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Initial Setup

Before you can start doing anything with the Obsidian Client source code, you have to run one of these commands to initialize ForgeGradle:

  • ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace For normal development environments, gives you nice deobfuscated Minecraft source to work with.

  • ./gradlew setupDevWorkspace Like setupDecompWorkspace, but with obfuscated Minecraft source.

  • ./gradlew setupCiWorkspace Bare minimum to build Obsidian Client, ideally for CI servers.

Build & Run

To build Obsidian Client, run

./gradlew jar

or for production purposes you should use this command instead

./gradlew reobfJar.

Both commands will also automatically download all dependencies for you.

The output Java Archive will be in build/libs/.

To run Obsidian Client, there are two commands you can use:

  • For Vanilla Minecraft, use ./gradlew -b build.gradle runClient or just ./gradlew runClient (You can choose whatever you want, since build.gradle actually is the default buildscript).

  • For Minecraft Forge, use ./gradlew -b buildForge.gradle runClient.

Both commands will download all dependencies, compile everything and run the game.

Setup Development Environment

IntelliJ Idea

  1. Open IntelliJ and import / open the project by selecting the build.gradle file.

  2. Now you have to generate the run configurations yourself using this command ./gradlew genIntellijRuns.


  1. Run this command ./gradlew eclipse to generate the Eclipse project files.

  2. Now you can open the eclipse folder inside of Eclipse.


Feel free to contribute to this project by opening a pull request under the following rules:

  1. Write clean and organised code with Javadoc documentation.

  2. Try to adopt existing mechanisms, I don't want to end up 3 ModuleManagers. But if you want to improve existing mechanisms (like the ModuleManager), contact me:

  3. Write code that fits perfectly into the existing one, so nothing looks out of place (especially important for the GUI's). I recommend you to take a look at other existing classes (with similar content) for refrence.