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Google Ads API Client Library for Node.js. This library is developed for Google Adwords SOAP + WSDL API (v201809).


Replace your GCP OAuth 2.0 client ID and open this link in browser,{Your Client ID}&response_type=code&

The OAuth2.0 Client type should be other, not web application

If you use client id which client type is web application, you will get below error:

After finish the oauth workflow, you will get authorization code, for example: 4/0wA_JBMyfVH1ZEqZlAr0sOn_XmdzUrBgCjrpi9fVs9TudrjZUDzuUmU

Using authorization code exchange credentials:

curl \
  -d code=4/MgGqR_qEUkzq95LlP_Am8clUbX8t733PvtoMuZ_xsmAA8NHdjK07xXo \
  -d client_id=<client id> \
  -d client_secret=<client secret> \
  -d redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob \
  -d grant_type=authorization_code

Credentials response:

  "access_token": "<Access token>",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "<Refresh token>",
  "scope": "",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

You can revoke your access token from:

Above workflow is only for server-side local development without a front-end(client-side), after you make a front-end application, then you can create a OAuth2.0 Client on GCP with web application type and set up your Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs like below:

Then, when user perform the oauth workflow, you can confirm the oauth workflow on server-side, and store the refresh_token, access_token and other informations in your database. When user click create campaign button on your front-end application, it will send a HTTP request to your server-side, then, you can get the user's access_token from database, can call google adwords api using this access_token.

Environment variables

ADWORDS_SECRET=<GCP OAuth 2.0 client secret>
ADWORDS_DEVELOPER_TOKEN=<Google Adwords Developer Token>
ADWORDS_USER_AGENT=Google Ads API Client Library for Node.js

Put above environment variables into .env file for local development.


Initialize AdwordsService with above environment variables

const adwordsService = new AdWordsService({
  clientCustomerId: credentials.ADWORDS_CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID,
  developerToken: credentials.ADWORDS_DEVELOPER_TOKEN,
  userAgent: credentials.ADWORDS_USER_AGENT,
  clientId: credentials.ADWORDS_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: credentials.ADWORDS_SECRET,
  credentials: {
    refresh_token: credentials.ADWORDS_REFRESH_TOKEN,

Get budgets by page:

async function getByPage() {
  const budgetService = adwordsService.getService('BudgetService');
  const paging: IPaging = {
    startIndex: 0,
    numberResults: 2,
  return await budgetService.getByPage(paging);

Create a budget:

async function createBudget() {
  const budgetService = adwordsService.getService('BudgetService');

  const budget: IBudget = {
    name: faker.lorem.word(),
    amount: {
      microAmount: BudgetService.UNIT,
    deliveryMethod: Budget.BudgetDeliveryMethod.STANDARD,
    isExplicitlyShared: false,
    status: Budget.BudgetStatus.ENABLED,

  return await budgetService.add(budget);

Get campaigns by page:

async function getCampaignsByPages() {
  const paging: IPaging = {
    startIndex: 0,
    numberResults: 1,
  return await campaignService.getByPage(paging);

Same usage for other Google Adwords resources

