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This is dev(v2) version of diobfuscator version and it's not completed yet, if you are willing to help there is a list of things that needs to be completed. The old diobfuscator was moved to v1 branch.

  • Porting old transformers to new code base
  • Testing InstructionMatcher
  • Implementing/Improving transformers
  • Variable inlining (UniversalNumberTransformer)
  • Safety checks on putstatic in FieldInlineTransformers (overriding values)
  • Feedback on how the new api presents itself (mainly InstructionMatcher)
  1. You can also provide samples of obfuscation to help with development of the transformers.
  2. No... there is no gui planned
  3. Also from now on Diobfuscator uses Java Google Codestyle
    • mvn fmt:format
    • mvn fmt:check

Built on: Java 17 (Temurin?)