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Do not canonicalize the file names when getting absolute paths during…
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… nodenext resolution (#50557)

* Add test to show how scope messes with casing

* Do not canonicalize the file names when getting absolute paths
Fixes #50544

* Unnecessary exports

* Add test for self referencing package

* Fix self reference package with casing
  • Loading branch information
sheetalkamat committed Sep 1, 2022
1 parent dcade77 commit 2983092
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 356 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts
Expand Up @@ -2227,7 +2227,7 @@ namespace ts {
function toAbsolutePath(path: string | undefined): string | undefined;
function toAbsolutePath(path: string | undefined): string | undefined {
if (path === undefined) return path;
return hostGetCanonicalFileName({ useCaseSensitiveFileNames })(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(path,;
return getNormalizedAbsolutePath(path,;

function combineDirectoryPath(root: string, dir: string) {
Expand All @@ -2249,7 +2249,7 @@ namespace ts {
if ((extensions === Extensions.TypeScript || extensions === Extensions.JavaScript || extensions === Extensions.Json)
&& (state.compilerOptions.declarationDir || state.compilerOptions.outDir)
&& finalPath.indexOf("/node_modules/") === -1
&& (state.compilerOptions.configFile ? startsWith(toAbsolutePath(state.compilerOptions.configFile.fileName), scope.packageDirectory) : true)
&& (state.compilerOptions.configFile ? containsPath(scope.packageDirectory, toAbsolutePath(state.compilerOptions.configFile.fileName), !useCaseSensitiveFileNames()) : true)
) {
// So that all means we'll only try these guesses for files outside `node_modules` in a directory where the `package.json` and `tsconfig.json` are siblings.
// Even with all that, we still don't know if the root of the output file structure will be (relative to the package file)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2310,7 +2310,7 @@ namespace ts {
for (const commonSourceDirGuess of commonSourceDirGuesses) {
const candidateDirectories = getOutputDirectoriesForBaseDirectory(commonSourceDirGuess);
for (const candidateDir of candidateDirectories) {
if (startsWith(finalPath, candidateDir)) {
if (containsPath(candidateDir, finalPath, !useCaseSensitiveFileNames())) {
// The matched export is looking up something in either the out declaration or js dir, now map the written path back into the source dir and source extension
const pathFragment = finalPath.slice(candidateDir.length + 1); // +1 to also remove directory seperator
const possibleInputBase = combinePaths(commonSourceDirGuess, pathFragment);
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -262,5 +262,69 @@ a;b;
verifyDirSymlink("when import matches disk but directory symlink target does not", `${projectRoot}/XY`, `${projectRoot}/XY`, `./Xy`);
verifyDirSymlink("when import and directory symlink target agree but do not match disk", `${projectRoot}/XY`, `${projectRoot}/Xy`, `./Xy`);
verifyDirSymlink("when import, directory symlink target, and disk are all different", `${projectRoot}/XY`, `${projectRoot}/Xy`, `./yX`);

scenario: "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames",
subScenario: "with nodeNext resolution",
commandLineArgs: ["--w", "--explainFiles"],
sys: () => createWatchedSystem({
"/Users/name/projects/web/src/bin.ts": `import { foo } from "yargs";`,
"/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts": "export function foo(): void;",
"/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.mts": "export function foo(): void;",
"/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/package.json": JSON.stringify({
name: "yargs",
version: "17.0.12",
exports: {
".": {
types: {
import: "./index.d.mts",
default: "./index.d.ts"
"/Users/name/projects/web/tsconfig.json": JSON.stringify({
compilerOptions: {
moduleResolution: "nodenext",
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true,
traceResolution: true,
[libFile.path]: libFile.content,
}, { currentDirectory: "/Users/name/projects/web" }),
changes: emptyArray,

scenario: "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames",
subScenario: "self name package reference",
commandLineArgs: ["-w", "--explainFiles"],
sys: () => createWatchedSystem({
"/Users/name/projects/web/package.json": JSON.stringify({
name: "@this/package",
type: "module",
exports: {
".": "./dist/index.js"
"/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts": Utils.dedent`
import * as me from "@this/package";
export function thing(): void {}
"/Users/name/projects/web/tsconfig.json": JSON.stringify({
compilerOptions: {
module: "nodenext",
outDir: "./dist",
declarationDir: "./types",
composite: true,
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true,
traceResolution: true,
"/a/lib/lib.esnext.full.d.ts": libFile.content,
}, { currentDirectory: "/Users/name/projects/web" }),
changes: emptyArray,
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
//// [/Users/name/projects/web/package.json]

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts]
import * as me from "@this/package";
export function thing(): void {}

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/tsconfig.json]

//// [/a/lib/lib.esnext.full.d.ts]
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
interface Boolean {}
interface Function {}
interface CallableFunction {}
interface NewableFunction {}
interface IArguments {}
interface Number { toExponential: any; }
interface Object {}
interface RegExp {}
interface String { charAt: any; }
interface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }

/a/lib/tsc.js -w --explainFiles
>> Screen clear
[12:00:23 AM] Starting compilation in watch mode...

Found 'package.json' at '/users/name/projects/web/package.json'.
'package.json' does not have a 'typesVersions' field.
======== Resolving module '@this/package' from '/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts'. ========
Module resolution kind is not specified, using 'NodeNext'.
File '/users/name/projects/web/package.json' exists according to earlier cached lookups.
File '/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts' exist - use it as a name resolution result.
Resolving real path for '/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts', result '/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts'.
======== Module name '@this/package' was successfully resolved to '/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts'. ========
File '/a/lib/package.json' does not exist.
File '/a/package.json' does not exist.
File '/package.json' does not exist.
Default library for target 'esnext'
Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
Imported via "@this/package" from file 'index.ts'
File is ECMAScript module because 'package.json' has field "type" with value "module"
[12:00:36 AM] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.

Program root files: ["/Users/name/projects/web/index.ts"]
Program options: {"module":199,"outDir":"/Users/name/projects/web/dist","declarationDir":"/Users/name/projects/web/types","composite":true,"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames":true,"traceResolution":true,"watch":true,"explainFiles":true,"configFilePath":"/Users/name/projects/web/tsconfig.json"}
Program structureReused: Not
Program files::

Semantic diagnostics in builder refreshed for::

Shape signatures in builder refreshed for::
/a/lib/lib.esnext.full.d.ts (used version)
/users/name/projects/web/index.ts (computed .d.ts during emit)




exitCode:: ExitStatus.undefined

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/dist/index.js]
import * as me from "@this/package";
export function thing() { }

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/types/index.d.ts]
export declare function thing(): void;

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/dist/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
{"program":{"fileNames":["../../../../../a/lib/lib.esnext.full.d.ts","../index.ts"],"fileInfos":[{"version":"-7698705165-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }","affectsGlobalScope":true,"impliedFormat":1},{"version":"14361483761-import * as me from \"@this/package\";\nme.thing();\nexport function thing(): void {}\n","signature":"-2724770439-export declare function thing(): void;\n","impliedFormat":99}],"options":{"composite":true,"declarationDir":"../types","module":199,"outDir":"./"},"fileIdsList":[[2]],"referencedMap":[[2,1]],"exportedModulesMap":[],"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile":[1,2],"latestChangedDtsFile":"../types/index.d.ts"},"version":"FakeTSVersion"}

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/dist/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo.readable.baseline.txt]
"program": {
"fileNames": [
"fileNamesList": [
"fileInfos": {
"../../../../../a/lib/lib.esnext.full.d.ts": {
"version": "-7698705165-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }",
"signature": "-7698705165-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }",
"affectsGlobalScope": true,
"impliedFormat": "commonjs"
"../index.ts": {
"version": "14361483761-import * as me from \"@this/package\";\nme.thing();\nexport function thing(): void {}\n",
"signature": "-2724770439-export declare function thing(): void;\n",
"impliedFormat": "esnext"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declarationDir": "../types",
"module": 199,
"outDir": "./"
"referencedMap": {
"../index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"latestChangedDtsFile": "../types/index.d.ts"
"version": "FakeTSVersion",
"size": 974

@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
//// [/Users/name/projects/web/src/bin.ts]
import { foo } from "yargs";

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts]
export function foo(): void;

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.mts]
export function foo(): void;

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/package.json]

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/tsconfig.json]

//// [/a/lib/lib.d.ts]
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
interface Boolean {}
interface Function {}
interface CallableFunction {}
interface NewableFunction {}
interface IArguments {}
interface Number { toExponential: any; }
interface Object {}
interface RegExp {}
interface String { charAt: any; }
interface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }

/a/lib/tsc.js --w --explainFiles
>> Screen clear
[12:00:35 AM] Starting compilation in watch mode...

File '/users/name/projects/web/src/package.json' does not exist.
File '/users/name/projects/web/package.json' does not exist.
File '/users/name/projects/package.json' does not exist.
File '/users/name/package.json' does not exist.
File '/users/package.json' does not exist.
File '/package.json' does not exist.
======== Resolving module 'yargs' from '/Users/name/projects/web/src/bin.ts'. ========
Explicitly specified module resolution kind: 'NodeNext'.
File '/users/name/projects/web/src/package.json' does not exist according to earlier cached lookups.
File '/users/name/projects/web/package.json' does not exist according to earlier cached lookups.
File '/users/name/projects/package.json' does not exist according to earlier cached lookups.
File '/users/name/package.json' does not exist according to earlier cached lookups.
File '/users/package.json' does not exist according to earlier cached lookups.
File '/package.json' does not exist according to earlier cached lookups.
Loading module 'yargs' from 'node_modules' folder, target file type 'TypeScript'.
Directory '/Users/name/projects/web/src/node_modules' does not exist, skipping all lookups in it.
File '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/yargs.ts' does not exist.
File '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/yargs.tsx' does not exist.
File '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/yargs.d.ts' does not exist.
Found 'package.json' at '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/package.json'.
'package.json' does not have a 'typesVersions' field.
File '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts' exist - use it as a name resolution result.
Resolving real path for '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts', result '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts'.
======== Module name 'yargs' was successfully resolved to '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts' with Package ID 'yargs/index.d.ts@17.0.12'. ========
File '/users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/package.json' exists according to earlier cached lookups.
======== Resolving type reference directive 'yargs', containing file '/Users/name/projects/web/__inferred type names__.ts', root directory '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types'. ========
Resolving with primary search path '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types'.
File '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/package.json' exists according to earlier cached lookups.
'package.json' does not have a 'typings' field.
'package.json' does not have a 'types' field.
File '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts' exist - use it as a name resolution result.
Resolving real path for '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts', result '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts'.
======== Type reference directive 'yargs' was successfully resolved to '/Users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts' with Package ID 'yargs/index.d.ts@17.0.12', primary: true. ========
File '/a/lib/package.json' does not exist.
File '/a/package.json' does not exist.
File '/package.json' does not exist according to earlier cached lookups.
Default library for target 'es3'
Imported via "yargs" from file 'src/bin.ts' with packageId 'yargs/index.d.ts@17.0.12'
Entry point for implicit type library 'yargs' with packageId 'yargs/index.d.ts@17.0.12'
File is CommonJS module because 'node_modules/@types/yargs/package.json' does not have field "type"
Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
File is CommonJS module because 'package.json' was not found
[12:00:38 AM] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.

Program root files: ["/Users/name/projects/web/src/bin.ts"]
Program options: {"moduleResolution":99,"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames":true,"traceResolution":true,"watch":true,"explainFiles":true,"configFilePath":"/Users/name/projects/web/tsconfig.json"}
Program structureReused: Not
Program files::

Semantic diagnostics in builder refreshed for::

Shape signatures in builder refreshed for::
/a/lib/lib.d.ts (used version)
/users/name/projects/web/node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts (used version)
/users/name/projects/web/src/bin.ts (used version)




exitCode:: ExitStatus.undefined

//// [/Users/name/projects/web/src/bin.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;

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