from docker.

  • You need to install live broadcasting software such as OBS studio (, Wirecast or ffmpeg on any machine with camera.

  • You need to create a S3 or GCS bucket to store the media output from ezLiveStreaming's transcoder. You need to get a copy of the AWS access key and secret key pair as they will be passed to ezLiveStreaming for accessing AWS SQS or uploading transcoder outputs to AWS S3.

Step 1: Launch the servers

Launch two EC2 instances, one for running ezLiveStreaming's management services such as API server, job scheduler, DRM key server and Redis, and another one for running a live transcoding worker. The microservices of ezLiveStreaming runs on a base docker image built out of Ubuntu 22.04. The management services do not eat a lot of resource so they can run on relatively low-end instances (I use a t2-micro one which is free-tier eligible). The live worker services could run multiple live ABR transcoding jobs so they must run on a more powerful instance (I use a c5-large one). But if you only run a single live job with low bitrate output, you may also use less powerful instances.

Step 2: Download the ezLiveStreaming source

On both management and worker servers, check out the source code from github.

git clone
cd ezLiveStreaming/

We will run the management services on one instance, and the live worker services on the other.

Step 3: Configure and grant AWS access to ezLiveStreaming services

Configure aws on both instances if you haven't done so already. ezLiveStreaming uses AWS services such as SQS and S3.

aws configure

Enter your AWS access key, secret key, default region, etc as prompted. Please refer to for how to get the secrets. Two files, ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials will be generated after running aws configure. Next, please make these two files accessible to any users.

chmod 644 ~/.aws/credentials
chmod 644 ~/.aws/config

The docker compose file, compose.yaml maps ~/.aws/ in the docker host machines to /home/streamer/.aws/ in the docker containers, so that the services inside docker receive AWS access from the mapped credential. The live transcoder process inside the worker container runs as user streamer which is different to the user on your host machines. To allow user streamer to access /home/streamer/.aws/ which is owned by a different user, we need to make that folder accessible to any user. Note that I chose to use volume mapping for granting AWS access to ezLiveStreaming services because it is simple while keeping my AWS secrets private. Granting AWS access is out of scope of this project.

Step 4: Create live job queue on AWS SQS

Create an AWS SQS queue by following and pick any queue name that you like. This will be the live transcoding job queue which will be used by the API server and job scheduler to transfer live transcoding jobs. Please put the queue name in Sqs.Queue_name of api_server/config.json and scheduler/config.json. ezLiveStreaming will use the configured AWS secrets in step 3 to access the job queue.

Step 5: Configure the services

The api_server, job scheduler, ezKey_server and worker_app all have their own configuration files.

In api_server/config.json, put your own job queue name in Sqs.Queue_name.

In scheduler/config.json, put your own job queue name in Sqs.Queue_name.

No change is needed in drm_key_server/config.json.

In worker/app/worker_app_config.json, put in your own SchedulerUrl. The host name part of SchedulerUrl is the host name or IP address of your management server. The network port is 3080 by default, otherwise it must match that scheduler port configured in scheduler/config.json. You can leave other configuration options as is.

Step 6: Network setup

As a general note, please ensure all the url, hostname/ip_address, network port you put into the configurations files are accessible from other services. For example, make sure the worker service can reach the job scheduler service using the configured SchedulerUrl (worker/app/worker_app_config.json). Please also make sure any configured network ports are open in the firewall.

List of public ports that need to be opened,

Port/Port range Server Service Protocol Use
1080 management api_server HTTP (TCP) Used by api_server to receive live job requests from users
2080 worker worker HTTP (TCP) Used by worker to communicate with job scheduler
3080 management job scheduler HTTP (TCP) Used by job scheduler to communicate with workers
4080 management Nginx HTTP (TCP) Used by Nginx to serve the demo UI.
1935-1950 worker worker RTMP (TCP) Used by a worker to receive live rtmp input streams, one port per stream

The ezKey_server uses port 5080 for serving DRM key requests. However, since ezKey_server runs on the same host server as api_server, port 5080 does not need to be made public.

Step 7: Build the services

On the management server, build the management services,

docker compose build api_server scheduler --no-cache

In compose.yaml definition, api_server relies on ezKey_server and redis, so building api_server will automatically build the two dependent services.

On the worker server, build the live transcoding worker service,

docker compose build worker --no-cache

The build process will take about 1-2 minutes on its initial run. The docker compose file, compose.yaml will create docker images for all the services and set up the management and worker cluster. All the ezLiveStreaming docker images will be created out of a base image,

Step 8: Start the services

On the management server, start api_server and scheduler.

docker compose up api_server
docker compose up scheduler

On the worker server, start an instance of worker.

docker compose up worker

The order of starting services does not matter. The services will connect to each other automatically.

Step 9: Start your live channel from the UI

The docker file for api_server copies the demo UI source to the Nginx web root (e.g., /var/www/html/demo/). When the API server is running, a Nginx web server will be running too and can serve the demo UI at the following URL, http://[api_server_hostname]:[api_server_port]/demo/demo.html. For example, On your web browser, load the ezLiveStreaming demo UI page. Again, please make sure port 4080 is open to the Internet.


The demo UI provides a list of job request templates. Please choose one and the full job request will be shown in the editor section. Currently, 3 templates are provided,

  • hls live with clear-key drm
  • hls live without drm
  • hls live with av1 codec

After the job request is loaded in the editor, put your S3 bucket name in S3_output.Bucket of the live job request, then click the "create" button. This will send a create_job request to the api_server to create a new live channel. The server response will be shown on the bottom-left corner of the UI which includes the details of the new job. Among other things, you will see a job ID, e.g., "4f115985-f9be-4fea-9d0c-0421115715a1". The bottom-right corner will show the essential information needed to set up the live RTMP input feed and to play the live HLS/DASH stream after the live RTMP input is up. If you want to enable clear-key DRM, you can copy-paste the content of sample_live_job.json to create a protected live channel. Detail about DRM setup will be explained later.


On the backend, ezLiveStreaming will create a new worker for your new channel. On the worker server, verify the worker container is running,

docker ps

Expect output as follows,

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-20-123 ~]$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                   COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS          PORTS                                                                                                                          NAMES
1abfdfe0f6fe   maxutility2011/ezlivestreaming_worker   "/bin/sh -c '/home/s…"   20 hours ago   Up 13 minutes>1935-1950/tcp, :::1935-1950->1935-1950/tcp, 1080/tcp, 4080/tcp,>2080/tcp, :::2080->2080/tcp   ezlivestreaming-worker-1

Log into the worker container, e.g.,

docker exec -it 1abfdfe0f6fe /bin/bash

Inside the worker container, switches to user "streamer" and verify the worker services are running under user "streamer",

su - streamer
ps aux

Expect output as follows,

streamer@1abfdfe0f6fe:~$ ps aux
streamer       1  0.0  0.1   2800  1080 ?        Ss   07:25   0:00 /bin/sh -c /home/streamer/bins/worker_app -config=/home/streamer/conf/worker_a
streamer       7  0.1  2.7 1231516 26376 ?       Sl   07:25   0:00 /home/streamer/bins/worker_app -config=/home/streamer/conf/worker_app_config.j
streamer      31  0.0  1.1 1237864 10856 ?       Sl   07:29   0:00 worker_transcoder -job_id=4f115985-f9be-4fea-9d0c-0421115715a1 -param={"Input"
streamer      35  0.0 10.5 1091680 102280 ?      Sl   07:29   0:00 packager in=udp://,stream=video,init_segment=/tmp/output_4f1159
streamer      42  0.0  4.4 275364 43424 ?        SL   07:29   0:00 ffmpeg -f flv -listen 1 -i rtmp://
streamer      49  0.3  0.4   4588  3964 pts/0    Ss   07:39   0:00 /bin/bash
root          60  0.0  0.3   6744  3740 pts/0    S    07:39   0:00 su - streamer
streamer      61  0.0  0.4   5016  4204 pts/0    S    07:39   0:00 -bash
streamer      68  0.0  0.4   8332  4140 pts/0    R+   07:39   0:00 ps aux

If the new channel is up and running, you should see 4 worker processes running:

  • worker_app
  • worker_transcoder
  • packager (Shaka packager)
  • ffmpeg

The ffmpeg process is ready to receive your live RTMP input stream. screenshot

Step 10: Feed your live channel

On your PC, open OBS studio to broadcast a live RTMP stream that contributes to the worker service of ezLiveStreaming. Go to the demo UI and copy the rtmp_ingest_url (returned by api_server after creating your live channel in Step 9), e.g., "rtmp://". In OBS, click "Settings" then click "Stream", the following screen will show up.


In the above screen, copy-paste the RTMP URL address, e.g., "rtmp://" into the "Server" box, and the RTMP stream key, e.g., "5ae4760f-49a0-41a9-979d-005fe9c32834" into the "Stream Key" box. Click "OK" to save and apply the RTMP output settings. Then, click "Start Streaming" button in the main panel to start live broadcasting to ezLiveStreaming. If OBS returns no error, that means the live broadcasting is up and running. Otherwise, go back to Step 9 and verify if all the worker services are running. Failed OBS broadcasting has three possible causes,

  1. ffmpeg or Shaka packager fails to start in worker container.
  2. The TCP port (e.g., 1936) for RTMP ingest isn't open on the worker server. Please check your AWS EC2 security group for a list of open ports. A worker instance can run multiple concurrent live channels (limit to 15 channels in the code). Each channel is assigned its own port between 1935 and 1950. When a new channel is created, it is assigned the next higher port number, starting from 1935. When a channel stops, its port is reclaimed and returned to the available port pool.
  3. Also, check the hostname/ip_address in rtmp_ingest_url. Make sure it is a public IP. The worker service queries a IP detection service, "" for its own public IP and put the IP in rtmp_ingest_url.

It is also possible that Step 9 does not succeed and the new channel is not even created. If that is the case, you will not see any server response in the demo UI when you run Step 9. Also, make sure you have successfully started the worker service in Step 8. If that is the case, run "docker ps" on the worker server to verify worker container is running.

Step 11: Verify live channel output to S3

Go to your AWS s3 console, click into your bucket, you will see a folder named like "output_4f115985-f9be-4fea-9d0c-0421115715a1/". The random string after "output_" is the live job id which should match the job id returned from the api_server in step 9. Click into the job media output folder, you will see media output like below,


For HLS, media output include m3u8 playlists and sub-folders that contain media segments.

However, if you don't see the job output folder in your bucket, that most likely indicates missing AWS access right. Log into your worker container again as in step 9, run

vi /home/streamer/log/worker_transcoder_4f115985-f9be-4fea-9d0c-0421115715a1.log

to view the worker log. Remember to replace the random string in the log file name by the id of your live job. If you see S3 upload failure in the log, that means the worker service does not have write access to your S3 bucket. You may refer to Step 3 or use your own way to grant AWS access. Granting AWS access is out of scope of the development of ezLiveStreaming.

Step 12: Playback

The live channel playback URL can be found in the botton-right corner of the demo UI, e.g., "". In the demo UI, I integrated Shaka player to play the live channel. After you started live OBS broadcasting in step 10, wait about 10-15 seconds then click the "play" button in the UI, you will see playback starts. The 10 seconds wait time is for the transcoder to start up (initialize, generate the first 2-3 media segments then upload to S3 bucket). You can also use Shaka player's official demo page ( to play your live channel. If you stream with av1 video codec, I recommend using hls.js demo player ( to play the streams. Shaka player also worked for av1, but I also had issues with some of its nightly builds. You must also check whether your browser supports av1 decoding. The latest version of Chrome supports AV1. If you are having issues with AV1, please feel free to contact me. If you haven't enabled allow-cors (cross-origin) in S3, the playback could fail due to CORS errors. In that case, you can install Moesif CORS browser extension and enable CORS then click "play" button again.

If you see the playback starts but has frequent player rebuffering, they could be caused by the following reasons,

  1. The Internet connection isn't good on the machine running OBS. The live RTMP contribution stream does not have a good amount of bandwidth to be delivered.
  2. The Internet connection isn't good on the machine running the video player. The live HLS/DASH stream does not have a good amount of bandwidth to be delivered.
  3. The machine running OBS does not have enough CPU power available to generate the live video stream.
  4. The worker server (running ffmpeg and Shaka packager) does not have enough CPU power to transcode. You can look at the worker log (Step 11) for clues. If ffmpeg cannot transcode as fast as the real speed of the live video, it will log the errors and the errors are dumped to the worker log.
  5. It can be also likely that you run too many live channels on the single worker server, or your live channels are configured with too many output renditions and/or the video transcoding settings are too high. Try to run fewer jobs (no more than 3 jobs on a c5.large instance), configure fewer output renditions for a job, or reduce video resolution, bitrate, frame rate, or use h.264 as the video codec instead of h.265.

For interesting users, a postman collection is included in this repository which contains sample internal/external API requests targetting individual services (api_server, job scheduler, worker, ezKey_server). You can also use redis-cli to view Redis tables. To access Redis, log into the management server container which hosts api_server, scheduler, ezKey_server and Redis, and run


ezLiveStreaming uses the default Redis port, 6379. A full list of all the Redis tables used by ezLiveStreaming can be found at the end of this document.


List of API methods

Create Job

Creating a new live transcoding request (a.k.a. live transcoding job or live job)
POST /jobs
Request body: JSON string representing the live job specification

    "Output": {
        "Stream_type": "hls", 
        "Segment_format": "fmp4", 
        "Fragment_duration": 1, 
        "Segment_duration": 4, 
        "Low_latency_mode": false, 
        "Time_shift_buffer_depth": 120,
        "Drm": {
                "disable_clear_key": false,
                "Protection_system": "FairPlay",
                "Protection_scheme": "cbcs"
        "S3_output": {
            "Bucket": "bzhang-test-bucket-public"
        "Video_outputs": [ 
                "Label": "video365k", 
                "Codec": "h264", 
                "Framerate": 25, 
                "Width": 640, 
                "Height": 360, 
                "Bitrate": "365k", 
                "Max_bitrate": "500k", 
                "Buf_size": "500k", 
                "Preset": "faster", 
                "Threads": 2 
                "Label": "video550k",
                "Codec": "h264",
                "Framerate": 25,
                "Width": 768,
                "Height": 432,
                "Bitrate": "550k",
                "Max_bitrate": "750k",
                "Buf_size": "750k",
                "Preset": "faster",
                "Threads": 2
        "Audio_outputs": [
                "Label": "audio128k",
                "Codec": "aac",
                "Bitrate": "128k" 

Response code on success: 201 created
Response body: on success, the server returns the original request body, plus the created job ID, timestamps and job state.


Transcoding parameter definitions

Param Data type Definition Valid values
Stream_type string stream type (protocol) "hls", "dash"
Segment_format string media segment format "fmp4", "mpegts", "cmaf"
Fragment_duration integer fragment (GOP) duration in second. Currently, this will set the closed GOP size and key frame interval n/a
Segment_duration integer duration of segments in second n/a
Low_latency_mode boolean whether low latency mode is used n/a
Time_shift_buffer_depth integer DASH time_shift_buffer_depth in second (applicable to HLS too), i.e., DVR window size n/a
Drm json DRM configuration n/a
disable_clear_key boolean whether clear key DRM is disabled n/a
Protection_system string DRM protection system "FairPlay" (other systems to be added, e.g., "Widewine"m "PlayReady")
Protection_scheme string DRM protection (encryption) scheme "cbcs", "cenc"
S3_output json S3 output configuration n/a
Bucket string S3 bucket name n/a
Video_outputs json array Array of video output renditions n/a
Label string label of an output rendition n/a
Codec (Video_outputs) string video codec "h264" (libx264), "h265" (libx265), "av1" (libsvtav1)
Framerate integer output video frame rate n/a
Width integer output video resolution (width) n/a
Height integer output video resolution (height) n/a
Bitrate string output video bitrate (corresponds to "-b:v" in ffmpeg) for example, "500k", "1m"
Max_bitrate string output video bitrate cap (corresponds to "-maxrate" in ffmpeg) for example, "750k"
Buf_size string VBV buffer size (corresponds to "-bufsize" in ffmpeg) for example, "750k"
Preset string video encoding speed preset (corresponds to "-preset" in ffmpeg) same as libx264 or libx265 presets (12+ for av1 video codec)
Threads integer number of encoding threads (corresponds to "-threads" in ffmpeg) same as ffmpeg "-threads" values
Audio_outputs json array of audio outputs n/a
Codec (Audio_outputs) string audio codec "aac"

Get all the jobs

Show all the jobs including currently running jobs and already finished jobs.
GET /jobs
Request body: None
Response code on success: 200 OK
Response body: A JSON array that lists all the jobs.

Get one job

List a single job given by its ID.
GET /jobs/[job_id]
Request body: None
Response code on success: 200 OK
Response body: the requested job


Stop a job

Stop a job given by its ID. Upon request, the associated worker_transcoder instance will be stopped but the job info and states will remain in Redis. When the job is resumed in the future, the job ID, stream key and all the transcoding and packaging parameters remain the same.

PUT /jobs/[job_id]
Request body: None
Response code on success: 202 Accepted
Response body: None


Resume a job

Resume a job given by its ID. Upon request, the stopped job will be resumed. A new worker_transcoder instance will be launched. The job ID and stream key and all the transcoding and packaging parameters will be reused.

PUT /jobs/[job_id]
Request body: None
Response code on success: 202 Accepted
Response body: None


This repository also provides a postman collection including all the external and internal API provided by the API server, the job scheduler and worker_app.

The job scheduler periodically polls the job queue and fetches a job from AWS SQS. The frequency of job queue polling must be set low to avoid any delay of job processing. The newly fetched jobs are inserted to the back of the "queued_jobs" list in Redis. On the other side, the job scheduler periodically checks the front of "queued_jobs" for new jobs. When a new job is found in the "queued_jobs", it is assigned to a transcoding worker from the worker cluster. Different job assignment algorithms can be used, such as random assignment, round robin assignment, etc. The job scheduler is responsible for managing a live job throughout its lifecycle, for example, assigning the job to a worker, monitoring its status, restarting/reassigning the job if it fails.

The job scheduler also manages a cluster of live transcoding workers. Specifically, the scheduler assigns ID to each new worker when it starts. After that, the scheduler keeps monitoring heartbeats sent from the worker. The scheduler also monitors workload of each worker as new job requests come in and get finished.

Though the job scheduler manages all the live jobs and live workers, it does not maintain any states of them in memory, instead they are all kept in Redis. Because of its stateless design, one can put a load balancer in front of a cluster of independent job scheduler instances, so that any one instance can be assigned to handle any job requests or events from the workers.

Each live worker is a virtual machine that runs ezLiveStreaming worker services. The worker runs a web service daemon called worker_app which communicates with the job scheduler to receive job requests, report job status, or worker status, etc. When the worker_app receives a live job request from the scheduler, it launches an instance of worker_transcoder to execute the job. Specifically, the worker_transcoder launches a ffmpeg transcoder and a Shaka packager to run a live video channel. The worker_transcoder follows the transcoding/packaging parameters specified in the live job request to transcode the input to multiple outputs with different bitrates. job/command.go is responsible for translating the live encoding parameter to ffmpeg and Shaka packager command-line options.

When worker_app on a live worker first starts, it registers with the job scheduler and receives a worker ID assigned by the scheduler. After that worker_app needs to send periodic heartbeat to the scheduler so that the latter knows the former is still running. If no heartbeat is received from a worker for a certain length of time, the scheduler presumes that worker is no longer running so it deletes the worker from the active worker set and also stops all the live jobs running on that worker. The worker_app also handles stop_job requests and resume_job requests to stop a running job or resumes a stopped job.

A worker_app not only handles normal job requests, it also handles unexpected job failures. To detect failed jobs, a worker_app periodically ping the live jobs (worker_transcoders) running on that worker VM. If a worker_transcoder does not respond, the worker_app presumes that the corresponding live job is no longer running. The worker_app reports the failed jobs to the job scheduler. The latter will adjust workload accordingly.

DRM configuration

A simple clear key DRM key server is implemented to generate random 16 byte key-id and key upon requests. Each live channel receives an unique key-id and key pair. Specifically, api_server sends a key request to the key server when it receives a new transcoding job with DRM protection configured. The transcoding job ID is used as the content ID for the live channel. The key server generates a random 16 byte key_id and key pair then associate them with the content ID. The api_server receives the key response, parse the key materials from the response, then pass it along with the job request (including the DRM protection configuration) to the scheduler followed by the worker_app and worker_transcoder. The worker_transcode translates the key materials and DRM configuration to Shaka packager DRM options when launching the packager. Lastly, the packager encrypts the live transcoded streams (received from ffmpeg) and outputs DRM-protected HLS streams. For clear-key DRM, a key file named key.bin is output and uploaded to S3. As per HLS specification, for clear key DRM, key.bin is a public file which contains the decrypt key in binary format. Its S3 URI is included the EXT-X-KEY tag in the variant playlist. The player can download the key file to access the decrypt key. Note that clear-key DRM is ONLY for testing and debugging purposes. A full DRM workflow is needed to keep you content secure.

"Drm": {
    "disable_clear_key": false,
    "Protection_system": "FairPlay",
    "Protection_scheme": "cbcs"

Particularly we must set disable_clear_key to false in order to use clear-key protection scheme. Supporting a full DRM workflow requires integration with 3rd party DRM services which I am happy to work on if sponsorship is provided. Currently, only video variants are DRM-protected, audio variants are not.

To play the clear-key DRM-protected HLS stream, I used the Shaka player demo ( and configured key_id and key . I simply added the following section to the Shaka player "extra config" section,

  "drm": {
    "clearKeys": {
      "6185c9f2cba899e585c61f046ac5bfe7": "459ad6f73d96190c8348d0059d71f77a"

Please replace the key_id and key with your ones. The above configuration tells Shaka player what key to use to decrypt the HLS media segments. Next, please copy-paste the HLS master playlist url into Shaka player demo ( and hit "play" button.


How to get the DRM key_id and key

The DRM key_id (but not the decrypt key) can be found in the get_job response from api_server. Please use the key_id and get_drm_key request provided by ezKey_server (in the postman collection) to retrieve the decrypt key. Do NOT expose the ezKey_server API to the Internet!!! Alternatively, a DRM key info file (called key.json) is written to local disk (but not uploaded to S3) along with the key file (key.bin). The decrypt key can be found there.

Actually, the above DRM key configuration is not needed if you play the individual variant playlists. Shaka player will download the key file (key.bin) which is given by the URI field in the EXT-X-KEY tag and get the decrypt key. I haven't figured out why individual variant playlists work but not the master.

S3 output configuration

ezLiveStreaming supports uploading transcoder outputs to AWS S3 buckets. You can configure S3 media output via the "S3_output" section,

"S3_output": {
    "Bucket": "bzhang-test-bucket-public"

Currently, ezLiveStreaming does not support programmatic S3 authentication methods. You may configure AWS access key and secret key as environment variables on the worker VM, so that worker_transcoder has access to upload to the bucket.

Code structure

api_server/ contains the implementation of a live streaming API server which handle requests to create/list/stop/resume live streams.

demo/ provides the implementation of a simple UI demo.

diagrams/ groups together all the diagrams found in this document.

docker/ provides all the dockerfiles for the different services.

drm_key_server/ provides the implementation of a simple DRM key server.

job/ contains the definition of API requests and live job states, and also contains source code for generating FFmpeg (or other encoder library such as GStreamer) commands that are used to execute a live job.

job_sqs/ contains the implementation of a AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) sender and receiver. The api_server sends new live jobs to the job queue (AWS SQS). The job scheduler periodically polls the job queue to receive new jobs.

model/ contains various model definitions.

redis_client/ implements a redis client wrapper based on go_redis (

s3/ provides a AWS S3 client wrapper.

scheduler/ contains the implementation of a live job scheduler. Job scheduler receives new live jobs from the api_server via a AWS SQS job queue. Job scheduler also exposes API endpoints and receives new live worker registration requests from newly launched workers.

worker/ contains the implementation of live transcoding/streaming workers. The file app/worker_app.go implements the main application of the live worker. There is only one worker_app running on each live worker. worker_app receives live transcoding jobs from the job scheduler, launch new worker_transcoder (worker/transcoder/worker_transcode.go) to process live inputs and generate outputs, sends hearbeat periodically to the job scheduler, reports status of jobs and current workload to the job scheduler, etc. worker/ also contains the Shaka packager binary "packager" (the nightly build from 04/2024).

compose.yaml is the docker compose file.

sample_live_job.json provides a sample live job request with DRM protection configured.

sample_live_job.json provides a sample live job request without DRM protection configuration.

ezLiveStreaming.postman_collection.json provides sample API requests to ezLiveStreaming in a postman collection.

There are five executables, api_server, job scheduler, worker_app, worker_transcoder and ezKey_server. The entire live transcoding system consists of a cluster of api_server(s), a cluster of job schedulers, a cluster of redis servers and a cluster of live workers. Neither an api_server nor a job scheduler maintains any states of the live transcoding requests. The stateless design allows easy scalability and failover. As a result, one can put a load balancer (such as Nginx) in front of the api_server cluster and the job scheduler cluster. For example, you can use the "upstream" directive ( to specify a cluster of equivalent api_server instances which any one of them can handle the live transcoding requests. The api_server and job scheduler does not communicate directly, rather they communicate via the AWS SQS job queue and Redis.

On each live worker VM, there runs one instance of worker_app which manages all the live jobs running on the VM. Each live job is executed by one instance of worker_transcoder which coordinates the live transcoder and the live packager to ingest, transcode and package the HLS/DASH live output stream. worker_app is a long-standing daemon while worker_transcoder only lives when a live job is still alive.

Build and run individual services

This section provides instructions for building and running individual services when you don't want to use docker-compose to manage the services.

To build api_server, go to api_server/ and run

go build api_server_main.go

then start the server by running

./api_server_main -config=config.json

You can configure api_server_main in the config file. Specifically, you can configure the server hostname and network port, Drm key server url, and the AWS SQS job queue name and Redis server address in api_server_main/config.json. By default, the api_server listens for incoming live transcoding requests on This is also the base URL of any API endpoints that the server supports. You need to open port 1080 for incoming traffic to the Internet.

To build the job scheduler, go to scheduler/ and run

go build scheduler.go

then start the job scheduler by running

./scheduler -config=config.json

You can configure scheduler in the config file. Specifically, you can set the server hostname and network port of the scheduler, and the AWS SQS job queue name and Redis server address in scheduler/config.json. By default, the scheduler listens for incoming requests on

To build worker_app, go to worker/app/ and run

go build worker_app.go

then start the worker by running

./worker_app -config=worker_app_config.json

The "-config" argument specifies the path to the worker_app configuration file. In the worker_app_config.json, you can configure,

  • the hostname and network port of the worker_app.
  • the URL of the job scheduler. The worker_app sends heartbeat, reports status of jobs via this URL.
  • the IP address or hostname, and network port of the worker VM on which the worker_app runs.
  • WorkerUdpPortBase: the UDP port base used by the MPEG-TS streams between ffmpeg transcoder and Shaka packager. Since ffmpeg and Shaka packager run on the same VM, these ports are for internal use only.

To build ezKey_server, go to drm/ and run

go build ezKey_server.go

then start the key server by running

./ezKey_server -config=config.json

You can write your own docker compose file and/or scripts to automate the deployment of your api_server cluster, the job scheduler cluster, the worker cluster and Redis cluster. I'm also working on providing a sample docker compose file.

You need to configure AWS access to allow the api_server and job scheduler to access AWS SQS - the job queue. Specifically, you need to configure the following environment variables,

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[your_aws_access_key]
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[your_aws_secret_key]
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=[your_default_aws_region] (optional)

Please remember to create your own SQS queue first, and put the queue name in the api_server and scheduler config file.

Additionally, depending on where you install your worker_transcoder, ffmpeg and Shaka packager executables, you need to specify the path to the executable by configure the following environment variables,

export PATH=[path_to_your_worker_transcoder_binary]:$PATH
export PATH=[path_to_your_ffmpeg_binary]:$PATH
export PATH=[path_to_your_shaka_packager_binary]:$PATH

You may also configure path to api_server and job scheduler.

List of Redis data structures


All live jobs - see REDIS_KEY_ALLJOBS in redis_client/redis_client.go.
Data structure: hash table
key: job id
value: "type LiveJob struct" in job/job.go

To view all jobs in redis-cli, run "hgetall jobs".


Jobs that are pulled from the SQS job queue by job scheduler, but yet to be scheduled - see REDIS_KEY_ALLJOBS in redis_client/redis_client.go.
Data structure: list
value: string of "type LiveJob struct" (job/job.go)


The set of live workers currently being managed by the job scheduler - see REDIS_KEY_ALLWORKERS in redis_client/redis_client.go.
Data structure: hash table
key: worker id
value: string of "type LiveWorker struct" (models/worker.go)

To view all workers in redis-cli, run "hgetall workers".


The current load of a worker: list of jobs running on the worker and its CPU and bandwidth load - see REDIS_KEY_WORKER_LOADS in redis_client/redis_client.go.
Data structure: hash table
key: worker id
value: "type LiveWorker struct" in models/worker.go


This table stores all the DRM keys: see REDIS_KEY_DRM_KEYS in redis_client/redis_client.go.
Data structure: hash table
key: DRM key id
value: "type KeyInfo struct" in models/drm.go



The current implementation uses libsvtav1 for live AV1 transcoding. In order to transcode at real-time speed, the encoder preset has to be set to 12. Further evaluation has to be done to assess the impact on video quality.


A scalable and reliable live transcoding system






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