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Configuration for CommunicationPlugin

The configuration of the CommunicationPlugin can be found at: spigot-plugin/communication/src/main/resources/config.yml

  • updateFrequency: How often the plugin should send status updates, measured in ticks. One tick happens usually every 0.05 seconds.
  • fixedMaterials: A list of block materials that can neither be placed nor destroyed by a player, e.g. GRASS_BLOCK or LIME_CONCRETE. A complete list of materials can be found in the spigot javadocs .
  • clientPort: The port on which the plugin is communicating with the broker.
  • worldFilePath: The path to the files with initial structures. When using shared-resources this should be /de/saar/minecraft/worlds/
  • startInventory: A list of blocks that a player will have in their inventory at the beginning of the experiment. For the format of the names see fixedMaterials above.
  • banPlayers: true if players should be banned after completing their firs experiment, false for unlimited logging in
  • NotBannedPlayers: A list of player names that are not banned from the server after completing the experiment. The comparison is case-insensitive.

After the server is started for the first time, the config is copied to server/plugins/CommunicationPlugin/config.yml. This copy can be modified directly without recompiling the plugin. If the plugin is recompiled with changes in the original config, this old copy has to be deleted before restarting the server.

fast default setup

To start the normal Minecraft server used in experiments, run ./ to download and compile and everything except the Minecraft client.

If you want to watch a previously played game out of the database, run ./ to run the Replay MC server.

to reset everything, rm -rf .setup_complete server replay_server

Manual setup

Setting up a spigot server

  1. Download BuildTools.jar and run it according to the instructions in
  2. Copy the generated server jar into a new directory (the directory where you want the server to be)
  3. Create a start up script for your operating system as described in
  4. Replace the generated file with the version from server_files in this repository
  5. Repeat for bukkit.yml and spigot.yml
  6. Generate the communication plugin and copy it into <your_server_directory>/plugins/

Creating plugin

> cd communication/ > ./gradlew shadowJar

then copy generated jar from .../spigot-plugin/communication/build/libs/communication-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar to the plugin folder of the spigot server

Setting up a Wizard of Oz server

  1. Set up a second Minecraft server running on a different port than the game Minecraft server
  2. Create the Wizard of Oz plugin with ./gradlew shadowJar and copy it to the plugin folder of the server
  3. Start the WOZ-Minecraft server
  4. Start a broker
  5. Log in to WOZ-Minecraft server (as the wizard)
  6. Start the game Minecraft server
  7. A player logging in to the game Minecraft server now gets their instruction from the wizard

Running the Minecraft server

  • start architect
  • start broker
  • start spigot server with plugin

Files in this repository


  • CommunicationPlugin: Plugin for communication between Minecraft and broker and setting up Minecraft for experiments, is created with > ./gradlew shadowJar
  • WorldTestPlugin: Plugin for test purposes that does not communicate with broker, is created with > ./gradlew worldTestShadowJar
  • DefaultPlugin: contains shared methods of both plugins
  • Client: Interface for the clients
  • MinecraftClient: Handles communication with the broker
  • DummyMinecraftClient: For testing, hard-codes broker responses
  • MinecraftListener: Reacts to changes on the MinecraftServer
  • FlatChunkGenerator: Helper class for creating flat, empty worlds


Plugin for Wizard of Oz experiments, substitutes an architect server and architect.

Only one player can log in to its server to give instructions.


Plugin to create initial world states which can later be loaded by the communication plugin

  • start a Minecraft Server with the compiled WorldBuilderPlugin
  • log in as a player
  • build the structure that should be the initial world state
  • open the chat and enter \save <filename.csv>


Draft of a Replay Plugin that shows games from the database.


Script that gives the Minecraft material name for a given material id / number.


> ./gradlew run --args <int>


./gradlew run --args 35

> Task :run
Material 35 is BAT_SPAWN_EGG


Copies of files of the spigot server that I modified

Links for Plugin Development

Related third-party plugins

(not compatible with 1.15.2, only 1.14.4)


The Minecraft server plugin for the MC-Saar-Instruct platform






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