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SpectronPy is a Python implementation of Spectron for testing Electron. It allows you to easily use selenium to test your Electron application. SpectronPy is not affiliated with the Spectron project.

JS Spectron was deprecated in early 2022.


Requires python 3.10

pip install spectronpy


from spectronpy import Application

# Optional
config = {
    'app_port': 9000,
    'wait_timeout': 3000,

# Initialize Application object with required parameters
app = Application(

# Implicit wait for title to update
app.client.match.Title.has('slack', case_insensitive=True)


Application API


  • app_path - required. Path to electron application or module.
  • chromedriver_version - required. Version of chromedriver to download. This must match the version of the Electron application.
  • config - optional.


  • app_port - Electron debugger port. WebDriver will connect to this. Default: 9515
  • chrome_driver_args - Electron debugger port. WebDriver will connect to this.
  • chromedriver_cache - Cache for chromedriver version. Default: 7 days
  • chromedriver_log_path - Location for Chrome log file to output. ex: chrome.log
  • chromedriver_verbose - Set chromedriver to verbose with --verbose.
  • chromedriver_path - Path to chromedriver. Path is relative to the current working directory.
  • electron_args - Arguments passed to the electron application.
  • electron_log_path - Location for Electron log file to output. ex: electron.log
  • start_timeout - Timeout for webdriver start up. Default: 10000
  • stop_timeout - Timeout for Application termination. Default: 5000
  • wait_timeout - Timeout for WebDriver. Refer to WebDriver class for set_page_load_timeout, set_script_timeout, implicitly_wait. Default: 5000
  • webdriver_options - Options which are passed to webdriver.
  • working_directory - Default: cwd()
  • debug_timeout - Timeout for pause functionality. Refer to Application.pause(). Default: 50000



Type: WebDriver

SpectronPy is using Selenium under the hood. The client variable is exposed so you can access all the typical Selenium functionality. It is attached to the Application instance.


Within the client object, you have access to the find property. These functions allow additional ways to find elements. These finders are all using implicit waiting by default which is set to wait_timeout in the configuration of Application. You can disable implicit waiting by setting the wait_timeout to 0.

  • all(locator: str, by=None, wait: int = None, **kwargs) - Find all elements matching the arguments.
  • first(locator: str, by=None, wait: int = None, **kwargs) - Find the first element matching the arguments.
  • element(locator: str, by=None, wait: int = None, **kwargs) - Find an element matching the arguments. Expects only 1 exact match.
  • by_*(...) - Similar to element() but uses different locator strategies.
kwargs = {
    'text': None, # Matches the text inside the element.
    'ambiguous_check': None, # Check if only 1 element is found.
    'count': None, # Check if the number of elements returned equals the count.
    'minimum': None, # Check if at least this many elements were found.
    'visible': None, # Match all the elements currently in the viewport, not just the DOM.


Within the client object, you have access to the match property. These functions allow additional ways to match element criteria. This is useful for assertions or waiting.

  • Title
  • URL
  • Element


Application class methods.

def __init__(self, app_path: str, chromedriver_version: str, config=None)

Initialize Application.

def start(self) -> None

Starts both the Electron application and webdriver on the same port.

def stop(self) -> None

Using the webdriver functions to stop the application and chromedriver.

def terminate(self) -> None

Terminates the application via OS-specific functions using PID. This is useful if stop() doesn't work as expected.

def restart(self) -> None

Restart the application and webdriver.

async def start_client(self) -> WebDriver

Configure and start webdriver.

def start_app(self) -> Popen

Start Electron application.

#WIP def wait_until_window_loaded(self)

Not implemented yet.

def is_running(self) -> bool

Returns current running status of the Electron application.

def get_settings(self) -> Configuration

Returns the current Application options.

def switch_to_main_window(self) -> None

Switch to main window.

def take_screenshot(self, filename=None, folder=None) -> None

Take a screenshot of the Electron application.

def devtools_url(self) -> str

Provides a devtools url to be able to explore the selectors of your electron app via chrome.

def pause(self, timeout=None) -> None

Initiate a pause. This is meant to be used for debugging automation code. Check out start_debug_mode.

def unpause(self) -> None

Unpause a previous pause.

def default_selector(self, by: By) -> None

Sets the default selector globally. Default: By.ID

def start_debug_mode(self, timeout=None) -> None

Starts a debugger mode with a pause. Check terminal for devtools URL and click through to your application viewport via chrome. Here you can explore the selectors of your electron app.

Test Libraries

Use with Behave

Check the example in this repo on how to implement it. While in example/behave, you can run all the tests with:


Use with PytestBDD



  1. Install python >= 3.10
  2. Clone: git clone
  3. Create a virtual env: python -m venv venv
  4. Activate venv: source ./venv/bin/activate
  5. Install packages: pip install -e .
  6. Run an example: python example/

To Do

  • Implement wait_until_window_loaded
  • Add logfile out to logger
  • Add PytestBDD example
  • Automatically open a debugger window
  • Add kwarg parameter to finder/matcher
  • Add commitizen
  • Add python linter



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