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A simple GitHub Action that lets you save issue content to a file easily and automatically


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Issue Recorder

Issue Recorder lets you save all comments on an issue to a file in your repository or within another issue. Markdown is fully supported.

It is assumed to work by triggering the issue closed event. For instance, when you close an issue, it starts to work and saves all the comments, including their body, on the issue you close to a specific file or another issue you configure.

Issue Markdown File
Issue Markdown File


Workflow sample

# .github/workflows/issue-recorder.yml

name: Issue Recorder

      - closed

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Issue Recorder
        uses: noraworld/issue-recorder@v0.3.1
          mode: file
          filepath: .issues/${{ github.event.issue.title }}.md
          committer_name: GitHub Actions
          extra_text_when_modified: "# From issues"
          with_date: true
          timezone: Etc/GMT
          time_format: h:mm a · MMM d, yyyy (ZZZZ)
          with_header: "---\r\ntitle: <TITLE>\r\nassignees: <ASSIGNEES>\r\nlabels: <LABELS>\r\n---"
          personal_access_token: GH_TOKEN
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}


Here are the options you can customize. All options are not necessarily required except for certain conditions, such as when target_issue_number sometimes has to be specified.

Key Description Mode Type Default Examples
mode Specify where to save the issue, a file, or within another issue 1 String file file, issue, "file, issue"
filepath Specify the filename to be created or modified file String issues/<00-INF>/<00-99>/<ISSUE_NUMBER>_<ISSUE_TITLE>.md _posts/${{ env.YEAR }}/${{ env.MONTH }}/${{ github.event.issue.title }}
committer_name This value will be used for git commit file String GitHub Actions GitHub Actions
committer_email This value will be used for git commit file String
overwrite_when_modified When the file already exists, the content will be replaced with a new one file Boolean "" true
extra_text_when_modified When the file already exists, this string will be added before the content file String "# From issues" "# From issues"
notification_comment Leave the specified comment here after a file is created or modified (details) file String "" The content of this task was saved in [<FILE_PATH>](<FILE_URL>)
target_file_repo Select a repository with a username whose file you want to commit 2 file String <REPO_NAME> (the repository where this Action is installed) octocat/hello-world
title_prefix_for_file Specify additional letters or emojis appearing at the beginning of the title in a file file String "" 🥳
target_issue_repo Select a repository with a username whose issue you want to transfer issue String <REPO_NAME> (the repository where this Action is installed) octocat/hello-world
target_issue_number Select an issue number 3 issue String latest 307
fold_threshold When the total number of letters in the body and the comments is greater than the specified number here, they are folded 4 issue Integer infinity 1000
fold_summary When the issue is folded, the specified string here will be shown as a summary (details) issue String "" Show details
Specify additional letters or emojis appearing at the beginning of the title in an issue
Use title_prefix_for_issue instead
issue String ""
title_prefix_for_issue Specify additional letters or emojis appearing at the beginning of the title in an issue issue String ""
with_date Whether to include the date and time file, issue Boolean "" true
timezone Your timezone file, issue String Etc/GMT Asia/Tokyo
time_format Time format (sample) file, issue String MMM d, yyyy, h:mm a ZZZZ h:mm a · MMM d, yyyy (ZZZZ)
with_header Prepend a header content at the beginning of a file (details) file, issue String "" "---\r\npublished: true\r\n---"
with_title Whether to include the issue title file, issue Boolean "" true
custom_title Use a custom title given here instead of the original issue title file, issue String "" ${{ env.TITLE }}
with_quote Specify the mode name and whether to encompass the whole content with a quote for those modes file, issue String "" file, issue, "file, issue"
skip_body Specify the mode name and whether to skip the body of an issue file, issue String "" file, issue, "file, issue"
personal_access_token Specify your personal access token name (key) stored in your repository 2 file, issue String "" GH_TOKEN

It doesn't take any effect if you specify an option that is not relevant to the mode you select. For example, if you set a mode to file and specify target_issue_repo, the option is merely ignored.

Time format sample

Here are some examples of the time formats. You can customize the time format other than the examples below.

Style Format Example
GitHub comments MMM d, yyyy, h:mm a ZZZZ
Jun 30, 2023, 6:55 PM GMT+9
X (Twitter) posts h:mm a · MMM d, yyyy
6:55 PM · Jun 30, 2023

Special identifier for notification_comment

You can use the following special identifiers for notification_comment.

Identifier Replaced with Example
<FILE_PATH> A file path configured in filepath issues/00/42/
<FILE_URL> A full URL for a file
<FILE_URL_WITH_SHA> A full URL for a file with SHA
<REF_NAME> A branch name pointing to a commit main

For instance, if you specify The content of this task was saved in [<FILE_PATH>](<FILE_URL>), the actual comment is like this:

The content of this task was saved in [issues/00/42/](

Special identifier for with_header

You can use the following special identifiers for with_header.

Identifier Replaced with Type Example
<NUMBER> An issue number Integer 4201
<TITLE> An issue title "String" "Purchase Boiled Eggs"
<ASSIGNEES> A list of assignees appointed to an issue Array[<"String", "String", "String", ...>] ["noraworld"]
<LABELS> A list of labels attached to an issue Array[<"String", "String", "String", ...>] ["purchase"]
<CREATED_AT> Date and time when an issue is created String 8:02 AM · Mar 29, 2024 (GMT+9)


All codes of this project are available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.


  1. If you want to save to both of them, you can use a comma-separated value like file, issue.

  2. If you don't specify personal_access_token, GITHUB_TOKEN will be used. It is useful, but it has lower permissions, so you need your personal access token with stronger permissions sometimes, like when you want to save a file to another repository by using the target_file_repo option. For details on how to retrieve and store your personal access token, see here. If you want to know each permission for the GITHUB_TOKEN secret, this article might help you. Don't forget to set the environment variable under the env key in your YAML file. The Workflow sample section might help you. 2

  3. If you specify the special identifier latest, the latest open issue on the specified repository will be obtained. If there is no open issue in the target repository, the action fails.

  4. If you specify the empty string "", the special identifier infinity, or don't specify anything, this option will be disabled.