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How to test Operator Login

Cesar Celis Hernandez edited this page Apr 12, 2022 · 13 revisions

No SSO - As end user

  1. Deploy the pods
kind delete cluster
kind create cluster --config ~/operator/testing/kind-config.yaml
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/resources
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/examples/kustomization/tenant-tiny
kubectl -n minio-operator port-forward svc/console 9090 <----------------------- MinIO Operator Login (This is the Service)
  1. Get the JWT
SA_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n minio-operator  get secret $(kubectl -n minio-operator get serviceaccount console-sa -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
echo $SA_TOKEN
  1. Go to http://localhost:9090/ and login with above JWT
Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 1 48 19 PM

As a result you will see:

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 1 48 58 PM

No SSO as Front End Engineer in Port 5005

  1. Deploy all pods in a cluster:
kind delete cluster
kind create cluster --config ~/operator/testing/kind-config.yaml
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/resources
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/examples/kustomization/tenant-tiny
  1. Proxy to get access to internal API
kubectl proxy
                                                                  Your host
    +--------------------------------------------------+     +-----------------+
    |                                                  |     |                 |
    | k8s     +----------------------------------------+-----+--8001--+        |
    |         |                                        |     |        |        |
    |  +------+---+        +---------------------+     |     |        |        |
    |  | k8s  |   |        | MINIO NAMESPACE     |     |     |        |        |
    |  | API      |        |                     |     |     |        |        |
    |  |          |        |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ |
    |  +----------+        |   | OPERATOR   |    |     |     |  | OPERATOR   | |
    |                      |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ | 
    |                      |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ |
    |                      |   | O-CONSOLE  |    |     |     |  | O-CONSOLE  | |
    |                      |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ |
    |                      +---------------------+     |     |                 |
    |                                                  |     |                 |
    |                  +----------------------------+  |     |                 |
    |                  | TENANT NAMESPACE           |  |     |                 |
    |                  |                            |  |     |                 |
    |                  |                            |  |     |                 |
    |                  +----------------------------+  |     |                 |
    +--------------------------------------------------+     +-----------------+
  1. To run console server in operator mode:
cd ~/console
make install
~/go/bin/console operator
  1. To open React Page in port 5005 for JS Debug:
cd ~/console/portal-ui
yarn install
yarn build
yarn run start
  1. Login with any password in the UI on port 5005 (Because of the proxy you can use any password only here):
Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 2 48 05 PM

You should see:

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 2 48 19 PM

With SSO as Front End Engineer in Port 5005

  1. Deploy all pods in a cluster:
kind delete cluster
kind create cluster --config ~/operator/testing/kind-config.yaml
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/resources
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/examples/kustomization/tenant-tiny
  1. Proxy to get access to internal API
kubectl proxy
                                                                  Your host
    +--------------------------------------------------+     +-----------------+
    |                                                  |     |                 |
    | k8s     +----------------------------------------+-----+--8001--+        |
    |         |                                        |     |        |        |
    |  +------+---+        +---------------------+     |     |        |        |
    |  | k8s  |   |        | MINIO NAMESPACE     |     |     |        |        |
    |  | API      |        |                     |     |     |        |        |
    |  |          |        |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ |
    |  +----------+        |   | OPERATOR   |    |     |     |  | OPERATOR   | |
    |                      |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ | 
    |                      |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ |
    |                      |   | O-CONSOLE  |    |     |     |  | O-CONSOLE  | |
    |                      |   +------------+    |     |     |  +------------+ |
    |                      +---------------------+     |     |                 |
    |                                                  |     |                 |
    |                  +----------------------------+  |     |                 |
    |                  | TENANT NAMESPACE           |  |     |                 |
    |                  |                            |  |     |                 |
    |                  |                            |  |     |                 |
    |                  +----------------------------+  |     |                 |
    +--------------------------------------------------+     +-----------------+
  1. To run console server in operator mode with Single Sign On enabled:

As MinIO Employee, you can get Auth 0 from Lenin at our Google Drive document.

export CONSOLE_ACCESS_KEY=<some-value>
export CONSOLE_SECRET_KEY=<some-value>
export CONSOLE_HMAC_JWT_SECRET=<some-value>
export CONSOLE_PBKDF_PASSPHRASE=<some-value>
export CONSOLE_PBKDF_SALT=<some-value>
export CONSOLE_M3_HOSTNAME=http://localhost:8787
export CONSOLE_IDP_URL=https://<some-url>/.well-known/openid-configuration
export CONSOLE_IDP_CLIENT_ID=<the-id>
export CONSOLE_IDP_SECRET=<the-secret>
export CONSOLE_IDP_CALLBACK=http://localhost:5005/oauth_callback
export CGO_ENABLED=0
cd ~/console
make install
~/go/bin/console operator
  1. To open React Page in port 5005 for JS Debug:
cd ~/console/portal-ui
yarn install
yarn build
yarn run start
  1. Login with via SSO method:
Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 3 05 33 PM

You should see below after clicking in the button or some similar page depending on the IDP selected (For Employee's credentials ask Lenin):

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 3 06 41 PM

Then you should see the Operator Page

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 2 48 19 PM