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In JavaScript, falsy values are those that evaluate to false when converted to a boolean context. Here's a list of falsy values in JavaScript:

false: The boolean value false itself.

0: The number 0.

'': An empty string.

null: The null value.

undefined: The undefined value.

NaN: Not-a-Number.

In JavaScript, truthy values are those that evaluate to true when converted to a boolean context. Here's a list of some common truthy values:

true: The boolean value true itself.

Any non-empty string, including strings containing only whitespace characters.

Any number other than 0, including positive and negative numbers, as well as Infinity and -Infinity.

Objects: Any non-null object, including arrays and functions.

The new Date() object, even if the date represents a zero timestamp.

The new Object() object.

Implicit and Explicit Function

Implicit: doesnt need return keyword

Explicit: needs return keyword ( Ex always need to be returned)

Immediately Invoked Function Expression

(function chai(){
    console.log(`DB Conneccted`);

// first bracket for funcction definition
// seccond bracket for function declaration


function addone(num){
    return num + 1;

// console.log(addTwo(5))
// const addTwo = function(num){
// return num + 2;
// }

Nullish coalescence operator(" ?? ")

const defaultValue = 'default';
let someValue = null;

const result = someValue ?? defaultValue;
console.log(result); // Output: 'default'

const data = {
    user: {
        name: 'John',
        age: null

const userAge = data.user.age ?? 'Age not available';
console.log(userAge); // Output: 'Age not available'

function greet(name) {
    const userName = name ?? 'Anonymous';
    console.log(`Hello, ${userName}!`);

greet(); // Output: 'Hello, Anonymous!'
greet('Alice'); // Output: 'Hello, Alice!'

const userInput = '';
const defaultValue = 'Default Value';

const selectedValue = userInput ?? defaultValue;
console.log(selectedValue); // Output: '' (userInput is an empty string, so it's not null or undefined)

Lexical Scoping

Lexical scoping, in simple terms, means that when you define a function inside another function, the inner function has access to the variables and parameters of the outer function, even after the outer function has finished running.

function outerFunction() {
    var outerVariable = 'I am outer!';

    function innerFunction() {

    innerFunction(); // Call the inner function

outerFunction(); // Call the outer function


🍁 Javascript from Basics to DOM







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