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K8s Challenge



NOTE: Run the to verify that the appropriate are dependencies installed.

Getting Started

  • execute terraform init
  • execute terraform plan
  • execute terraform apply -auto-approve

After these steps, you should be able to access the swagger api at http://localhost/api/swagger/index.html

NOTE: The "Try it out" swagger functionality will not work as expected with the ingress. In order to hit the api requests will need the appropriate prefix. Example: http://localhost/api/health/ping will work, but http://localhost/health/ping will not.

API Outage Scenario

Issue 1

With the most recent deployment, customers are reporting inconsistent access to the api. Try hitting localhost/api/swagger/index.html to investigate. As the on-call, walk us through the steps you will take to troubleshoot and resolve.

Hint: A prometheus/grafana stack has been deployed, and is accessible at http://localhost:3000 after running the command below:

kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring pod/$(kubectl get pods -l --namespace monitoring --template='{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}') 3000:3000

The grafana credentials can be found in the terraform output.

Issue 2

The API should now be available, but it looks like requests aren't providing the appropriate responses. Try hitting http://localhost/api/health/ping to reproduce the issue. As the on-call, walk us through the steps you will take to troubleshoot and resolve.


execute terraform destroy -auto-approve