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A GitHub Action to automate releases based on Conventional Commits


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conventional-release main branch workflow

A GitHub Action to automate releases based on Conventional Commits using sv4git.


  • Supports fully automated releases driven by Conventional Commits.
  • Allows to disable automated versioning in favour of manually pushing tags (auto-release: false).
  • Enforces Conventional Commits format within commit messages.
  • Recovers from a failed release build automatically (when the next commit is pushed).
  • Allows to use the same workflow/job definition for both pull request and release builds.
  • Fails builds that leave uncommitted changes.


To enable automated releases within your workflow, add a step to runs this Action after actions/checkout and before your actual build step(s):

    - id: release
      name: Prepare release
      uses: mgoltzsche/conventional-release@v0

For all supported Action inputs and outputs, see ./action.yml.

Please note that the releasing job needs to have write permissions for contents in order to push a git tag and create a GitHub release. In case of pull request builds, the token still provides read-only access this way. Correspondingly the actions/checkout Action should be configured with persist-credentials: false.

Please also note that the actions/checkout Action must be configured with fetch-depth: 0 to work with the release Action.

To run subsequent steps conditionally depending on whether it is a release build, use the Action output publish as condition. (In case of a release build, a git tag is pushed and a GitHub release created by the Action's post-entrypoint only after all steps within the job succeeded.)

Corresponding to its outputs, the Action exports the following environment variables to subsequent steps:

  • RELEASE_VERSION: The semantic version (or manually pushed tag) of the release without leading v. During non-release builds this holds the next version with a -dev-<SHA> suffix.
  • RELEASE_PUBLISH: Is true when release build, otherwise empty.

Example workflow

A workflow that creates releases based on commits on the main branch automatically and that validates pull requests can look as follows:

name: Build and release

    - main
    - main

concurrency: # Run release builds sequentially, cancel outdated PR builds
  group: ci-${{ github.ref }}
  cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }}

permissions: # Grant write access to github.token within non-pull_request builds
  contents: write

    name: Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Check out code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
        fetch-depth: 0
        persist-credentials: false

    - id: release
      name: Prepare release
      uses: mgoltzsche/conventional-release@v0

    # ... Build artifact ...

    - name: Publish artifact
      if: steps.release.outputs.publish # To run only when release build
      run: |
        set -u
        echo Publishing $RELEASE_VERSION

The workflow used to publish this Action is another example that shows how to release a container image, add a release commit and force-push a major version tag.

Design considerations

See design considerations.