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Net is an HTTP client which is built on top of RxJS.


Using npm

npm install @musicq/net

or using yarn

yarn add @musciq/net


Here's a basic example to raise a HTTP request.

import {http} from '@musicq/net'

const request = http.get('/api/todos').pipe(
  map(res => res.body)

request.subscribe(res => console.log(res))

net provides some utilities functions to let us handle error easily.

If you want to return a default value when your requests encounter an exception error. You can use defaultValue function.

It will return the default value you provide instead of return an error. This is useful when we need a fallback and don't want to tell if error occurs.

import {catchError} from "rxjs/operators";
import {defaultValue} from '@musicq/net'

const request = http.get('/api/todos').pipe(
  map(res => res.body),
  // provide a default value to return it.

Sometimes you may need to show an error tip when there is an error.

You can do it using the native ability of RxJS.

import {catchError} from "rxjs/operators";
import {errorWrapper, isError} from '@musicq/net'

const request = http.get('/api/todos').pipe(
  map(res => res.body)

  res => console.log(res),
  err => console.error(err)

Or You can use errorWrapper in cooperation with isError to handle errors.

import {catchError} from "rxjs/operators";
import {errorWrapper, isError} from '@musicq/net'

const request = http.get('/api/todos').pipe(
  map(res => res.body),
  // catch the error and wrap it in a HttpErr instance, then return

request.subscribe(res => {
  if (isError(res)) {


This is handy when you want to unify the process of handling both error and normal responses.

net has provided a simple version of errorWrapper, called simpleErrorWrapper to let you can use it in any other scenarios without Observable.

For example, if you want to handle a Promise error in the same way.

import {simpleErrorWrapper, isError} from '@musicq/net';

const request = fetch('/api/todos')
    .then(res => res.json())

(async () => {
  const res = await request
  if (isError(res)) {
