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[BUG] Can include Correlation Header on IE can fail #1260 (#1266)
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[BUG] ajax.ts is using string trim() which is not supported on IE7/8 #1251
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MSNev committed May 20, 2020
1 parent 00ad742 commit 7b9f238
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Showing 8 changed files with 443 additions and 35 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion channels/applicationinsights-channel-js/src/Sender.ts
Expand Up @@ -423,7 +423,8 @@ export class Sender extends BaseTelemetryPlugin implements IChannelControlsAI {
this._retryAt = null;
} catch (e) {
/* Ignore this error for IE under v10 */
if (!Util.getIEVersion() || Util.getIEVersion() > 9) {
let ieVer = Util.getIEVersion();
if (!ieVer || ieVer > 9) {
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8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions extensions/applicationinsights-dependencies-js/src/ajax.ts
Expand Up @@ -59,10 +59,8 @@ function _supportsAjaxMonitoring(ajaxMonitorInstance:AjaxMonitor): boolean {

// disable in IE8 or older (
try {
" a ".trim();
} catch (ex) {
let ieVer = Util.getIEVersion();
if (ieVer && ieVer < 9) {
result = false;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -671,7 +669,7 @@ export class AjaxMonitor extends BaseTelemetryPlugin implements IDependenciesPlu
if (headers) {
// xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() method returns all the response headers, separated by CRLF, as a string or null
// the regex converts the header string into an array of individual headers
const arr = headers.trim().split(/[\r\n]+/);
const arr = CoreUtils.strTrim(headers).split(/[\r\n]+/);
const responseHeaderMap = {};
_arrForEach(arr, (line) => {
const parts = line.split(': ');
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327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions shared/AppInsightsCommon/Tests/Util.tests.ts

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

95 changes: 75 additions & 20 deletions shared/AppInsightsCommon/src/Util.ts
Expand Up @@ -474,10 +474,7 @@ export class Util {
* helper method to trim strings (IE8 does not implement String.prototype.trim)
public static trim(str: any): string {
if (!_isString(str)) { return str; }
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
public static trim = CoreUtils.strTrim;

* generate random id string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,11 +550,20 @@ export class Util {
public static toISOStringForIE8 = CoreUtils.toISOString;

* Gets IE version if we are running on IE, or null otherwise
* Gets IE version returning the document emulation mode if we are running on IE, or null otherwise
public static getIEVersion(userAgentStr: string = null): number {
const myNav = userAgentStr ? userAgentStr.toLowerCase() : (_navigator ? (_navigator.userAgent ||"").toLowerCase() : "");
return (myNav.indexOf('msie') !== -1) ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : null;
if (myNav.indexOf("msie") !== -1) {
return parseInt(myNav.split("msie")[1]);
} else if (myNav.indexOf("trident/")) {
let tridentVer = parseInt(myNav.split("trident/")[1]);
if (tridentVer) {
return tridentVer + 4;

return null;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,16 +658,35 @@ export class Util {

export class UrlHelper {
private static document: any = getDocument()||{};
private static htmlAnchorElement: HTMLAnchorElement;

private static _htmlAnchorIdx: number = 0;
// Use an array of temporary values as it's possible for multiple calls to parseUrl() will be called with different URLs
// Using a cache size of 5 for now as it current depth usage is at least 2, so adding a minor buffer to handle future updates
private static _htmlAnchorElement: HTMLAnchorElement[] = [null, null, null, null, null];

public static parseUrl(url: string): HTMLAnchorElement {
if (!UrlHelper.htmlAnchorElement) {
UrlHelper.htmlAnchorElement = !!UrlHelper.document.createElement ? UrlHelper.document.createElement('a') : { host: UrlHelper.parseHost(url) }; // fill host field in the fallback case as that is the only externally required field from this fn
let anchorIdx = UrlHelper._htmlAnchorIdx;
let anchorCache = UrlHelper._htmlAnchorElement;
let tempAnchor = anchorCache[anchorIdx];
if (!UrlHelper.document.createElement) {
// Always create the temp instance if createElement is not available
tempAnchor = { host: UrlHelper.parseHost(url, true) } as HTMLAnchorElement;
} else if (!anchorCache[anchorIdx]) {
// Create and cache the unattached anchor instance
tempAnchor = anchorCache[anchorIdx] = UrlHelper.document.createElement('a');

UrlHelper.htmlAnchorElement.href = url;
tempAnchor.href = url;

return UrlHelper.htmlAnchorElement;
// Move the cache index forward
if (anchorIdx >= anchorCache.length) {
anchorIdx = 0;

UrlHelper._htmlAnchorIdx = anchorIdx;

return tempAnchor;

public static getAbsoluteUrl(url: string): string {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -693,15 +718,43 @@ export class UrlHelper {

// Fallback method to grab host from url if document.createElement method is not available
public static parseHost(url: string) {
public static parseHost(url: string, inclPort?: boolean) {
let fullHost = UrlHelper.parseFullHost(url, inclPort);
if (fullHost ) {
const match = fullHost.match(/(www[0-9]?\.)?(.[^/:]+)(\:[\d]+)?/i);
if (match != null && match.length > 3 && _isString(match[2]) && match[2].length > 0) {
return match[2] + (match[3] ||"");

return fullHost;

* Get the full host from the url, optionally including the port
public static parseFullHost(url: string, inclPort?: boolean) {
let result = null;
if (url) {
const match = url.match(/:\/\/(www[0-9]?\.)?(.[^/:]+)/i);
const match = url.match(/(\w*):\/\/(.[^/:]+)(\:[\d]+)?/i);
if (match != null && match.length > 2 && _isString(match[2]) && match[2].length > 0) {
return match[2];
result = match[2] || "";
if (inclPort && match.length > 2) {
const protocol = (match[1] || "").toLowerCase();
let port = match[3] || "";
// IE includes the standard port so pass it off if it's the same as the protocol
if (protocol === "http" && port === ":80") {
port = "";
} else if (protocol === "https" && port === ":443") {
port = "";

result += port;

return null;
return result;

Expand All @@ -711,20 +764,22 @@ export class CorrelationIdHelper {
* Checks if a request url is not on a excluded domain list and if it is safe to add correlation headers.
* Headers are always included if the current domain matches the request domain. If they do not match (CORS),
* they are regexed across correlationHeaderDomains and correlationHeaderExcludedDomains to determine if headers are included.
* they are regex-ed across correlationHeaderDomains and correlationHeaderExcludedDomains to determine if headers are included.
* Some environments don't give information on currentHost via (e.g. Cordova). In these cases, the user must
* manually supply domains to include correlation headers on. Else, no headers will be included at all.
public static canIncludeCorrelationHeader(config: ICorrelationConfig, requestUrl: string, currentHost?: string) {
if (config && config.disableCorrelationHeaders) {
if (!requestUrl || (config && config.disableCorrelationHeaders)) {
return false;

if (!requestUrl) {
return false;
let requestHost = UrlHelper.parseUrl(requestUrl).host.toLowerCase();
if (requestHost && (requestHost.indexOf(":443") !== -1 || requestHost.indexOf(":80") !== -1)) {
// [Bug #1260] IE can include the port even for http and https URLs so if present
// try and parse it to remove if it matches the default protocol port
requestHost = (UrlHelper.parseFullHost(requestUrl, true) || "").toLowerCase();

const requestHost = UrlHelper.parseUrl(requestUrl).host.toLowerCase();
if ((!config || !config.enableCorsCorrelation) && requestHost !== currentHost) {
return false;
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions shared/AppInsightsCore/src/JavaScriptSDK/CoreUtils.ts
Expand Up @@ -295,6 +295,17 @@ export class CoreUtils {
return value;

* helper method to trim strings (IE8 does not implement String.prototype.trim)
public static strTrim(str: any): string {
if (!CoreUtils.isString(str)) {
return str;

return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

* Creates an object that has the specified prototype, and that optionally contains specified properties. This helper exists to avoid adding a polyfil
* for older browsers that do not define Object.create eg. ES3 only, IE8 just in case any page checks for presence/absence of the prototype implementation.
Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions tools/rollup-es3/src/es3/Es3Tokens.ts
Expand Up @@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ export const defaultEs3CheckTokens:IEs3CheckKeyword[] = [
funcNames: [ /([\w0-9]*)\.toISOString[\s]*\(/g ],
funcNames: [ /([\w0-9\$]*)\.toISOString[\s]*\(/g ],
errorMsg: "[%funcName%] is not supported in an ES3 environment, use CoreUtils.toISOString()",
ignoreFuncMatch: [
"CoreUtils.toISOString", // Make sure this isn't a reference to CoreUtils.isISOString()
"Utils.toISOString" // or if it's a reference to Utils.isISOString()
/CoreUtils(\$[\d]+)+\.toISOString/, // Make sure this isn't a reference to CoreUtils.isISOString(); CoreUtils$1.isISOString();
"Utils.toISOString" // or if it's a reference to Utils.isISOString()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,6 +190,14 @@ export const defaultEs3CheckTokens:IEs3CheckKeyword[] = [
funcNames: [ /[\s\(,][gs]et[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]*\(\)[\s]*\{/g ],
errorMsg: "[%funcName%] is not supported in an ES3 environment."
funcNames: [ /([\w0-9]*)\.(trim)[\s]*\(/g ],
errorMsg: "[%funcName%] is not a supported string method in an ES3 environment, use CoreUtils.strTrim().",
ignoreFuncMatch: [
"Util.trim", // Make sure this isn't a reference to Util.trim()
"DataSanitizer.trim" // Make sure this isn't a reference to Util.trim()

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tools/rollup-es3/src/es3/Interfaces.ts
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Licensed under the MIT License.

* Because of the test infrastructure (PhamtonJS) the RegEx can't use the "s" flag (gis vs gi) or named groups
* Because of the test infrastructure (PhantomJS) the RegEx can't use the "s" flag (gis vs gi) or named groups
export interface INamedGroups {
name: string,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export interface IEs3CheckKeyword {
* A Set of strings to use for matching funcNames to ignore, this is required because of infra (build) issues
* with negative lookbehind, internally this uses indexOf() to provide a partial existence check.

* The prefix added to any reported error, defaults to "Invalid ES3 function"
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions tools/rollup-es3/src/es3/Utils.ts
Expand Up @@ -57,12 +57,20 @@ export function isIgnore(id:string, keyword:IEs3CheckKeyword, isTransform:boolea

export function isIgnoreFuncMatch(funcMatch:string, keyword:IEs3CheckKeyword) {
let result = false;
if (keyword.ignoreFuncMatch) {
if (funcMatch && keyword.ignoreFuncMatch) {
for (let ignoreIdx in keyword.ignoreFuncMatch) {
let ignoreMatch = keyword.ignoreFuncMatch[ignoreIdx];
if (funcMatch && funcMatch.indexOf(ignoreMatch) !== -1) {
result = true;
if (ignoreMatch) {
if (typeof ignoreMatch === "string" && funcMatch.indexOf(ignoreMatch) !== -1) {
result = true;
} else if (ignoreMatch instanceof RegExp) {
let match = ignoreMatch.exec(funcMatch);
if (match && match.length > 0) {
result = true;
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