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Node Update Release

Nur was created to update npm packages easy and simple.

It will update the package.json with log file and create a git tag and commit. After creation it will be pushed to git remote origin.


# Recommended.
npx @nurjs/nurjs --release-type [options]

# OR an alternative global install.
npm install -g @nurjs/nurjs --release-type [options]


patch Release

nur --patch

minor Release

nur --minor

major Release

nur --major


argument alias description default example
major - creates a major release false nur --major
minor - creates a minor release false nur --minor
patch - creates a patch release false nur --patch
git - to decide if a git should be used true nur -g false
branch b git branch to commit to main nur --branch main
version - Print CLI version - nur --version
debug - print debug info false nur --patch --debug
clear - clears console after usage false nur --patch --clear


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