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React Video Player

A configrable react html5 video component


$ npm install react-videoplayer --save

Getting Started

import VideoPlayer from 'react-videoplayer'
import 'react-videoplayer/lib/index.css'


  • Pass Initial volume, time, playback rate
  • Disable/Enable default controls
  • Disable/Enable custom controls
  • Disable any particular control like playback rate control
  • Pass custom icons for any button
  • Keyboard Controls
  • Customize slider (Overwrite CSS)
  • Control hiding on mouse out or no mouse movement
  • Support for playlist

Upcoming Features (v1)

  • High Order Component one can pass custom Control with exposed API for control
  • Customize keyboard control in run-time


Prop Type Default Description
videoSrc string video url (required)
videoVolume number 100 intial playback volume range [0-100]
videoProgress string 0m0s video start time as string MM:SS
videoPlaybackRate number 1 Default playback rate
autoPlay bool false video will played as component is mounted
muted bool false mutes the video if true
playButtonImg string svg-icon icon path
pauseButtonImg string svg-icon icon path
nextButtonImg string svg-icon icon path
previousButtonImg string svg-icon icon path
volumeButtonImg string svg-icon icon path
volumeButtonMuteImg string svg-icon icon path
fullScreenButtonImg string svg-icon icon path
playbackRateButtonImg string svg-icon icon path
previousButtonClassName string '' class for prev btn is disabled ( when 1st video is played)
nextButtonClassName string '' class for prev btn is disabled ( when last video is played)
onPlay func function called when video starts intially
onPlaying func function called when video played
onEnded func function called when video ends
playlist bool false when true prev and next btn are active
playNext func func called when next buttin is clicked
playPrevious func func called when prev buttin is clicked
defaultSeekTime number 10 default seek time when video is seeked through key
defaultVolumeChange number 10 default volume change when changed through key
defaultBrowserControls bool false default html5 controls
customHtmlControls bool true default custom controls
keyboardControls bool true enables keyboard controls
notificationClass string 'video-player-notifications' default class for notification
notificationDuration number 1500 timeout for notification

Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Action
Up Arrow Increase Volume
Down Arrow Decrease Volume
Right Arrow Seek Forward
Left Arrow Seek Backward
] Increase PlayBack Rate
[ Decrease PlayBack Rate
Default Playback Rate
Enter / F Fullscreen Toggle
Space / K play-Pause Toggle
L Seek Forward
J Seek Backward
M Toggle Volume
T Toggle TheaterMode
> play Next Video
< play Previous Video
H Show HelpBox

Basic Example

import React from 'react';
import VideoPlayer from 'react-videoplayer'
import 'react-videoplayer/lib/index.css'

class Player extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            videoSrc : ''

    render() {
        return (

export default Player;

Advance Example

This examples contains one more component dragNdrop which is loosely based on react-drag-and-drop through which files are dropped to play.

import React from 'react';
import VideoPlayer from 'react-videoplayer'
import 'react-videoplayer/lib/index.css'
import DragNDropInput from '../components/DragNDropInput';

class Player extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            playlist: [],
            videoFiles: [],
            videoSrc: "",
            currentVideo: -1,
            previousButtonClassName: "",
            nextButtonClassName: ""

        this.DragNDropInputOnDrop = this.DragNDropInputOnDrop.bind(this);
        this.videoPlayerPlayNext = this.videoPlayerPlayNext.bind(this);
        this.videoPlayerPlayPrevious = this.videoPlayerPlayPrevious.bind(this);

    DragNDropInputOnDrop(dragndrop, acceptedFiles) {
        let newVideoFile = [];
        let newPlayList = [];
        let oldVideoFile = this.state.videoFiles;
        let oldPlayList = this.state.playlist;
        acceptedFiles.forEach((file) => {
            const index = helper.isObjectDuplicate(file, oldVideoFile, "name");
            const fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
            if (index === -1) {

        if (newPlayList.length > 0) {
            this.setState((prevState) => {
                let currentVideo = -1;
                if (prevState.currentVideo === -1) {
                    currentVideo = 0;
                else {
                    currentVideo = prevState.currentVideo;
                const playlist = [...oldPlayList, ...newPlayList];
                const videoFiles = [...oldVideoFile, ...newVideoFile];
                return {
                    nextButtonClassName: "",
                    videoSrc: playlist[currentVideo]

    videoPlayerPlayNext() {
        if (this.state.currentVideo === this.state.playlist.length - 1) {
        else {
            this.setState((prevState) => {
                const currentVideo = prevState.currentVideo + 1;
                const className = currentVideo === prevState.playlist.length - 1 ? "disabled" : "";
                return {
                    videoSrc: prevState.playlist[currentVideo],
                    nextButtonClassName: className,
                    previousButtonClassName: ""

    videoPlayerPlayPrevious() {
        if (this.state.currentVideo === 0) {
        else {
            this.setState((prevState) => {
                const currentVideo = prevState.currentVideo - 1;
                const className = currentVideo === 0 ? "disabled" : "";
                return {
                    videoSrc: prevState.playlist[currentVideo],
                    previousButtonClassName: className,
                    nextButtonClassName: ""

    render() {
        return (
                {this.state.videoSrc === "" ? false :
                        playlist={this.state.playlist.length > 1}


export default Player;


Note: Image contains music video believer by Imagine Dragons to which I claim not rights.


Feel free to contribute. Submit a Pull Request or open an issue for further discussion.
