Micronaut Core 4.3.6
What's Changed
Docs 📖
- doc: change Grails creator copy by @sdelamo in #10431
- doc: Document how to retrieve RouteMatch by @sdelamo in #10493
KSP Fixes 🐞
- KSP: Mark dependencies as aggregated if the visitor is of aggregated type by @dstepanov in #10487
Dependency updates 🚀
- Update dependency io.netty.incubator:netty-incubator-codec-http3 to v0.0.25.Final by @renovate in #10479
- fix(deps): update netty monorepo to v4.1.107.final by @renovate in #10494
Micronaut Modules
Micronaut Validation
Micronaut Session
Micronaut Groovy
- fix(deps): update dependency io.micronaut.groovy:micronaut-runtime-groovy to v4.2.0 by @renovate in #10468
CI ⚙️Build 🐘
Full Changelog: v4.3.5...v4.3.6