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react ally role Rule

t-ligu edited this page Sep 20, 2016 · 2 revisions


Elements with aria roles must use a valid, non-abstract aria role. A reference to role defintions can be found at WAI-ARIA roles.


Rule options

This rule takes no arguments.



<div role='datepicker'></div>           <!-- Bad: 'datepicker' is not an aria role -->
<div role='range'></div>                <!-- Bad: 'range' is an abstract aria role -->

// An empty role is not allowed.
<div role ></div>
<div role=''></div>
<div role={}></div>
<div role={ '' }></div>


<div></div>                   <!-- Good: no aria role -->
<div role='button'></div>     <!-- Good: 'button' is a valid aria role -->
<div role={ role }></div>     <!-- Good: role is a variable & cannot be determined until runtime -->