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Onyx Client

Buy Me A Coffee

This repository contains a Python HTTP client for Hella' s ONYX.CENTER API.

API Versions

It is encouraged to always update Hella devices to the latest software. This will, mostly, also enforce using the newest API. In below table you can find an indication of what Hella API version is supported.

Hella API Version Client Version
v3 >= 3.1.0
v2 >= 2.5.0 < 3.0.0


The package is published in (Test)PyPi and can be installed via:

pip install onyx-client


The configuration defines connection properties as a dict for the application running.

Attention: make sure to read the Onyx API Access Control description to retrieve the fingerprint and access token!

Option Description
fingerprint The fingerprint of the ONYX.CENTER.
access_token The permanent access token.
client_session The initialized aiohttp.ClientSession. (Default: None, create new session.)

Access Control Helper

The method onyx_client.authorizer.exchange_code takes the API code and performs the exchange to a fingerprint and access token. Please follow the aforementioned documentation to retrieve the code.



You can instantiate the client using the onyx_client.client.create method like:

import aiohttp
from onyx_client.client import create
from onyx_client.authorizer import exchange_code

# by providing the fingerprint and access token only
client = create(fingerprint="fingerprint", access_token="access_token")

# by providing the fingerprint, access token and aiohttp client session
client = create(fingerprint="fingerprint", access_token="access_token", client_session=aiohttp.ClientSession())

# by providing the configuration object
client_session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
# e.g. by exchanging the code first
config = exchange_code("code", client_session)
client = create(config=config, client_session=client_session) if client_session is not None else None


You can register a event callback which will be triggered if the client receives a device update:

# all imports and a client exists...

def received_update(device):


# you can stop the client listening for updates using:

Each device update will be pushed to your callback and will create an event loop in the background.


You can stream device updates directly and process them through, e.g., an async for loop:

# all imports and a client exists...

async for device in


The following examples are available in the examples directory:

  • events: uses the callback mechanism (start(), stop())
  • streaming: uses the streaming mechanism (events())


The project uses poetry and to install all dependencies and the build environment, run:

pip install poetry
poetry install


  1. Install all dependencies as shown above.
  2. Run pytest by:
poetry run pytest
# or

Linting and Code Style

The project uses ruff for automated code linting and fixing, also using pre-commit.

  1. Install all dependencies as shown above.
  2. (Optional) Install pre-commit hooks:
poetry run pre-commit install
  1. Run ruff:
poetry run ruff check .
# poetry run ruff format .


This package uses poetry-dynamic-versioning which infers the version number based on the Git tags. Hence, to have a proper versioning for the distribution, use Python's build system like:

pip install build
python -m build

Your distribution will be in the dist directory.

Commit Message

This project follows Conventional Commits, and your commit message must also adhere to the additional rules outlined in .conform.yaml.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Daniel Mühlbachler-Pietrzykowski
Daniel Mühlbachler-Pietrzykowski

🚧 💻 📖
Mathias Mitterdorfer
Mathias Mitterdorfer


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


If you enjoy the application and want to support my efforts, please feel free to buy me a coffe. :)

Buy Me A Coffee