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A web service for calculating the Levenshtein distance between two sequences

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Table of content

  1. Introduction
  2. Architectural design
    1. Graphical overview
    2. Frameworks and tools used
  3. Development
    1. Getting started
    2. How to enable BuildKit?
      1. Enable the BuildKit in Docker Desktop
      2. Enable the BuildKit in a fresh terminal
      3. On Linux machines, you may also need
    3. Building your Docker images
    4. How to access the web application?
    5. How to update project dependencies?
    6. How to run services locally?
    7. How to access your local Postgres Docker service?
  4. Testing and code formatting
    1. How to run tests locally?
    2. How to format the code before pushing new changes to remote?
  5. Continuous integration/CI
    1. Code coverage


A web service for calculating the Levenshtein distance between two sequences.

In order to compare and study proteins, scientists have devised many computational techniques and algorithms. One such algorithm is the “Levenshtein distance”, which computes the distance between two string-like sequences. It is used as a simple measure of similarity between two proteins.

The aim of this project is to develop a web application where a user can compute the Levenshtein distance between two proteins.

Architectural design

Graphical overview

Here is a graphical overview about the signup, login, job submission, job status check and job result retrieval flow:

image info

image info

Frameworks and tools used

Component Framework/Tool
Calculate Levenshtein distance Levenshtein module
Protein sequence retrieval UniProt REST API
Web framework Django
Django backend database Any relation database would do the trick, e.g. PostgresSQL or MySQL
User management system Django auth app
Task Queue Celery
Task Queue Broker RabbitMQ
Task Queue Result Store Re-use Django backend database - Django ORM


Getting started

Before you start make sure you have your private SSH Key added, which gives you access to certain GitHub organisation or private repos. You only have to do this once!

ssh-add /your/ssh/key/file/for/github

Every time you open a new console/terminal make sure your ssh-agent is running and all SSH keys are added.

eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-add

How to enable BuildKit?

This could be achieved in different ways.

Enable the BuildKit in Docker Desktop

image info

Enable the BuildKit in a fresh terminal

On Linux machines, you may also need:

Building your Docker images

make build-service

docker-compose build

make migrate

make createsuperuser

And then the service can be started as following:

docker-compose up web

How to access the web application?

Now that the web server is running, visit with your web browser.

The login page can be accessed here

The registration page can be accessed here

and the job submission page here

How to update project dependencies?

For this project we are using pip-tools to manage all project dependencies. Apply changes to and run pip-compile, which generates an updated version of requirements.txt.

For rsa keys run...

make pip-compile-rsa

For ed-25519 keys run...

make pip-compile-ed-25519

How to run services locally?

How to start all services defined in docker-compose file - for development only?

docker-compose up

OR use the following Makefile command:

make up

How to start services marked with specific profiles - for development only?

Certain services are marked with specific profiles. To start these services you have to use the --profile option in your docker-compose command.

docker-compose [--profile prometheus]  up

How to access your local Postgres Docker service?

Execute the postgres docker container to enter the terminal. You can do that for instance via Docker Desktop.

docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/sh

Connect to the Postgres database terminal:

psql -d <db-name> -U <username> -W

DB and user name as well as the password can be found and changed in the docker-compose file (see env var POSTGRES_DB etc.)

psql -d distance_service -U maxim -W

Testing and code formatting

How to run tests locally?

make pytest

OR you can run specific test like this...
docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint=sh <service-name> -c "pytest app/tests/unit/test_*.py"

How to format the code before pushing new changes to remote?

make format

make lint

Continuous integration


Code coverage

For this project code coverage is set up.