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Repository of the Metapsy documentation website

This is the code repository of the documentation website. 📄

Using the Netlify CMS

The Metapsy documentation site is built using Hugo. We have created a Content Management System (CMS) for the website, which is provided on If you want to have access to the backend, please approach @cyplessen, @clara-miguel, or @MathiasHarrer.

The forestry CMS provides you with a code-free, visual text editor. Using the CMS, you can change existing content, add new pages and entries, and upload media files. After clicking on save, set the status to ready, and then click on publish now. Your changes are then automatically deployed to this Github repository, and then released to the website shortly after.

Pre-Defined Elements

Besides the visual editing functionality, there are also several elements that you can add to the documentation page via shortcodes. Here is an overview of the most important ones:

Zenodo DOI Badge 🛡️

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package. The badge will also automatically contain a link to the Zenodo repository.

{{< zenodo-badge doi="<INSERT DOI>" >}}

Zenodo GitHub Release Link 😺

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package. The link text to be displayed can be specified in text.

{{< zenodo-github-release doi="<INSERT DOI>" text="link" >}}

Zenodo Last Update Date 📅

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package.

{{< zenodo-last-updated doi="<INSERT DOI>" >}}

Zenodo Last Search Date 🔍

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package.

{{< zenodo-last-search doi="<INSERT DOI>" >}}

Zenodo Latest Version 🔢

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package.

{{< zenodo-version doi="<INSERT DOI>" >}}

Zenodo "Browse All Versions" Block 🔢

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package.

{{< zenodo-all-versions doi="<INSERT DOI>" >}}

Zenodo Database Authors ✍🏽

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package.

{{< zenodo-authors doi="<INSERT DOI>" >}}

Zenodo Variable Description 📓

Simply provide the "overall" (not version-specific) DOI created for the dataset or package.

{{< zenodo-variable-description doi="<INSERT DOI>" >}}

Note Box 🗒️

{{< notice note >}}
This is a simple note.
{{< /notice >}}

Tip Box 💡

{{< notice tip >}}
This is a simple tip.
{{< /notice >}}

Info Box ℹ️

{{< notice info >}}
This is a simple info.
{{< /notice >}}

Warning Box ⚠️

{{< notice warning >}}
This is a simple warning.
{{< /notice >}}

Tabs 📂

{{< tabs >}}

{{< tab "first" >}}
This is first tab
{{< /tab >}}

{{< tab "second" >}}
this is second tab
{{< /tab >}}

{{< tab "third" >}}
this is third tab
{{< /tab >}}

{{</ tabs >}}

R Code Chunk

To create an R code chunk, start with three backticks and r, and end your code example with three backticks.

Tables 📈

Colons can be used to align columns.

| Tables        |      Are      |  Cool |
| ------------- | :-----------: | ----: |
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is      |   centered    |   $12 |
| zebra stripes |   are neat    |    $1 |

There must be at least 3 dashes separating each header cell. The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.

| Markdown | Less      | Pretty     |
| -------- | --------- | ---------- |
| _Still_  | `renders` | **nicely** |
| 1        | 2         | 3          |

Media Upload

Using the Media menu in the CMS, you can upload images, PDFs, files etc. After the upload, files are saved in the images/uploads folder. So, if you want to use e.g. sample.pdf in a documentation entry, you have to use images/uploads/sample.pdf as the URL.

Please note that all uploads go directly into the Github repo of this website! So please only upload files that are actually used in the documentation, and make sure that the size is below 50MB.


The website uses the dot-hugo theme as basis.