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A simple to get started, but easy to hack, project manager for Garry's Mod


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Releases A simple to get started, but easy to hack, project manager for Garry's Mod


Project is currently on hiatus for the near future.

Current Status

gmodproj is currently in pre-alpha, and is recommended only for experimentation and testing purposes only! So keep this in mind:

  • Documentation is sorely lacking, that's next priority!
  • .gmodmanifest and .gmodpackages files are both not stablized as-of yet. In the future these may break.
  • Remote package installation is not supported as-of yet, packages must be manually installed to your project's packages folder (or other specified search paths).
  • The API for extending gmodproj with installable packages is also not stablized, so any current extensions may also break.

With that said however, gmodproj does support these features:

  • Creating new projects with gmodproj new, allowing you to quickly bootstrap various types of Garry's Mod projects without boilerplate or configuration.
  • Projects can be built with gmodproj build [development/production] into self-contained distributable .lua files. (gmodproj is self-hosted as an example)
    • Builds are also incremental, no rebuilding the entire project slowing down the process.
    • Automatically build when you edit a project file with gmodproj watch [script]
  • A per-project packages folder that allows your to seperate your external dependencies with your internal ones.
    • You can also specifiy more search paths for packages in your project's manifest!
  • Run .lua and .moon files from your project's bin directory in gmodproj's scripting environment via gmodproj bin <script> <...> for task automation.
    • Can also run operating system .sh (Linux/macOS) and .bat (Windows) files aswell.
  • Easily extendable with plugins, see gmodproj-plugin-builtin as a sample plugin. Which also powers the built-in functionality of gmodproj
    • Just put built plugins in your project's .gmodproj/plugins directory or for all your projects, %APPDATA%\.gmodproj\plugins (Windows) or ~/.gmodproj/plugins (Linux)
    • Then enable them in your manifest.gmodproj, see gmodproj's own manifest.gmodproj as an example.

Getting Started

First you need to grab the latest release from the Releases and place the binary somewhere within PATH environmental variable is set up to see.

Setting up an Addon project

  1. In a terminal goto the parent directory of where you would like to make your project reside, e.g. /home/USERNAME/Workspace
  2. Create a new project with the addon template using, gmodproj new addon my-name my-gamemode.
  3. Goto your newly created my-project directory and start programming, using the src/client.lua and src/server.lua.
  4. Once finished, navigate to your project's directory with your terminal, type gmodproj build. Which will build your project to addons/lua/autorun/client/my-project.client.lua and addons/lua/autorun/server/my-project.server.lua
  5. Copy the addons directory into your Garry's Mod Client or SRCDS Server's garrysmod directory, and then start up your game.
  6. You're done and can continue program and debug using this routine.

Setting up a Gamemode project

  1. In a terminal goto the parent directory of where you would like to make your project reside, e.g. /home/USERNAME/Workspace
  2. Create a new project with the gamemode template using, gmodproj new gamemode my-name my-gamemode.
  3. Goto your newly created my-project directory and start programming, using the src/client.lua and src/server.lua.
  4. Once finished, navigate to your project's directory with your terminal, type gmodproj build. Which will build your project to gamemodes/my-project/gamemode/my-project.client.lua and gamemodes/myproject/gamemode/my-project.server.lua
  5. Copy the gamemodes directory into your Garry's Mod Client or SRCDS Server's garrysmod directory, and then start up your game.
  6. You're done and can continue program and debug using this routine.

CLI Options

novacbn@lunasol$ gmodproj help
Garry's Mod Project Manager :: 0.4.1 Pre-alpha
Syntax:         gmodproj [flags] [command]

Examples:       gmodproj bin prebuild
                gmodproj build production
                gmodproj new addon novacbn my-addon

        -ca, --clean-all                        Enables cleaning of all generated project files
        -cl, --clean-logs                       Enables cleaning of project log files
        -nc, --no-cache                         Disables caching and cleaning of built project files
        -nf, --no-file                          Disables logging to files
        -nl, --no-logs                          Disables cleaning of project log files
        -q, --quiet                             Disables output to console
        -ws, --watch-search                     Enables watching package search paths specified in project manifest

        bin <script>                            Executes a utility script located in your project's 'bin' directory
        build [mode]                            Builds your project into distributable Lua files
                                                        (DEFAULT) 'development', 'production'
        clean                                   Cleans the build cache of the project
        init                                    Initializes an already existing project to work with gmodproj
        new <template> <author> <name>          Creates a new directory for your project via a template
                                                        'addon', 'gamemode', 'package'
        version                                 Displays the version text of application
        watch [script]                          Watches the source directory for changes and rebuilds in development
                                                        Executes a script instead, if specified

Building From Source


  • curl - Requires curl to download files, if building from source on Windows.
  • wget - Requires wget to download files, if building from source on macOS/Linux.
  • luvit - Requires luvit binaries to be present in the project's /bin directory.
    • Automatically retrieved and built if using ./bin/ (or bin\bootstrap.bat if on Windows)
  • gmodproj - Requires a pre-built version of gmodproj to be present in the project's /bin directory.
  • (OPTIONAL) upx - If using gmodproj bin build production to build, it will automatically detect if upx is in the /bin directory and use it.


  • Navigate to your copy of gmodproj's source code directory in a terminal.
  • In your terminal, type ./bin/ (or bin\bootstrap.bat if on Windows)
    • It will automatically download and build the prerequitises files, then compile gmodproj
  • Once complete, a new gmodproj (or gmodproj.exe if on Windows) will be located in your /bin directory.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can you provide an installer for gmodproj instead of me mucking with things myself?

It's eventually planned to provide some installer scripts to help with this, although current installation method is pretty straight-forward.

How do I exports values for my other scripts in my build to use?

Any value that isn't localized will be exported, e.g.:

-- src/script1.lua
function myFunc1()

local function myFunc2()
-- src/script2.lua
local script1 = import("my-name/my-project/script1")

script1.myFunc1() -- Will print 'hello'
script2.myFunc2() -- Will error at runtime

Why can't I export my Lua globals for external scripts to use?

gmodproj monkey patches your project's scripts so any normal exports to globals is instead added to your script's exports. This is for to the virtual import system that comes with your project's build.

To export globals, assign to the _G variable any values your want, e.g.:

local function myFunc()
    --- ...code goes here...

_G.mynamespace = {}
_G.mynamespace.myFunc = myFunc

What types of assets can I import?

By default, gmodproj supports the following scripting languages:

  • .lua
  • .moon - MoonScript scripting language, transpile to valid Lua code on build.

By default, gmodproj also supports the following data markups:

  • .datl - Lua Data File, the data format used by gmodproj based on MoonScript formatting, compiled to a Lua table at build time. (DEPRECATED)
  • .json - JavaScript Object Notation, a common data transfer format, compiled to a Lua table at build time.
  • .toml - Tom's Obvious Minimal Language, a simple configuration format, compiled to a Lua table at build time.
  • .lprop - Lua-based human-readable properties format, using standard Lua table syntax.
  • .mprop - MoonScript-based human-readable properties format, using standard MoonScript table syntax.

Do MoonScript files handle imports differently than Lua files?

Ever so slightly, yes. As seen in the gmodproj codebase, MoonScript allows for slightly streamlined importing:

-- script3.moon
import myFunc1 from "script1"

Which is special-case transpiled into:

local myFunc1 = dependency("my-name/my-project/script1").myFunc1

Due to import being a keyword in MoonScript, you can use the alias dependency just like in Lua code:

script1 = dependency "my-name/my-project/script1"

How do I distribute my source code?

Same as any other source code, just make sure to upload .gmodmanifest so people can build your project, and include your packages folder aswell.

Can I use this for non-Garry's Mod projects?

By default, gmodproj targets Garry's Mod during the build process. To target standard Lua, add targetPlatform: 'lua' to your .gmodmanifest.

Will gmodproj support globally installed dependencies?

While you can add search pathes to your .gmodmanifest to facilitate this functionality, gmodproj will never support global dependencies out of the box.

Will support (globally) installed dependencies as CLI tools?

Yes to both, this is planned for the future.
