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Monkberry directives

npm install monkberry-directives --save


Import directives and pass in to render function.

import Monkberry from 'monkberry';
import App from './app.monk';
import directives from 'monkberry-directives';

const view = Monkberry.render(Component, document.body, {directives});

Show and hide

With this two directives you can easily show/hide don nodes. But how it's different from {% if %}? Then using if expression, node completely removes from document. Show/hide directives do not remove node from document, but only change display style.

<div :show={{ visible }}>
<div :hide={{ visible }}>


This directive allow to show a little opacity animation using CSS transition on nodes what just appears in document. For example if you want to show each item of for with fading effect.

{% for array %}
    <li :fadeIn>{{ text }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Each of element will be shown with fading effect. You can also specify duration in ms.

{% if visible %}
    <div :fadeIn="1000">
{% endif %}

Event listeners

List of supported event listeners:

Example of usage

<form :onsubmit={{ this.handleSubmit }}>
    <input type="text" value="">
    <button type="submit">Send</button>

and component

import Template from './template.monk';

export default class Component extends Template {
  constructor() {
    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);

  handleSubmit(event) {

List of supported listeners

:onclick, :oncontextmenu, :ondblclick, :onmousedown, :onmouseenter, :onmouseleave, :onmousemove, :onmouseover, :onmouseout, :onmouseup, :onkeydown, :onkeypress, :onkeyup, :onload, :onresize, :onscroll, :onblur, :onchange, :onfocus, :onfocusin, :onfocusout, :oninput, :onreset, :onselect, :onsubmit, :ondrag, :ondragend, :ondragenter, :ondragleave, :ondragover, :ondragstart, :ondrop, :animationend, :animationiteration, :animationstart, :transitionend, :onmessage, :onopen, :onwheel