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Releases: npm/npm


01 May 23:32
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  • Send referer header (with any potentially private stuff redacted)
  • Fix critical typo bug in previous npm release


01 May 18:20
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  • Check SHA before using files from cache
  • adduser: allow change of the saved password
  • Make npm install respect config.unicode
  • Fix lifecycle to pass Infinity for config env value
  • Don't return 0 exit code on invalid command
  • cache: Handle 404s and other HTTP errors as errors
  • Resolve ~ in path configs to env.HOME
  • Include npm version in default user-agent conf
  • npm init: Use ISC as default license, use save-prefix for deps
  • Many test and doc fixes


18 Apr 03:09
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Add --save-prefix option that can be used to override the default of ^ when using npm install --save and its counterparts. (64eefdf, @thlorenz)

Allow --silent to silence the echoing of commands that occurs with npm run. (c95cf08, @Raynos)

Some speed improvements to the cache, which should improve install times. (cb94310, 3b0870f, 120f5a9, @isaacs)

Improve ability to retry registry requests when a subset of the registry servers are down. (4a5257d, npm/npm-registry-client@7686d02, @isaacs)

Fix marking of peer dependencies as extraneous. (779b164, npm/read-installed@6680ba6, @isaacs)

Fix npm crashing when doing npm shrinkwrap in the presence of a package.json with no dependencies. (a9d9fa5, @kislyuk)

Fix error when using npm view on packages that have no versions or have been unpublished. (94df2f5, @juliangruber; 2241a09, @isaacs)


18 Apr 03:01
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Fix extraneous package detection to work in more cases. (f671286, npm/read-installed#20, @LaurentVB)


18 Apr 02:59
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Sort dependencies in package.json when doing npm install --save and all its variants. (6fd6ff7, @domenic)

Add --save-exact option, usable alongside --save and its variants, which will write the exact version number into package.json instead of the appropriate semver-compatibility range. (17f07df, @timoxley)

Accept gzipped content from the registry to speed up downloads and save bandwidth. (a3762de, npm/npm-registry-client#40, @fengmk2)

Fix npm ls's --depth and --log options. (1d29b17, npm/read-installed#13, @zertosh)

Fix "Adding a cache directory to the cache will make the world implode" in certain cases. (9a4b2c4, domenic/path-is-inside#1, @pmarques)

Fix readmes not being uploaded in certain rare cases. (527b72c, @isaacs)


20 Feb 16:31
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Add npm t as an alias for npm test (which is itself an alias for npm run test, or even npm run-script test). We like making running your tests easy. (14e650b, @isaacs)


20 Feb 16:30
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Add back npm prune --production, which was removed in 1.3.24. (acc4d02, @davglass)

Default npm install --save and its counterparts to use the ^ version specifier, instead of ~. (0a3151c, @mikolalysenko)

Make npm shrinkwrap output dependencies in a sorted order, so that diffs between shrinkwrap files should be saner now. (059b2bf, @Raynos)

Fix npm dedupe not correctly respecting dependency constraints. (86028e9, @rafeca)

Fix npm ls giving spurious warnings when you used "latest" as a version specifier. (npm/read-installed@d295640, @bajtos)

Fixed a bug where using npm link on packages without a name value could cause npm to delete itself. (401a642, @isaacs)

Fixed npm install ./pkg@1.2.3 to actually install the directory at pkg@1.2.3; before it would try to find version 1.2.3 of the package ./pkg in the npm registry. (46d8768, @rlidwka; see also f851b79)

Fix npm outdated to respect the color configuration option. (d4f6f3f, @timoxley)

Fix npm outdated --parseable. (9575a23, @yhpark)

Fix a lockfile-related errors when using certain Git URLs. (164b97e, @nigelzor)


20 Feb 16:16
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Fixed an issue related to mid-publish GET requests made against the registry. (npm/npm-registry-client@acbec48, @isaacs)


20 Feb 16:14
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Fix npm shrinkwrap forgetting to shrinkwrap dependencies that were also development dependencies. (9c575c5, @diwu1989)

Fixed publishing of pre-existing packages with uppercase characters in their name. (npm/npm-registry-client@9345d3b, @isaacs)


13 Feb 12:10
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Remove npm publish --force. See npm/npm-registry-couchapp#148. (@isaacs, npm/npm-registry-client@2c8dba9)

Other changes to the registry client related to saved configs and couch logins. (@isaacs; npm/npm-registry-client@25e2b01, npm/npm-registry-client@9e41e91, npm/npm-registry-client@2c8dba9)

Show an error to the user when doing npm update and the package.json specifies a version that does not exist. (@evanlucas, 027a33a)

Fix some issues with cache ownership in certain installation configurations. (@outcoldman, a132690)

Fix issues where GitHub shorthand dependencies user/repo were not always treated the same as full Git URLs. (@robertkowalski, npm/normalize-package-data@005d0b6)