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Dotfiles focused on creating an intuitive and beautiful terminal experience.



  • Most of the dependencies will get automatically installed with the installation script, but fonts must be installed separately. All NerdFonts should work, but on Windows/WSL, I've been using Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font.
    • Nerd Fonts
    • Install instructions
      • Download the font you want
      • Extract the zip file
      • Double click the font file to open it with the Windows font tool
      • Click the "Install" button in the Windows font tool


Run the following command to download the dotfiles into your $HOME/.dotfiles directory.

curl -s | bash -s -- dotfiles

If you ran the script above, you can skip the first step below to clone the repository.

  • Clone this repo to ~/.dotfiles

  • Change into the install directory

  • Run sudo ./ubuntu base to install the base requirements

  • Run ./ubuntu asdf to install asdf, the runtime version manager

  • Run ./ubuntu pipx to install pipx, for running python apps in virtual environments

  • Run ./ubuntu fzf to install fzf, for fuzzy file finding

  • Run ./ubuntu zsh-default to set your default shell to zsh (You will be asked to log out and log back in after this command)

  • Run source ~/.asdf/ to source asdf and use it to install neovim and tmux

    • Install neovim (see below)
    • Install tmux (see below)
  • Change directories into the ~/.dotfiles directory again

  • Enter a tmux session

    tmux new -s dotfiles
  • Use rcm to configure the dotfiles; This command will fail because the tmux plugin manager (tpm) won't be ready the first time you run it. That's expected, so for any failure, first continue following the directions before trying to do any debugging.

    rcup -v
    # Enter "y" when it asks you to overwrite the .zshrc file
  • Restart your terminal

  • Change directories into the ~/.dotfiles directory again

  • Enter a tmux session again

    tmux new -s dotfiles
  • Use rcm one more time to fully configure the dotfiles

    rcup -v

Extra Installs

I use asdf to install and manage many different programs and runtimes. Read more about asdf and using the .tool-versions file to automatically set package versions on a per-project basis. The following instructions are for my most commonly used plugins:

  • Neovim

    asdf plugin add neovim
    asdf list all neovim
    asdf install neovim {version}
    # Since I really only ever use one version of neovim at a time, set it globally
    asdf global neovim {version}
    # Install the Python client for Neovim with apt
    sudo apt install python3-neovim
    # Or for non-Ubuntu users, use pip
    pip3 install --user --upgrade pynvim
  • Tmux

    asdf plugin add tmux
    asdf list all tmux
    asdf install tmux {version}
    # Set tmux version globally
    asdf global tmux {version}
  • Golang

    asdf plugin add golang
    asdf list all golang
    asdf install golang {version}
    # I also usually only work with one version of golang at a time, so set this
    # globally too
    asdf global golang {version}
    # After install golang, you'll need to reload your session for
    # GOROOT to be set
    reload # Reload is an alias for "source /home/ncronquist/.zshrc"
    # Note that if you install global Go packages, you will need to
    # reshim afterwards, for example:
    go get
    asdf reshim golang {version}
  • NodeJS

    asdf plugin add nodejs
    # Import the Node.js release team's OpenPGP keys to main keyring:
    bash -c '${ASDF_DATA_DIR:=$HOME/.asdf}/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring'
    asdf list all nodejs
    asdf install nodejs {version}
  • Dotnet

    asdf plugin add dotnet-core
    asdf list all dotnet-core
    asdf install dotnet-core {version}
    # Since I generally only use one version of dotnet-core at a time, set it globally
    asdf global dotnet-core {version}
  • Direnv - to automatically configure environment variables in directories with .envrc files

    asdf plugin add direnv
    asdf list all direnv
    asdf install direnv {version}
    # Since I really only ever use one version of direnv at a time, set it globally
    asdf global direnv {version}
  • Terraform

    asdf plugin add terraform
    asdf list all terraform
    asdf install terraform {version}

Shell Commands and Aliases

Command or Alias Description
fra {find-text} {replace-text} {dir} Find and replace text in a directory
gbc Interactively delete git branches
tat {tmux-session-name} Start or attach to tmux session
Full Aliases List

Keyboard Shortcuts

The list below mostly just notes changes to standard shortcuts, but there may be some just for reference.


  • Key + key means press the first key or key combination, and then press the second key
  • Key-key means press both keys at the same time
  • ⬅ ⬆ ⬇ ➡ refer to the keyboard arrow keys


Shortcut Description
Alt-c fzf - cd into the selected directory
Ctrl-t fzf - Paste the selected files and directories onto the command-line
Ctrl-r fzf - Paste the selected command from history onto the command-line
zsh-history-substring-search - Search up through history; Typing search term first will limit searching to that term


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + <space> Prefix
Prefix + ? Show all shortcuts
Prefix + | Split window horizontally
Prefix + - Split window vertically
Prefix + p Switch to previous window (tmux-sensible)
Prefix + n Switch to next window (tmux-sensible)
Ctrl-Shift-⬅ Move current window left
Ctrl-Shift-➡ Move current window right
Prefix + [ Switch to Copy Mode
v Start copy selection in copy mode
y Copy selection in copy mode
Prefix + i Installs new plugins from GitHub or any other git repository and refreshes TMUX environment (tpm)
Prefix + u Updates plugins (tpm)
Prefix + alt-u Remove/uninstall plugins not on the plugin list


Shortcut / Command Description
<Space> Leader
Ctrl-p fzf - fuzzy file finder
Tab Switch between buffers
Shift-Tab Switch between buffers reverse order
Leader + n NERDTree - Toggle file tree
Leader + f NERDTree - Find open file in file tree
Leader + c + c NERDCommenter - Comment line
Leader + c + u NERDCommenter - Uncomment line
Leader + c + <space> NERDCommenter - Toggle comment
Leader + - Split pane down
Leader + | Split pane right
Leader + j Switch to pane down
Leader + k Switch to pane up
Leader + h Switch to pane left
Leader + l Switch to pane right
/ Search for text in current file
Leader + / Search for text in the current project
Leader + <space> Clear search highlights
:bd Close buffer


Thanks to Thoughtbot and Dragan for the inspiration and the framework this repo uses. I chose not to fork one of their repos because I don't intend to contribute my personal preferences upstream. That being said, the framework/organization of this repo was originally designed by Thoughtbot and Dragan was my inspiration for formally tracking my dotfiles and using the Thoughtbot layout. Also thanks to jessfraz for most of my install script.


Dotfiles focused on creating an intuitive and beautiful terminal experience.







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