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Notification Popup

The intention is to show a popup with the modal ui component of Magento once per session in the frontend. A cookie is set with mage/cookies to prevent the notification popup from showing again.

Features/What it does

This simple module provides an own configuration tab in the backend. It's disabled by default, content for headline and text can be set in the backend.

ToDo/Nice to have

Since the original idea comes from enabling vacation notices, it would be great to specify a start and stop date (via datepicker?(!)) for showing the popup notification.


Via composer (recommended)

Please go to the Magento 2 root directory and run the following commands in the shell:

composer config repositories.nwsnet_popupnotification vcs
composer require nwsnet/module-nofitication-popup 1.0.*
bin/magento module:enable Nwsnet_NotificationPopup
bin/magento setup:upgrade

On windows run:

composer config repositories.nwsnet_popupnotification vcs
composer require nwsnet/module-nofitication-popup 1.0.*
php bin\magento module:enable Nwsnet_NotificationPopup
php bin\magento setup:upgrade


Please create the directory app/code/Nwsnet/NotificationPopup and copy the files from this repository to the created directory. Then run the following commands in the shell:

bin/magento module:enable Nwsnet_NotificationPopup
bin/magento setup:upgrade

On windows run:

php bin\magento module:enable Nwsnet_NotificationPopup
php bin\magento setup:upgrade


If you want to adjust the markup in the template file, make sure the var popupmodal in the init.js is still correct.

If you want to adjust the modals options, check line 9 in the init.js. Take a look at the options in vendor/magento/module-ui/view/base/web/js/modal/modal.js for the default options (starting around line 45).


If you encounter any problems or bugs, please create an issue on GitHub.


Any contribution is highly welcome. The best possibility to provide any code is to open a pull request on GitHub.


Julian Wittorf (die NetzWerkstatt GmbH & Co. KG)

License and Copyright

Copyright © Julian Wittorf

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the LICENSE file for more details.

WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License


Last but not least I want to thank everybody helping me develop my first Magento 2 module during the FireGento e.V. Hackathon in Leipzig 20.05.2017-21.05.2017.