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Build an API in Minutes with AWS API Gateway

Upload Items to DynamoDb

Use the aws cli to bulk upload data to your database (this is not possible through the console).

aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://dynamo-db-batchputitem.json

Notes on Design

  • Do not use single digits or auto-number IDs in DynamoDB. There's no built in mechanism for them and counting the number of records is costly. Use UUIDs instead.
  • Consolidate PUT and POST code.
  • I had issues with the Node 10.x runtime, Lambda wouldn't include npm packages as expected. So for now I'm using the 8.10 runtime.
  • Use the DynamoDB DocumentClient class to simplify getting and putting items into the DB. If you don't use the client it's necessary to include additional properties in your JSON that specify the data types being used in the data.
  • When it comes to picking out your partition and sort keys, consider how your database will grow and what the majority of the interactions with your data will be. Amazon has a developer blog on planning for different situations and, worst case scenario, you can add new Global Secondary Indexes or enable caching to keep up with demands once your table is built.

AWS SDK NodeJS Reference


Code and configuration for a talk on Amazon Web Services' API Gateway







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