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VDSM is a daemon component written in Python and required by oVirt-Engine (Virtualization Manager). Running on Linux hosts, VDSM manages and monitors the hosts' storage, memory and networks. It also handles virtual machine creation/control, statistics gathering, and more. '''VDSM Fake''' is a support application framework for the oVirt Engine project. It is a Java web application, built using wildfly-swarm, and used to simulate selected tasks of the real VDSM. But, tens or hundreds of simulated Linux hosts and virtual machines can be reached with a very limited set of hardware resources. The aim is to get marginal performance characteristics of oVirt Engine JEE application (JBoss) and its repository database (PostgreSQL), but also network throughput, etc.


The basic idea is that the fake host addresses must resolve to a single IP address ( is also possible for all-in-one performance testing server configuration). Standard HTTP port 54321 must be accessible from the Engine. You can use /etc/hosts file on the server with oVirt-Engine or company DNS server. Instead of a host IP address, a fake host name needs to be specified. Many configured entities must be persisted after their creation. Simple Java object serialization is used for this purpose. By default, they are stored in /var/log/fakevdsm/cache. Set the system property ${cacheDir} to customize the location.

Quick Start

Prepare ovirt-engine

This skips installation when adding VDSM hosts.

sudo -i -u postgres
export ENGINE_DB=dbname
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'false' where option_name = 'InstallVds';"
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'true' WHERE option_name = 'UseHostNameIdentifier';"
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = '0' WHERE option_name = 'HostPackagesUpdateTimeInHours';"

Disable SSL (Not Default!)

In case you need to disable SSL encryption, run the following queries (on engine):

psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'false' WHERE option_name = 'SSLEnabled';"
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'false' WHERE option_name = 'EncryptHostCommunication';"

Restart the engine after the values were set.

Work with SSl (default installation)

  • In general, the following action will generate certs to vdsmfake.
  • Make sure you do this in a protected directory, as the key should be in vdsm.

On vdsmfake machine:


mkdir -p "$keys" "$requests"
chmod 700 "$keys"


openssl genrsa -out "$key" -passout "pass:$pass" -des3 2048
openssl req -new -days 365 -key "$key" -out "$req" -passin "pass:$pass" -passout "pass:$pass" -batch -subj "/"

scp $req <ovirt_user>@<ovirt_host>/<ovirt_dir>/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/requests/

On ovirt-engine machine.


# Whatever you want
"<ovirt_engine_dir>/bin/ --name=\"$cer_req_name\" --subject=\"$subject\""

#The cert will be created in /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/certs/$cer_req_name.cer .

Large setups tweaks:

  • quartz pool size This setting can be changed in and the option name is org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount Restart the engine after making this change.

  • db connection pool size This setting can be changed in ovirt-engine.conf and the option name is ENGINE_DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS It requires additional changes in /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf and the option name is max_connections. Restart postgresql and the engine after making the above changes.

Run the project

Pick your method:

  1. From source (mvn)
  2. Standalone
  3. Container

From source (mvn)

mvn wildfly-swarm:run


The wildfly-plugin can generate a standalone uber-jar that includes wildfly and the vdsmfake in it(see wildfly-swarm) Create the uber-jar and run it:

mvn wildfly-swarm:package
java -jar target/vdsmfake-swarm.jar


Official containers are created by after each merge. Those containers will be pushed to registry soon. Again, there are a few optons to run from container:

  1. Use oVirt CI container produced by jenkins job
docker load -i vdsmfake-container-image.tar
  1. Build your own
docker build -t vdsmfake
docker run --rm -p54322:54322 -p54321:54321 vdsmfake

Create fake host names

sudo -i
for i in `seq 0 10`; do echo test$i >> /etc/hosts; done

Use dnsmasq for a more dynamic approach to make every X.vdsm.simulator resolve to an IP:

dnsmasq --address=/vdsm.simulator/

Add as a dns server:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

Add the fake hosts

function add_host {
  curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/xml" -X POST --user $1 http://localhost:8080/ovirt-engine/api/hosts --data "$xml"

for i in `seq 0 10`; do add_host admin@internal:mypwd test$i; done

All Json requests/responses are optionally logged into the default path /var/log/vakevdsm/. Set the system property ${logDir} to customize the location. Log4j logs into this directory too.

Supported methods

  • create hosts
  • create/attach/activate DATA/EXPORT/ISO NFS storage domains
  • create VM from iso (+ create network, create volume)
  • run/shutdown VM
  • migrate VM

Changing the simulated host architecture

VDSM fake can be used to simulate two architectures: ppc64 or x86_64. To do so set the system property ${architectureType} to one of the following values: ppc64 or x86_64.

mvn wildfly-swarm:run -DarchitectureType=ppc64

This property is optional. The default architecture type is x86_64 and is set in web.xml. If no architecture type is provided the default architecture will be used.


VDSM Fake is a Maven project.

  • Clone it git clone git://
  • Hack it and mvn wildfly-swarm:run is enough to see the changes.
  • Report issues here


  • logs - under the current directory vdsmfake.log - change by passing -DlogDir=/path/
  • persistence - simulated entities are kept under objectStore in binary format - change with `-DcacheDir=/path/``


To make it easy to see if performance test results for ovirt-engine are tainted by this application, JSON requests can be monitored using -Dvdsmfake.commandExecutor=hystrix. First, to see if the response preparations from vdsmfake are reasonably fast, they are monitored. These metrics have the postfix .Prepare. Second, to see how fast the data is transfered and accepted by ovirt-engine, the send time is monitored. Metrics representing the send time have the postfix .Send.

Hystrix Metrics can be accessed on http://localhost:54322/

Further, all metrics are exposed in '' in JMX. They only become visible after the first hystrix command was executed.

Finally exporting metrics to Graphite is possible too. By default it is disabled. Setting the sytem property graphite.url to the graphite destination server enables the export mechanism. Use the system property graphite.intervalto specify the export interval (seconds). By default, the export will happen every 15 seconds. For example:

mvn clean wildfly-swarm:run -Dvdsmfake.commandExecutor=hystrix -Dgraphite.url=localhost:2003 -Dgraphite.interval=20

exports hystrix metrics every 20 seconds to the graphite database at localhost:2003.

An easy way to get Graphite and Grafana up and running is docker:

docker run -d -p 8070:80 -p 2003:2003 -p 8125:8125/udp -p 8126:8126 \
    --name grafana-dashboard choopooly/grafana-graphite

Graphite will listen on localhost:2003 and Grafana at localhost:8070. The metrics prefix is vdsmfake.

This application uses Netflix Servo for the export. Here is a nice post about how to do the same thing with Dropwizard.


Vdsmfake Configuration

The various simulation classes and verbs uses the application.conf shipped with the project.

Order of precedence:

  • System property
  • definition in src/main/resources/application.conf

application.conf format is in HOCON which is a nice, clean, and powerful super set of JSON

property Type Description
networkBridgeName String The default network bridge name
constantDelay long
randomDelay long
storageDelay Tuple (list of 2 values)
networkLoad Tuple (list of 2 values)
cpuLoad Tuple (list of 2 values)
memLoad Tuple (list of 2 values)
architectureType String Simulate X86_64 or PPC
cacheDir String Where to store the simulation objects
jsonEvents boolean Enable sending events through jsonrpc
emulatedMachines List List of supported emulated machine

Wildfly Swarm Configuration

Order of precedence:

  • System property
  • definition in src/main/resources/project-defaults.yml

A reference to swarm configuration

property Type Description
swarm.http.port int http listening port - default 8081
swarm.logging.file-handlers.FILE.file.path String main log file