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Repository, meant to be used as a git submodule, for easy setup of python projects


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This repository holds common scripts for use in python repositories. The main script of note is

Table of Contents


  • Add .prettierrc file if it doesn't exist
  • Fix for new VS Code extensions and settings
  • Create pyproject.toml if it doesn't exist


This repo should be added to another repo as a submodule

git submodule add -b main
git commit -m "Adding utility-repo-scripts"

This will add the utility-repo-scripts repository as a submodule in the utility-repo-scripts folder within your project. Submodules are not cloned by default so you should add a step to your setup script in the project to initialize it if it wasn't cloned already. This setup script should work for most projects:

git submodule update --init --remote --force
source utility-repo-scripts/ --package_manager="pip" --python_version="3.8"

How Python is Determined


If you have pyenv installed, the script will use pyenv commands to make and setup the virtual environment.

The --python_version flag will be used to set the version of python to use for the virtual environment in pyenv.


If pyenv is not installed, the script will assume brew is being used to install python. The --python_version flag will be used to set the version of python to use for the virtual environment. This flag is a python version such as "3.8". This will result in the script attempting to call the brew symlinked python3.8 command. If this version of python was, for some reason, not installed by brew, the script will fail. Installing the version of python you want to use with brew is outside the scope of this script. Installing the missing version and re-running the ./setup script will resolve the issue.

When brew is assumed as the python source, the script will default to create the virtual environment at your exported WORKON_HOME environment variable.

If using virtualenvwrapper, the script will default to create the virtual environment at your exported WORKON_HOME environment variable.

If this variable is not set or you don't use virtualenvwrapper, it will default to $HOME/.venvs/<project-name>.

You can change this by adding an environment variable to your .zshrc or .bashrc file:


This WORKON_HOME variable is used by virtualenvwrapper to determine where to look for virtual environments when invoking workon <project-name>.

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CLI Flags

The setup script accepts a few flags to customize the setup process:

Note: 0 is False and 1 is True

Flag Description Default Valid Values
-d or --debug Enables or disables debug echo statements False
--package_manager Specifies which package manager to use pip [pip, pip-tools, poetry]
-r or --rebuild_venv Specifies whether or not to delete and re-create the virtual environment or not False
--python_version Specifies the python version to use 3.8 [3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11]
--is_package Specifies whether or not the project is a package False
--include_jumanji_house Specifies whether or not to include the jumanjihouse pre-commit hooks False
--include_prettier Specifies whether or not to include the prettier pre-commit hooks False
--include_isort Specifies whether or not to include the isort pre-commit hooks False
--python_formatter Specifies which python formatter to use '' ['', autopep8, black]
--pylint_enabled Specifies whether or not to enable pylint False
--flake8_enabled Specifies whether or not to enable flake8 False
--pytest_enabled Specifies whether or not to enable pytest False
--unittest_enabled Specifies whether or not to enable unittest False
--overwrite_vscode_launch Enables or disables the overriding of the .vscode/launch.json file False
--line_length Specifies the line length to use for various settings 125 Any non-zero positive integer
--pre_commit_pylint_entry_prefix Specifies the prefix to use for the pylint pre-commit hook entry utility-repo-scripts/

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Supported Package Managers


Version 1 of the setup script uses pip to manage the python dependencies. This is the default version of the setup script. To use version 1 of the setup script, add the following to your setup script:

git submodule update --init --remote --force
source utility-repo-scripts/ \
    --package_manager="pip" \
    --rebuild_venv="$rebuild_venv" \
    --python_version="3.8" \
    --python_formatter="" \
    --pylint_enabled \
    --pytest_enabled \
    --overwrite_vscode_launch \

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pip: Dev, Test & Prod Requirements

We can separate our requirements into different files to make it easier to manage them. For example, we can have a requirements-dev.txt file that contains the dependencies needed for development and testing. We can then have a requirements-test.txt file that contains the dependencies needed for testing. We can then have a requirements.txt file that contains the dependencies needed for production.

# requirements-dev.txt
-r requirements-test.txt
# requirements-test.txt
-r requirements.txt
# requirements.txt

The version 1 of the setup script looks for the above files starting with requirements-dev.txt and then requirements-test.txt and then requirements.txt.

If you wish to have dev dependencies but not test dependencies, you can create a requirements-dev.txt file that points the -r flag to requirements.txt instead of requirements-test.txt.

If you wish to only have test dependencies, you can create a requirements-test.txt file that points the -r flag to requirements.txt and remove the requirements-dev.txt file from the repo.

As shown in the example files above, if you run ./setup in your project, the resulting command the setup script would run is pip install -r requirements-dev.txt which would end up installing all the dependencies in requirements-dev.txt, requirements-test.txt and requirements.txt.

This is because the -r requirements-test.txt line in requirements-dev.txt and the -r requirements.txt line in requirements-test.txt will ensure that the dependencies in requirements-test.txt and requirements.txt are also installed when calling the command pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.

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Version 2 of the setup script uses pip-tools to manage the python dependencies. To use version 2 of the setup script, modify your setup script to the following:

git submodule update --init --remote --force
source utility-repo-scripts/ \
    --package_manager="pip-tools" \
    --rebuild_venv="$rebuild_venv" \
    --python_version="3.8" \
    --python_formatter="" \
    --pylint_enabled \
    --pytest_enabled \
    --overwrite_vscode_launch \

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pip-tools: Setup

To ensure your project will work with version 2 of the setup script, we must first setup at least a file. This file will contain the direct dependencies of your project. For now, this file should at least contain pip-tools.


Since the newly created virtual environment might not have pip-tools:

  1. Run: pip install pip-tools
  2. Then run, pip-compile -U to build the requirements.txt file.

You can now run ./setup to setup your project.

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pip-tools: Dev, Test & Prod Requirements

We can separate our requirements into different files to make it easier to manage them. For example, we can have a file that contains the dependencies needed for development and testing. We can then have a file that contains the dependencies needed for testing. We can then have a file that contains the dependencies needed for production.

-c requirements.txt
-c requirements-test.txt
-c requirements.txt

We can then compile these files into their respective .txt files:

pip-compile -U --resolver=backtracking --strip-extras
pip-compile -U --resolver=backtracking --strip-extras
pip-compile -U --resolver=backtracking

The version 2 of the setup script looks for the compiled output of the above commands (aka the requirements-dev.txt, requirements-test.txt, and requirements.txt).

  • If dev, test, and prod requirements are found, the resulting command the setup script would run is pip-sync requirements-dev.txt requirements-test.txt requirements.txt.
  • If only dev and prod requirements are found, the resulting command the setup script would run is pip-sync requirements-dev.txt requirements.txt.
  • If only test and prod requirements are found, the resulting command the setup script would run is pip-sync requirements-test.txt requirements.txt.
  • If only prod requirements are found, the resulting command the setup script would run is pip-sync requirements.txt.

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pip-tools: Rebuilding Virtual Environment

The goal of Version 2 of the setup script is to make it faster to setup and install dependencies. A core part of this is to not rebuild the virtual environment every time the setup script is run. This done by checking if the virtual environment destination directory already exists. If it does, we assume that this environment is in a healthy state (i.e. the python and pip executables and other site-packages are intact). If the folder exists, we can speed up setup by leveraging pip-sync on the requirements files in the repository. If the virtual environment does not exist, we create one prior to performing pip-sync.

Since the virtual environment is built and linked to the system executables at creation, we must rebuild the virtual environment whenever our system changes. One example that would prompt a rebuild of the virtual environment is python being updated by brew. This would result in the previously linked python executable to no longer exist, and this the virtual environment would be in an unhealthy state. To rebuild the virtual environment, run the setup script with the --rebuild_venv flag set to 1.

Alternatively, you can set the setup script to accept input for easy ad-hoc re-building. To do this, set your setup script to the following:

git submodule update --init --remote --force
source utility-repo-scripts/ \
    --package_manager="pip-tools" \
    --rebuild_venv="$rebuild_venv" \
    --python_version="3.8" \
    --python_formatter="" \
    --pylint_enabled \
    --pytest_enabled \
    --overwrite_vscode_launch \

To then easily run and re-build the virtual environment on the fly without modifying the setup script, run the following:

./setup 1

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Version 3 of the setup script uses Poetry to manage the python dependencies. To use version 3 of the setup script, modify your setup script to the following:

git submodule update --init --remote --force
source utility-repo-scripts/ \
    --package_manager="poetry" \
    --rebuild_venv="$rebuild_venv" \
    --python_version="3.8" \
    --python_formatter="" \
    --pylint_enabled \
    --pytest_enabled \
    --overwrite_vscode_launch \

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Poetry: Setup

To setup a project for version 3 of the setup script, we must first install Poetry. To install Poetry, view the Poetry installation instructions.

Once Poetry is installed, we can then run the following command to setup the project:

poetry init

This will create a pyproject.toml file in the root of the project. This file will contain the project's dependencies. To add a dependency, run the following command:

poetry add <dependency>

For more information about Poetry, view the Poetry documentation.

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poetry: Rebuilding Virtual Environment

The goal of Version 3 of the setup script is to make it faster to setup and install dependencies. A core part of this is to not rebuild the virtual environment every time the setup script is run. This done by checking if the virtual environment destination directory already exists. If it does, we assume that this environment is in a healthy state (i.e. the python and pip executables and other site-packages are intact). If the folder exists, we can speed up setup by leveraging poetry install --sync in the repository. If the virtual environment does not exist, we create one prior to performing poetry install --sync.

Since the virtual environment is built and linked to the system executables at creation, we must rebuild the virtual environment whenever our system changes. One example that would prompt a rebuild of the virtual environment is python being updated by brew. This would result in the previously linked python executable to no longer exist, and this the virtual environment would be in an unhealthy state. To rebuild the virtual environment, run the setup script with the --rebuild_venv flag set to 1.

Alternatively, you can set the setup script to accept input for easy ad-hoc re-building. To do this, set your setup script to the following:

git submodule update --init --remote --force
source utility-repo-scripts/ \
    --package_manager="poetry" \
    --rebuild_venv="$rebuild_venv" \
    --python_version="3.8" \
    --python_formatter="" \
    --pylint_enabled \
    --pytest_enabled \
    --overwrite_vscode_launch \

To then easily run and re-build the virtual environment on the fly without modifying the setup script, run the following:

./setup 1

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To test this repo, run the following command:

poetry run pytest --cov -n auto


To lint this repo, run the following command:

poetry run pylint src tests
poetry run flake8 src tests

Brew Packages

The following section details recommended brew packages to install. Note: These packages are required for the pre-commit to function.

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To format shell files, install shfmt with brew:

brew install shfmt

and then run the following command to format all shell files in the repo:

shfmt -l -w

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To lint shell files, install shellcheck with brew:

brew install shellcheck

and then run the following command to lint a shell file changing out the file name/path as needed:


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shellcheck VS Code Extension

To get integrated shellcheck linting in VS Code, install the shellcheck extension

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brew install openssl@3 readline libyaml gmp
brew install rust
brew install rbenv ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zprofile
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.zprofile
rbenv install 3.2.1
rbenv global 3.2.1
rbenv local 3.2.1
rbenv rehash
gem update --system
gem install mdl

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gem install mdl

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(Optional) pyenv

To install pyenv, run the following command:

brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv

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Repository, meant to be used as a git submodule, for easy setup of python projects







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