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Glogger is the logger for mia-platform go services.

It uses a logging interface to integrate with loggers, and can expose middleware for all the existent routers and use any combination of loggers and routers.

At the moment, we support:


Do you want to use another logger? Please open a PR to include it in the repo!


Do you want to use another router? Please open a PR to include it in the repo!

This library follow the Mia-Platform logging guidelines.


This library require golang at version >= 1.18

go get -u

Example usage

Basic logrus initialization

The allowed log level are those parsed by logrus ParseLevel (e.g. panic, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, trace).

import glogrus ""

// Logger setup
logger, err := glogrus.InitHelper(glogrus.InitOptions{})
if err != nil {
  msg := fmt.Sprintf("An error occurred while creating the logger: %v", err)


Gorilla Mux

Init log middleware for mux router. This log the incoming request and request completed following the mia-platform guidelines.

import (
  glogrus ""
  gmux ""

router := mux.NewRouter()

middlewareLog := glogrus.GetLogger(logrus.NewEntry(logger))
router.Use(gmux.RequestMiddlewareLogger[*logrus.Entry](middlewareLog, []string{}))

and, to retrieve logger injected in request context:

func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  loggerFn := glogrus.FromContext(r.Context())
  loggerFn.Info("log message")


With fiber, you can setup the middleware in this way:

import (
  glogrus ""
  gfiber ""

app := fiber.New()

middlewareLog := glogrus.GetLogger(logrus.NewEntry(logger))
app.Use(gfiber.RequestMiddlewareLogger[*logrus.Entry](middlewareLog, []string{}))

And then retrieve it from the handler's context like this:

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
  log := glogrus.FromContext(c.UserContext())
  log.Info("log message")
  return nil

with excluded path

You can restrict the path where the logger middleware take effect using the second paramenter in middlewares. For example, this could be useful to exclude incoming request and request completed logging in path router.

Logger function is injected anyway in request context.

router := mux.NewRouter()

middlewareLog := glogrus.GetLogger(logrus.NewEntry(logger))
router.Use(gmux.RequestMiddlewareLogger[*logrus.Entry](middlewareLog, []string{"/-/"}))

How to log error message (example with logrus)

To log error message using default field

_, err := myFn()

if err != nil {
  log := glogrus.FromContext(c.Context()).WithError(err).Error("error calling function")

How to log custom fields (with logrus)

To log error message using default field

glogrus.FromContext(c.Context()).WithField("key", "some field").Info("error calling function")

  "key": "some field",
  "another-key": "something"
}).Info("log with custom fields")


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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details