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Skolplattformen .NET Client (unofficial)

Bygge av källkoden NuGet version (MikaelDui.Skolplattformen.Client)

An unofficial .NET client for Skolplattformen. You could use it to create your very own Skolplattformen app with, for example, Xamarin and Blazor!

Currently under development, everything hasn't been tested yet. Please create an issue if you encounter any problems.


You can install the NuGet package using the following command:

dotnet add package MikaelDui.Skolplattformen.Client --version *


using SkolplattformenVardnadshavareClient client = new();

// Login with BankID
await client.TryAuthenticateAsync("121212-1212");

// Get the current user
var user = await client.GetUserAsync();

// Get children
var children = await client.GetChildrenAsync();

// Get the news for the first child
var news = await client.GetNewsAsync(children[0]);


If you want a JavaScript version, check out the project kolplattformen/embedded-api.