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implement trmc rewriting
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let-def committed Dec 17, 2018
1 parent ef67d92 commit 216a5de
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355 changes: 354 additions & 1 deletion bytecomp/
Expand Up @@ -829,8 +829,360 @@ let simplify_local_functions lam =
rewrite lam

(* trmc rewriting *)

(** RFC
[map_return f l] apply the mapping function [f] on "return points" of [lam].
Since lambda is expression-oriented, a lot of things can be considered return points:
when evaluating (a ; b), both "(a ; b)" and "b" could be considered return
points, as they both reduces to the final value.
Therefore the following properties are expected:
- [f] will not be applied more than once on any branch,
- all values the lambda can return will go through [f], but [f] will not
necessarily be applied only on leaves.
The simplest implementation could be:
[let map_return f l = f l]
The actual implementation is finer-grained.
The main use of [map_return] for trmc is to turn code returning [v] into
[Psetfield (trmc_offset,v)].
If there is no benefit in rewriting code such as:
[if L then va else vb]
[if L then Psetfield(..., va) else Psetfield(..., vb)]
instead of:
[Psetfield(..., if L then va else vb)]
then map_return can be dropped.
let rec map_return f =
let on_assoc (k,v) = k, map_return f v in
let on_option = function
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (map_return f v)
| Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lapply _ | Lfunction _ | Lprim _ | Lsend _
| Lassign _ | Lfor _ | Lwhile _
as lam -> f lam
| Llet (lk, vk, id, l1, l2) ->
Llet (lk, vk, id, l1, map_return f l2)
| Lletrec (binds, lam) ->
Lletrec (binds, map_return f lam)
| Lswitch (l1, sw, loc) ->
Lswitch (l1,
{sw with
sw_consts = on_assoc sw.sw_consts;
sw_blocks = on_assoc sw.sw_blocks;
sw_failaction = on_option sw.sw_failaction },
| Lstringswitch (l1, ls, lo, loc) ->
Lstringswitch (l1, on_assoc ls, on_option lo, loc)
| Lstaticraise (id, ls) ->
Lstaticraise (id, ls)
| Lstaticcatch (l1, ids, l2) ->
Lstaticcatch (map_return f l1, ids, map_return f l2)
| Ltrywith (l1, id, l2) ->
Ltrywith (map_return f l1, id, map_return f l2)
| Lifthenelse (l1, l2, l3) ->
Lifthenelse (l1, map_return f l2, map_return f l3)
| Lsequence (l1, l2) -> Lsequence (l1, map_return f l2)
| Levent (lam, lev) -> Levent (map_return f lam, lev)
| Lifused _ -> assert false

(** [map_exits ~on_return ~on_tail lam] is used to map exit points of the
lambda, distinguishing between tail positions and non-tail ones.
Contrary to [map_return], the finer the notion of exit point is the more
tail calls we can preserve and/or rewrite.
let rec map_exits ~on_return ~on_tail =
let on lam = map_exits ~on_return ~on_tail lam in
let on_assoc (k,v) = k, on v in
let on_option = function
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (on v)
| Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lapply _ | Lfunction _ | Lprim _ | Lsend _
| Lassign _ | Lfor _ | Lwhile _
as lam -> on_tail lam
| Llet (lk, vk, id, l1, l2) ->
Llet (lk, vk, id, l1, on l2)
| Lletrec (binds, lam) ->
Lletrec (binds, on lam)
| Lswitch (l1, sw, loc) ->
Lswitch (l1, {sw with
sw_consts = on_assoc sw.sw_consts;
sw_blocks = on_assoc sw.sw_blocks;
sw_failaction = on_option sw.sw_failaction },
| Lstringswitch (l1, ls, lo, loc) ->
Lstringswitch (l1, on_assoc ls, on_option lo, loc)
| Lstaticraise (id, ls) ->
Lstaticraise (id, ls)
| Lstaticcatch (l1, ids, l2) ->
Lstaticcatch (on l1, ids, on l2)
| Ltrywith (l1, id, l2) ->
Ltrywith (on_return l1, id, on l2)
| Lifthenelse (l1, l2, l3) ->
Lifthenelse (l1, on l2, on l3)
| Lsequence (l1, l2) -> Lsequence (l1, on l2)
| Levent (lam, lev) -> Levent (on lam, lev)
| Lifused _ -> assert false

let trmc_placeholder = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int 0))

(** All functions on which trmc can be applied in current scope are kept in a
list, all_candidates, and each is represented as a [trmc_stub].
Calls to such function with the correct arity are turned into trmc calls.
After trmc-rewriting, the function takes one more argument which is the
block to mutate to put the resulting value into.
The code is parameterized by the offset of the field to be mutated -- the
body of the function will be duplicated as many times as needed.
The first pass detect uses of such functions. All different offsets at
which trmc occurs are kept into the stub_uses field, together with a fresh
A later pass will duplicate function body, specialize it for mutating the
offset and bind it to the identifier.

type trmc_stub = {
stub_arity: int;
stub_body: lfunction;
mutable stub_uses: (int * Ident.t) list;
mutable stub_frozen: bool; (* true if no new function should be generated *)
mutable stub_warned: bool; (* true if a warning has already be emitted for
this function *)

let rec list_last = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "list_last"
| [x] -> x
| _ :: xs -> list_last xs

(* Detection of trmc calls *)

let rec is_reccall all_candidates = function
| Lapply { ap_func = Lvar id; ap_args; ap_loc} ->
begin try
let stub = List.assoc id all_candidates in
if not stub.stub_body.attr.trmc_candidate && not stub.stub_warned then
Location.prerr_warning ap_loc
stub.stub_warned <- true;
if not (stub.stub_body.attr.trmc_candidate || !Clflags.force_trmc) then
raise Not_found;
if stub.stub_arity = List.length ap_args
then Some (id, stub)
else None
with Not_found -> None
| Levent (lam,_) -> is_reccall all_candidates lam
| _ -> None

and is_trmc_call all_candidates = function
| Lprim (Pmakeblock _, [], _) -> false
| Lprim (Pmakeblock _, values, _) ->
begin match is_reccall all_candidates (list_last values) with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false
| _ -> false

and has_trmc all_candidates lam =
is_trmc_call all_candidates lam ||
(match lam with
| Levent (lam,_) -> has_trmc all_candidates lam
| Lprim (Pmakeblock _, [], _) -> false
| Lprim (Pmakeblock _, values, _) ->
has_trmc all_candidates (list_last values)
| _ -> false)

and need_recfunc (id,stub) offset =
try List.assoc offset stub.stub_uses
with Not_found ->
assert (not stub.stub_frozen);
let fresh = id ^ "_" ^ string_of_int offset in
let id' = Ident.create_local fresh in
stub.stub_uses <- (offset, id') :: stub.stub_uses;

and extract_reccall all_candidates acc = function
| arg :: args ->
begin match is_reccall all_candidates arg with
| None -> extract_reccall all_candidates (arg :: acc) args
| Some candidate ->
let offset = List.length acc in
need_recfunc candidate offset, arg,
List.rev_append acc (trmc_placeholder :: args)
| [] -> assert false

and extract_direct_trmc all_candidates = function
| Lprim (Pmakeblock (tag, _flag, shape), values, loc) ->
let func, old_app, values' = extract_reccall all_candidates [] values in
func, old_app, Lprim (Pmakeblock (tag, Mutable, shape), values', loc)
| _ -> assert false

and extract_trmc all_candidates name lam =
if is_trmc_call all_candidates lam then
let result = extract_direct_trmc all_candidates lam in
result, Lvar name
else match lam with
| Levent (lam,lev) ->
let result, lam = extract_trmc all_candidates name lam in
result, Levent (lam,lev)
| Lprim (Pmakeblock (tag,flag,shape), values, loc) ->
let result, values' = extract_trmc_list all_candidates name [] values in
result, Lprim (Pmakeblock (tag,flag,shape), values', loc)
| _ -> assert false

and extract_trmc_list all_candidates name acc = function
| [arg] ->
assert (has_trmc all_candidates arg);
let result, arg' = extract_trmc all_candidates name arg in
result, List.rev_append acc [arg']
| arg :: args ->
extract_trmc_list all_candidates name (arg :: acc) args
| [] -> assert false

(* Rewriting of trmc calls *)

let on_trmc all_candidates lam =
if has_trmc all_candidates lam then
let name_block = Ident.create_local "trmc_block" in
let name_result = Ident.create_local "trmc_result" in
let (func, old_app, value_block), value_result =
extract_trmc all_candidates name_block lam
let rec map_app = function
| Levent (lam, lev) -> Levent (map_app lam, lev)
| Lapply apply ->
let ap_func = Lvar func in
let ap_args = Lvar name_block :: apply.ap_args in
Lapply {apply with ap_func; ap_args}
| _ -> assert false
let new_app = map_app old_app in
Llet (Strict, Pgenval, name_block, value_block,
Llet (Strict, Pgenval, name_result, value_result,
Lsequence (new_app, Lvar name_result)))
else lam

(* Traversal and generation of trmc functions *)

let rec introduce_trmc all_candidates bindings =

let candidates =
let rec extract = function
| [] -> []
| (id, Lfunction lfun) :: rest
when lfun.attr.trmc_candidate
|| !Clflags.force_trmc
|| Warnings.is_active Warnings.Potential_trmc_call
let stub = {
stub_arity = List.length lfun.params;
stub_body = lfun;
stub_uses = [];
stub_frozen = false;
stub_warned = false;
} in
(id, stub) :: extract rest
| _ :: rest ->
extract rest
extract bindings

let all_candidates = candidates @ all_candidates in

let rewrite_stub_use lfun (offset, id') =
let caller_block = Ident.create_local "caller_block" in
let on_return lam =
Lprim (Psetfield (offset, Pointer, Heap_initialization),
[Lvar caller_block; lam], Location.none)
let on_tail lam =
if has_trmc all_candidates lam then
let name_block = Ident.create_local "trmc_block" in
let (func, old_app, value_block), value_result =
extract_trmc all_candidates name_block lam
let rec map_app = function
| Levent (lam, lev) -> Levent (map_app lam, lev)
| Lapply apply ->
let ap_func = Lvar func in
let ap_args = Lvar name_block :: apply.ap_args in
Lapply {apply with ap_func; ap_args}
| _ -> assert false
let new_app = map_app old_app in
Llet (Strict, Pgenval, name_block, value_block,
Lsequence (
Lprim (Psetfield (offset, Pointer, Heap_initialization),
[Lvar caller_block; value_result], Location.none),
else on_return lam
let body = map_exits ~on_return:(map_return on_return) ~on_tail lfun.body in
let param = (caller_block, Pgenval) in
id', Lfunction {lfun with params = param :: lfun.params; body}
let bindings_of_stub (_id,stub) = (rewrite_stub_use stub.stub_body) stub.stub_uses

let rewrite_function lfun =
let body =
lfun.body |>
rewrite_trmc all_candidates |>
map_exits ~on_return:(fun x -> x) ~on_tail:(on_trmc all_candidates)
{lfun with body}

let rewrite_binding = function
(* Rewrite recursive functions *)
| id, Lfunction lfun -> id, Lfunction (rewrite_function lfun)
(* Don't touch other bindings *)
| binding -> binding

if candidates = [] then rewrite_binding bindings
else begin
let bindings = rewrite_binding bindings in
(* Freeze stub generation, generate all stubs *)
List.iter (fun (_id,stub) ->
stub.stub_frozen <- true;
if stub.stub_uses = [] && stub.stub_body.attr.trmc_candidate then
Location.prerr_warning stub.stub_body.loc
) candidates;
let bindings' = List.concat ( bindings_of_stub candidates) in
bindings' @ bindings

and rewrite_trmc all_candidates =
let rec aux = function
| Lletrec (lams, lam) ->
Lletrec (introduce_trmc all_candidates lams, aux lam)
| lam -> Lambda.shallow_map aux lam

(* The entry point:
simplification + emission of tailcall annotations, if needed. *)
+ rewriting of trmc-calls
+ emission of tailcall annotations, if needed

let simplify_lambda sourcefile lam =
let lam =
Expand All @@ -840,6 +1192,7 @@ let simplify_lambda sourcefile lam =
|> simplify_exits
|> simplify_lets
|> rewrite_trmc []
|> Hooks.apply_hooks { Misc.sourcefile }
if !Clflags.annotations || Warnings.is_active Warnings.Expect_tailcall
Expand Down

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