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OpenAPI 2.0 Operations

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A small (~1kb) library to transform an OpenAPI 2.0 spec into an array of operations.

This opens up the use of higher order functions (map, filter, reduce, etc) to process the spec for your own needs.


yarn add openapi-operations


const openApiOperations = require('openapi-operations')

// load and parse your OpenAPI spec, either remotely or from local file system in Node
const spec = await loadSpec()

// Convert the spec into an array of operations
const operations = openApiOperations(spec)

    .map(op =>


Options {
   * The mode your tool will be operating in.
   * Defaults to 'server'
  mode: 'client'|'server'
   * Whether to include common top level spec information across all operations under the property `base`
   * Defaults to false
  includeBase: Boolean


There are two perspectives when building OpenAPI tools, either delivering services from the server or consuming services from a client.

When on the server an API will potentially consume and/or produce specific formats of content.

On the client however these are inverted and more commonly known by the terms contentTypes and accepts. These align with the HTTP request headers Content-Type (the content format you're sending to the server) and Accept (the content format(s) you expect the server to respond with).

To choose your perspective you can define a mode.

mode === 'server' // default

  • operation.consumes
  • operation.produces

mode === 'client'

  • operation.contentTypes
  • operation.accepts


An OpenAPI spec contains a number of top level details such as an info property with the spec title and description, or a securityDefinitions object defining global security options. These can be useful to access via an operation if you don't want pass around them separately.

Setting options.includeBase will add a shared base object to all operations which includes these top level properties.


Each operation is a plain JavaScript object with the following properties.

Operation {
  id: String
  method: String
  summary: String?
  description: String?
  basePath: String
  path: String
  fullPath: String
  url: String
  tags: Array<String>
  deprecated: Boolean?
  pathExt: Object?
  ext: Object?
  parameters: Array<Parameter>
  responses: Array<Response>
  security: Array<Security>?