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kafka-availability-tester is a small self-contained go application that tests the availability of a Kafka cluster by connecting to it with a producer and consumer and measures the round-trip time for a sequence of messages.

If your Kafka server is not set up to create topics on the fly, you may need to create the test topic before using.

Authentication with Azure AD

Azure AD provides tokens that can be used to authenticate with Kafka. The steps I took to test this:

  1. Generate a cert and key pair with openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -x509 -subj "/CN=kafka-client" -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
  2. Create an App under App registrations in the Azure portal
  3. Upload the cert there
  4. Copy the file azure-config-template.toml and fill out the values needed to obtain a token
  5. If your kafka cluster's tls listeners does not provide a cert signed by widely trusted CA, connect using openssl s_client -showcerts -connect remote:port and copy the root CA cert to a file ca-cert.pem
  6. Invoke kafka-availability-tester with the following parameters --authentication oauthbearer --ca-cert-path ca-certs.pem --azure-token-config-path AZURE_CONFIG.toml referencing the file from 4 above


  • Support producing to and consuming from multiple partitions
  • Making statistics available in Prometheus format
  • If there is a failure before the consumer successfully joins the security group, ctl-c does not end execution

The definition of 'available'

  • A topic is available if a produce request returns successfully, and a consume response returns the same message to the calling application within TIMEOUT seconds.
  • Types of failures
    • Produce request returns failure
    • Message is not returned and nothing is returned for longer than TIMEOUT seconds
    • Later messages are returned but a previously sent message appears to be missing


a tiny program to check availability of kafka topics







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