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Issue/PR opened by the open-source community
Component: Configuration 💻
Component: Configuration :computer:
Issue/PR that addresses changes in the configuration (public API)
Component: DevOps/Setup 🏛️
Component: DevOps/Setup :classical_building:
Issue/PR that addresses automation, CI, GitHub setup, technical setup of the project repository
Component: Docs 🗒️
Component: Docs :spiral_notepad:
Issue/PR for markdown and API documentation
Component: Refactoring 🦸
Component: Refactoring :superhero:
Issue/PR that refactor existing code
Component: Tests 🧪
Component: Tests :test_tube:
Issue/PR that address test framework
Component: Vizro-AI 🤖
Component: Vizro-AI :robot:
Issue/PR addresses Vizro-AI package
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Good first issue
Good first issue
Good first issue for beginners
Issue: Bug Report 🐛
Issue: Bug Report :bug:
Issue/PR that report/fix a bug
Issue: Feature Request 🤓
Issue: Feature Request :nerd_face:
Issue/PR contains a feature request or is based on a feature request
Issue: General Question ❓
Issue: General Question :question:
Issue contains a general question
Nice to have 🍒
Nice to have :cherries:
Possible projects for a rainy day
Marks a release PR
Stage: Technical Design 🎨
Stage: Technical Design :art:
Issue/PR needs to undergo technical design before implementation
Stage: User research 👥
Stage: User research :busts_in_silhouette:
Issue/PR needs to undergo user research before implementation
Status: Duplicate 2️⃣
Status: Duplicate :two:
Issue/PR already exists
Status: Help Wanted 🙏
Status: Help Wanted :pray:
Issue/PR needs extra attention
Status: Needs triage 🔍
Status: Needs triage :mag:
Issue/PR needs triaging
Status: Ready for Review ☑️
Status: Ready for Review :ballot_box_with_check:
Issue/PR is ready for review - all tests have passed
Status: Stale
Status: Stale
Status: Won't fix
Status: Won't fix
Type: Technical DR 💾
Type: Technical DR :floppy_disk:
Issue/PR contains decision records (technical decisions made)