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The existing CLI has several issues and design flaws. For example:

  • Complexity. Some commands are bloated and do too many things or define subcommands for tasks that could be
    handled by the top-level command. For example, the kes identity command.
  • No man-page like help.
  • No support for multi-server API calls. For example, list status information for all se…

The existing CLI has several issues and design flaws. For example:

  • Complexity. Some commands are bloated and do too many things or define subcommands for tasks that could be
    handled by the top-level command. For example, the kes identity command.
  • No man-page like help.
  • No support for multi-server API calls. For example, list status information for all servers specified in the env vars.
  • No easy auto-complete

Hence, this milestone captures the progress for a new CLI. For backward compatibilty, we will support the existing CLI for some time.

The new CLI simplifies the commands a user has to type. For example:

$ kes key create => kes add
$ kes key import => kes add --import KEY
$ kes key ls      => kes ls
$ kes policy ls  => kes ls -p
$ kes identity ls  => kes ls -i


  • [_] kes help command with man-page like output.
  • [_] kes add command for adding/importing keys
  • [_] kes rm command for removing keys
  • [_] kes ls command for listing servers, keys, policies, ...
  • [_] kes stat command fetching server, key, policy, ... status
  • kes identity command with support for API keys, certificates and private key files
  • [_] kes keygen, kes encrypt and kes decrypt command

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