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Nnjeim Guzzle Wrapper

A Laravel wrapper for the Guzzle client http library. It provides a fluent syntax to make http requests.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require nnjeim/fetch


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nnjeim\Fetch\FetchServiceProvider"


Fetch Facade
use Nnjeim\Fetch\Fetch;

$countries = Fetch::setBaseUri('')->get('countries');
FetchHelper Instantiation
use Nnjeim\Fetch\FetchHelper;

private $fetch;

public function __construct(FetchHelper $fetch) {

    $this->fetch = $fetch;

return $this->fetch


Set the headers
Set the http headers  

@return $this       setHeaders(array $headers)
Set the base uri
Sets the base uri for the composition of the http request url.   

@return $this       setBaseUri(string '')
Set the request url
Sets the http request url.   

@return $this       setUrl(string $url)
Set the request method
Sets the http request method.   

@return $this       setMethod(string $method)
Set the request body format
Sets the request body format. The required format are 'query' | 'form_params' | 'multipart'.  

@return $this       setBodyFormat(string $format)
Async request
Sets the type of the request to async.  

@return $this       setAsync()       
Get request
Sets the body format to query.

@return array       get(?string $url = null, ?array $data = null)
Post request
Sets the body format to form-params.

@return array       post(?string $url = null, ?array $data = null)
Put request
Sets the body format to form-params.

@return array       put(?string $url = null, ?array $data = null)
Delete request
Sets the body format to query.

@return array       delete(?string $url = null, ?array $data = null)
Upload request
Sets the body format to multipart.

@return array       upload(?string $url = null, ?array $data = null)


@return array

        'response' => ...,
        'status' => ...,


composer test


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