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Pandoc Docker

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The usage of the dokerized pandoc is equal to the pandoc-CLI, just prepend it with a docker run novarx/pandoc with the according volume mapping to /data like below:

docker run \
  -v "$(pwd):/data" \
  novarx/pandoc \
      ./ \
      -o converted.pdf \

or for bash on a Windows machine (like GitBash):

docker run \
  -v "$(pwd -W):/data" \
  novarx/pandoc \
      ./ \
      -o converted.pdf \

The /data directory in the container will be the working directory, so i.e. *.md resp. ./*.md in the command will convert every .md File in the mapped volume.

add alias

To use the image more like the Pandoc-Command it's recommended to add an alias. So it's easier to run a command. In example the command from above could look as somple as this:

pandocker "./" -o converted.pdf --latex-engine=xelatex

On Windows add following to the ~/.bashrc file in the User-Directory when you use GitBash:

alias pandocker='docker run --rm -v "$(pwd -W):/data" novarx/pandoc '

On Linux you can edit the same File (~/.bashrc), but add the pwd command without the -W Flag:

alias pandocker='docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/data" novarx/pandoc '

Of course, instead of pandocker you could use whatever you want, like pandoc itself or pan.

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